Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 36 Entrance Examination? Feed The Acromantula? {Please Give Me Flowers! }

Crow narrowed his eyes happily.

A moment of effort.

He obtained three more golden treasure chests.

Two silver treasure chests.

This feeling of brushing a treasure chest.

It’s the same feeling as saving money and watching your savings grow little by little.

I feel so comfortable!

"Miss Worley? Why are you in the same carriage with them? And is what you just said true? Why do you know but we don't?"

Malfoy looked at Cassandra in panic.

He doesn't have to believe it if someone else says it.

But where is Cassandra's identity.

It is far from necessary to help Crow deceive himself.

"Who do you think you are? That I would go out of my way to lie to you? Do you think too highly of yourself?"

Cassandra sneered.

Completely disregarding Malfoy's face.

Her words made Malfoy look embarrassed.

The attitude of disbelief has also turned into doubt.

Kassandra said it unpleasantly.

But it's quite right.

She really didn't need to lie to herself.

"Ms. Worley, do you know what is tested in the entrance examination? What will be the consequences if you fail the exam? Is this really related to the issue of family inheritance?"

Malfoy looked at Cassandra hesitantly.

"My parents only have me as their only son. If they don't let me inherit, who else can inherit the family business?"

Crow stood up and chuckled.

Under the vigilant gazes of the three Malfoys.

Pat Malfoy on the shoulder.

"Your parents are still young, and they are both wizards. It is not easy to have another child? The big one is useless, and it is always necessary to practice a small one."

Crow paused.

"It's like your wand. Although you like it very much, it's broken. Will you continue to use it instead of using a better wand?"

The three Malfoys heard this.

His face became even more ugly.

The hand holding the wand tightened slightly.

Malfoy raised his head sharply.

Staring at Crow.

"We don't know about the assessment. How did you, a mudblood, know about it?"

Cassandra and Hermione frowned.

"Keep your mouth clean. Crow said you are not a human being, but do you really want to be a dog? Did you eat your words in your mouth? Are your words so smelly?"

"Who are you calling a Mudblood? I think you are a Mudblood! You are full of filthy words, and you still compare yourself to others. It's simply...disgusting!!"

The two women spoke in unison.

After saying this, they were all slightly stunned.

They looked at each other and then smiled.

Then they all glared at Malfoy with annoyed eyes.

"I...hum! Crow, just wait for me! Wait until I ask you about the admission examination, and then I'll come back to you!"

Malfoy gave Crow a stern look.

He was taught family honor since he was a child.

I feel immense hatred for Crow, the person who insulted the family.

The revenge of being scolded severely by Lucius.

He counts Crow as well.

[A strong feeling of hatred is detected! 】

[Get reward: golden treasure chest! 】



"You don't have to be angry. I'm not angry. Why are you angry?"

Crow smiled and looked at the two women.

Cassandra and Hermione's breath hitched.

I was about to ask Crow what he meant.

Just listen to him speak again.

"I want to teach you a truth. Getting angry with a fool is the stupidest thing. Well, it's the same as getting angry with a troll."

Crow said casually.

"To deal with them, we only need to dig a hole and let them jump in obediently, that's enough!"

"Don't you want to know the consequences of the entrance examination? I think the reaction of the first-year students will be very interesting!"

Crow put the book away.

He walked out of the car with a playful look on his face.

Hermione and Cassandra looked at each other.

In tacit agreement, he stood up and followed Crow.


In a carriage.

The three Malfoys looked at Marcus expectantly.

Marcus looked at the people next to him funny.

Then he pretended to be serious.

"Actually, we shouldn't tell you. After all, it goes against the original intention of the assessment. Since you already know it, we won't hide it from you."

The three Malfoys heard this.

His face turned pale with fright.

"Then... what exactly is this entrance examination? A written test or a battle? Who is the opponent in the battle?"

Malfoy asked tremblingly.

"This... depends on your own luck. What was the assessment last year?"

Marcus pretended not to remember.

"Single an Acromantula, oh, Merlin's beard, I still remember the way those students were packed up and hung up."

"It was even worse the year before. I went to the bottom of the black lake to fight octopuses. Alas, one of the children was very unfortunate... and never came up again!"

The discussions of several people made Malfoy and others tremble.

"Then how did you enroll in school? I don't believe you have the strength to challenge the Acromantula alone!"

Malfoy had an idea.

He glared at the people in front of him and asked.

Marcus and others looked stiff.

"Well...actually...we were lucky. That year we were allowed to survive ten minutes under the hands of the fire dragon. As long as we didn't escape, we passed."

"That's right! Fortunately, the fire dragon was just a baby at the time, otherwise we wouldn't have dared to get close."

"Even a baby is very powerful. A few flaps of its wings can create a strong wind. If I hadn't grabbed that boulder at that time, I would have definitely been eliminated!"

Marcus and the others began to discuss each other word by word.

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