Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 38 Ronald Weasley! Golden Triangle? {Please Give Me Flowers! }

"Harry, it's nice to see you here."

Crow smiled and greeted Harry Potter.

Then he looked at the boy with a piece of dust on his nose.

"Who is this..."

Harry Potter was just about to introduce.

Ronald spoke before him.

"Ronald Weasley, if you are Harry's friend, you are my friend!"

Ronald introduced him very familiarly.

Crow raised his eyebrows with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Weasley. Well...although I hate to say it, I still want to remind you."

"There's something dirty on your nose. I think you should clean it."

Ronald's expression froze.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose awkwardly.

I also felt a little ill-feeling towards Crow.

Hermione and Cassandra were also disgusted by him.

【A strong feeling of embarrassment is detected! 】

[Get reward: Silver Treasure Chest! 】


"Well... I came here this time to ask you about... what you said last time."

Harry Potter looked around.

Open your mouth carefully.

Hermione rolled her eyes at Crow angrily.

Then he turned around and approached Cassandra who looked curious.

Explain Crow's "glorious deeds" to her!

"What do you want to ask? Do you know who that person is? Oh, no, if you guessed it was him, you are wrong. That person is not Professor Quirrell."

Crow shook his head seriously.

"I can't say who the person is specifically. You also know that I'm just a new student and I can't afford to offend that person."


Such a fun thing.

It would be interesting for Harry Potter to discover it himself.

Only he himself discovered it.

Feeling scared.

Only then can that great plan proceed better!

"How could you do this? Harry is your friend. You know he is in danger, why do you still..."

"That's enough Ronald, I don't blame Crow for this. He has helped me enough! If it were me, I would make the same choice."

Ronald hasn't finished speaking yet.

Harry Potter frowned and interrupted.

Ronald didn't wait for more words.

He looked at Crow with somewhat pleading eyes.

"Since that person is not Professor Quirrell, then my guess is wrong. I know you can't tell me directly who that person is."

Harry Potter looked sincere.

"Can you reveal something to me? For example, what are the characteristics of that person? Is he a man or a woman? Tall or short? Fat or thin?"

Crow's lips raised slightly.

The fish is hooked~

Crow was about to answer his question.

Crisp exclamations resounded in the carriage.

"Harry Potter? Is he Harry Potter? The legendary savior? The being who defeated that person? It doesn't look too bad either."

Cassandra eyed Harry Potter suspiciously.

As proud as she is.

Although I was a little surprised when I found out Harry Potter's identity.

But looking at Harry Potter's ordinary appearance.

The surprise dissipated instantly.

"Ha~ If it weren't for Harry, we would still be living in fear of that person and leading a precarious life."

Ronald looked at Cassandra coldly.

"Harry killed that man. He is the savior of the wizarding world! Just forget it if you don't know how to be grateful. Why are you so arrogant?"

"A person like you is best suited to go to Slytherin, where dark wizards gather! Evil~ Slytherin!"

Ronald said with a hint of disgust.

He grew up listening to Harry Potter stories.

There is an invisible admiration for Harry Potter.

Now I heard Cassandra's words.

Naturally he was very angry.


Cassandra glared at Ronald and was about to reply.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Crow stretched out his hand to stop him.

Normally she would have pushed Crow away without saying a word.

Then he got angry with Crow.

But now she doesn't know why.

Miraculously, he didn't continue to speak.

Just stood angrily next to Hermione.

Crow looked at Ronald calmly.

"Evil Slytherin? And what do you think is justice? Gryffindor? Ravenclaw? Hufflepuff?"

"Of course Gryffindor! There has never been a dark wizard from the Lion's Court! The greatest white wizard, the Headmaster of Hogwarts, came from Gryffindor!"

Ronald spoke without hesitation.

Don't forget to hold your head high when you speak.

A look of pride on his face.

"Well, that makes sense. But did Dumbledore know when you said this? Or did he define the other three houses as evil?"

Crow chuckled.

"I think it's impossible, right? Dumbledore is the Dean of Hogwarts after all. He shouldn't be able to do such a thing, right? Oh, by the way, do you have the Daily Prophet's phone number?"

Crow turned to look at Cassandra.

Cassandra and Hermione looked at him quizzically.

"Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts and the greatest white wizard in the legend! He actually defines all other houses except Gryffindor as evil."

"This must be pretty cool news, isn't it? I think we'll get paid handsomely."

Crow reached out and patted Ronald on the shoulder.

"We will share the reward with you. After all, you provided the information. You should get part of the reward!"

"Don't worry, I won't compete with you for this credit. I will give you a separate signature when the time comes!"

【Strong angry emotions detected! 】

[Get reward: golden treasure chest! 】


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