Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 69 Snape Is The Victim? Beneficiary! {Please Make Your First Order! }

early morning.

"What on earth did you say to Harry? He...he asked me how to choose clothes today and how to...make up. What the hell is going on?"

Hermione crossed her arms.

Looking at Crow slightly angrily.

God knows in the morning Harry Potter rushed to find her.

It was so bad that she thought something big had happened.

As a result, Harry Potter actually asked him to teach him how to put on makeup.

That feeling of shock.

For a time, she thought she hadn't woken up.

Combined with what Crow said yesterday.

She knew immediately that it was Crow.

If not for this.

She wouldn't come to Crow even if she died.

Rao is so.

She also roped in Cassandra.

Only then did I have the confidence to come to him.

After all, there is such a thing as shame.

There is someone to be embarrassed with.

It's better than embarrassing yourself.

"Well, you know, there are always some unspeakable secrets in everyone's heart. Some people will avoid this secret, and some will face it head-on and then cross this hurdle!"

Crow shook his head with a heavy expression.

"Harry has crossed the hurdle in his heart and faced his own heart. As his friends, we should be happy for him instead of laughing at him."

Hermione paused.

I felt a little guilty after hearing what Crow said.

Although Harry Potter's quirks are a bit hard to look at.

But he can take this step.

It means that he has courage that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

How could I……….

"But Hermione didn't laugh at him? And what we're talking about isn't why Harry Potter behaves like that? Do you dare to say that it has nothing to do with you?"

Cassandra frowned.

He looked at Crow suspiciously.

Her words also brought Hermione out of her guilt.

"When did I laugh at him? Crow! You fooled me again!"

Hermione bit her lip.

Staring at Crow with a look of embarrassment.

She said something was wrong.

I didn't laugh at Harry Potter.

I just wanted to ask Crow if this matter had anything to do with him.

What do you feel guilty about?

[A strong feeling of shame and embarrassment is detected!]

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】

【A strong feeling of helplessness is detected!】

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】

Crow grinned.

A great day starts with two golden treasure chests!


"If he doesn't want to, even if I point a magic wand at his head, he won't do it. And didn't I say it? Everyone always has some secret hobbies deep inside.

Crow smiled evilly.

Playing with the magical animal ball in his hand.

Cassandra and Hermione looked at each other suspiciously.

"It really has nothing to do with you? What did you and Harry Potter do after Potions class? Could it be that... you also have that habit?"

Cassandra covered her red lips.

The eyebrows are slightly curved.

The tear mole at the corner of the eye looks even more attractive.

"If you have, then just say it. As you said yourself, you must be brave enough to prove your heart. Don't worry, Hermione and I, as your friends, will never laugh at you!"

"Hmm, if we want to be close in body shape, you don't even need to buy clothes, you can just wear ours. There's also makeup, although I don't know much about it, but we can explore it together!"

Hermione nodded in agreement.

The two women looked at each other and smiled.

It was always Crow who bullied them.

They were so fooled that they couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north.

Unexpectedly, there was still a chance for them to catch Crow's tail.

Why don't you give him a hard blow?

They all feel sorry for themselves!

Crow looked around in disbelief.

Everyone who poked their heads to see the fun lowered their heads.

Pretending to know nothing.

Crow's evil reputation has already spread throughout Hogwarts.

I heard he tortured the new Slytherin students every night.

It makes them exhausted every day.

What a devil!

Crow lowered his head when he saw the excitement.

Show a satisfied smile.

He turned around and looked at the two women playfully.

"I don't have that hobby. Of course, if you insist on seeing it, I can't wear it, but...

The two women, who were smiling and trembling with flowers, froze.

Subconsciously, he took several steps back.

His hands were also tightly grasping the corners of his clothes.

When they come.

I am already prepared to be embarrassed to death!

But they were still a little nervous when it came to things.

Who knows what amazing words Crow might say?

"But what?"

Hermione swallowed.

He pretended to be calm and glared at Crow.

"We didn't let you wear it, we just wanted to satisfy your unknown hobby! You still have the nerve to put forward conditions, it's just... shameless!"

Cassandra crossed her arms.

Emerald eyes shimmered.

"I didn't say that my hobby is... I also didn't hide my hobby, and I have even been implementing it for a long time. Don't you know?"

Crow looked at the two women with a half-smile.

"I think you should know, well, just like everyone knows that Merlin has a beard. It's getting late and it's time to go to class. Don't be late.

Without waiting for the two women to ask questions in confusion.

Crow stood up and walked out of the auditorium.

Hermione and Cassandra looked at each other confused.

But they didn't understand what Crow meant.

When had he mentioned his fetishes?

A prank?

But this isn’t considered a secret hobby, is it?

And why do you think they should know?

Cassandra and Hermione frowned.


【A strong feeling of doubt is detected!】

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】


"Hey, there are still too few treasure girls, otherwise we would be able to clear several diamond treasure chests in one day. It seems we need to look for more targets."

Crow sighed.

Close the system panel.

Facts have proved that his Treasure Girls Group plan is useful.

Cassandra and Hermione contributed four gold treasure chests in just a short while.

But just because it works.

He will be worried.

After all, each person can only get three treasure chests every day.

There are only six treasure chests when the two girls are full.

If you want more, you can only expand the number of treasure girls.

