Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 53 Professor Mcgonagall’S Anger, The Complaining Snape {Please Give Me Flowers! }

Crow curled his lips regretfully.

Release the struggling tabby cat.

I thought I would get a diamond treasure chest.

I didn’t expect it to be just a gold treasure chest.

It seemed that Professor McGonagall didn't really care about what he just said.

Or so it seemed to her.

The two just don't know their identities.

Just said that.

So she wasn't so angry that she burst out of the Diamond King's Chest.

Just exploded a gold treasure chest.

The tabby cat landed.

Take the form of Professor McGonagall.

Serious look.

Dark green robe.

Tall magic hat.

Everything speaks of this person's identity.

"Professor McGonagall? I...he...!"

"Mr. Crow, Miss Hermione, needless to say, I'm not angry."

Hermione was at a loss for explanation.

while giving Crow a dark look.

No wonder she just felt something was wrong.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

Fortunately, she and Crow had seen Professor McGonagall's cat form.

Now I actually forgot.

I thought it was her cat.

In fact, I don’t blame her.

Transfiguration requires a reference object.

You know what form it is before you can transform it.

So she took it for granted.

Professor McGonagall's former transformed tabby cat.

The reference object is my own cat.

But she didn't expect that.

There is also an advanced magic called Animagus in the magic world!

"Mr. Crow, I think you should go to Charms class now. If you don't go, it might be too late."

Professor McGonagall looked calm.

But from her tight grip on the wand.

You can see the bulging veins on his hands.

She felt uneasy inside.

It’s okay to be picked up and spanked properly.

It's very comfortable anyway.

But he was bred for no apparent reason.

Crow also needs to check his gender!

This can't be tolerated!

Although I know that the two of them may not have done it on purpose.

But she was still a little angry.

But it didn't come out.

"Oh, Professor McGonagall, I'm sorry we forgot it was you. If I had known, I wouldn't have picked you up and jerked you, and I wouldn't have wanted to examine you..."

"Mr. Crow, it's time for you to go to Charms class!"

Crow hasn't finished his apology yet.

Professor McGonagall stopped him sternly.

Without waiting for Crow's reaction.

Professor McGonagall waved her wand several times.

Crow was picked up by a mysterious force.

Just throw it out the door.

【Strong anger detected! 】

[Get reward: golden treasure chest! 】


[A strong feeling of worry is detected! 】

[Get reward: Silver Treasure Chest! 】


Crow rubbed his sore butt.

With an unstoppable smile on his face.

Another golden treasure chest.

It seems that today’s diamond treasure chest is very promising!

Hogwarts is indeed heaven!

Crow in a good mood.

Humming a little tune, he went straight to the Charms classroom.

There is a treasure girl there.

Waiting to devote yourself to it!

Oh, right.

And Professor Flitwick.

Not only is he the Head of Ravenclaw.

He was also a duel master.

Proficient in all kinds of magic spells.

Treasure chests farmed from him.

It can definitely cast a rare spell!

Principal room!

Dumbledore listened to Snape's story.

Without changing his expression, he picked up a strange-flavored bean and put it into his mouth.

"Children are always a little naughty. As teachers, we want to guide them on the right path and not give up on them just because they are naughty."

Snape said this with an expressionless face.

He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

"You call it naughty when you perform black magic? Then what is not naughty?"

"It's undeniable that he performed dark magic, but he did no damage, did he? It was just a prank, and you're on edge, Severus!"

Dumbledore waved his hand nonchalantly.

"That child is definitely a good child. You should guide him carefully! Guide him to the right path and never make the same mistakes I made again."

Speaking of which.

Dumbledore looked a little sad.

"Haven't you ever thought about it? Crow's appearance is so strange! Don't you suspect that he is related to...?"

Snape grimaced.

The hand holding the staff turned a little white.

"It's really strange. He came with Harry just after he entered school. And a ten-year-old child can also do black magic!"

Dumbledore nodded in agreement.

But Snape's expression remained unchanged.

Because he knew Dumbledore wasn't easily convinced.

Otherwise he wouldn't be sitting here!

Sure enough the next moment.

Dumbledore shook his head and stood up.

"But there is no blood evil energy in that child, right? This proves that he has never killed anyone! He only knows black magic, but you and I can also know black magic."

Dumbledore walked over to the cupboard.

Quietly looking at the sleeping Sorting Hat.

"Knowing black magic is not a criterion for judging a person's quality. That child is a child. If you teach him carefully, he will not let you down!"

Snape looked deeply at Dumbledore.

He snorted softly and turned around to leave.

There was only one cold word left in the air.

"You will regret this!"

Dumbledore shook his head in amusement.

Pick up the Sorting Hat.

His eyes were slightly distracted.

"Which path will you choose? To pursue the throne made of bones? Or..."

【Strong curiosity detected! 】

[Get a treasure chest: a golden treasure chest! 】

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