But where is it so easy to find?

Pansy is good though.

But there are too few opportunities to get along.

And the harem... not everyone can join the Treasure Girls Group.

Crow shook his head to clear away the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

"Listening to what Hermione just said, Harry Potter should have already taken that step. But today he is still not wearing women's clothes. He probably has no clothes."

"It seems that the plan will be completed, at least until tomorrow. I just hope there won't be any accidents."

Crow's eyes flashed.

"If Dumbledore finds out about this, he will really fail. He must be distracted. It is best to let him leave Hogwarts for a while."

"For example... let him go and see Grindelwald? It seems that that ultimate move is about to be used. Then he will definitely suspect that I am the person sent by Grindelwald. Then his attention will be diverted."

Dumbledore and Snape are very concerned about Harry Potter.

Plus Harry Potter has Ronald by his side.

Once word gets out that he wants women's clothing.

Dumbledore will definitely show up to guide Harry Potter.

Then everything will be revealed.

The best way is to divert his attention away.

As for Snape...

After all, he is the victim...beneficiary of this plan?

He certainly can't be sent to Hogwarts.

Just draw his eyes to you.

Just put it off until the next day.

Wait until he realizes something is wrong.

The matter has become a foregone conclusion.


Even if Snape really found out about him afterwards.

He should also be grateful to himself, right?

As for how to attract his attention?

Crow's lips raised slightly.

"Malfoy and the others should file a complaint, right? Lucius and the others should also be arriving at Hogwarts today. I wonder if Snape can withstand their pressure?"

Last night he used the tarantella again.

The purpose is to get Malfoy and others to complain.

Not complaining to Snape.

Instead, he complained to his parents.

A ten-year-old child.

Being bullied outside.

I can't beat myself.

I will definitely move in reinforcements.

And the best rescue.

These are the parents they adore!

Ordinary people are like this.

Not to mention the young masters and ladies of these pure-blood families.

When the time comes, Snape won't be able to stop focusing on himself!

It was exactly what Crow expected.

The Head of Slytherin's interior.

Snape looked at the people in front of him with a cold expression.

"Crow is our student at Hogwarts, it's not your turn to take care of it! If you think it's useful to use your power to suppress me, then feel free to do so!"

Lucius and the others looked a little embarrassed.

Snape's words were final.

"Crow used dark magic on us, in Hogwarts! We danced for two days in a row, and he forced us to go to class during the day, without even having a ten o'clock break!"

".||Yes! We are not in school anymore, but here to serve a sentence and suffer. I heard how wonderful Hogwarts was before, but now it seems that it is all false!"

"I don't want to get fucked, I want to go home. Crow is a devil! He... is too scary! I would rather be a squib, I don't want to dance for people like a clown anymore!"

Listen to the cries of the little snakes.

Lucius and the others looked even uglier.

There was still a hint of unspeakable anger.

They themselves are reluctant to punish them.

I was bullied like this in school!

Not even a few people wanted to offend Snape, who was the Potions Master.

But I heard bursts of crying.

Several people still stared at Snape angrily.

"Is this Hogwarts? How can a first-year freshman use dark magic? Haven't you checked? Can a child be admitted?"

"Crow, I know. I told Dumbledore at the beginning that this kind of child must not be allowed to enter Hogwarts. Dumbledore only allowed him to enroll after repeatedly ensuring that he had no problem."

"Now what? The dark magic has come out! Is this Dumbledore's guarantee? If the owl hadn't sent the message, would we have come to collect the body in a few days? Snape! Answer my question!"


Lucius slapped the table angrily.

His words made the atmosphere even more depressing.

Several parents became even more angry.

They all looked at Snape questioningly.

"Oh, Crow, I just want to let you know what the majesty of pure blood is!"


Erfo lowered his face.

His bloodshot eyes were full of pleasure.

The reason why Lucius and the others came.

It was entirely his idea.

At first a few people were still unwilling to live or die.

They were afraid they wouldn't be able to get Crow away.

Then they are out of luck.

I'm afraid it won't be a night of dancing then.

But at Malfoy's instigation.

Several people (except Zhao) finally decided to try again.

Slytherin can't let a half-blood dominate!

And they also want revenge!

Dance two nights in a row.

Just forget about being treated like a clown by the Slytherins.

Now all of Hogwarts knew about it.

They couldn't imagine the way other colleges looked at them!

"Professor Dumbledore's promise? Then you should go to him instead of coming to me to pat the table. When you patted the table just now, you knocked off two bottles of white sweet essence. Remember later.


Snape frowned and looked at Lucius and the others coldly.

He finished speaking in a cold tone.

He lowered his head and continued to study Crow's potion formula.


"Oh? Who is coming to find me? You don't have to look for me, I'll come by myself. Hey, it's so lively? Do you want some strange-flavored beans? I just ate a grape-flavored one, it's very sweet!

Lucius hadn't finished speaking angrily.

An old voice came.

I haven't waited for anyone to respond.

Dumbledore's figure appeared in front of several people.

Phoenix Fox also stands on his shoulders.

Keep an eye on them.

"Professor Dumbledore, they want to talk to you about what you promised before. But I think you should go out and talk. I also want to see the potion formula."

Snape glanced flatly at Dumbledore.

After saying that, he lowered his head and continued to look at the formula.

He wanted to make sure that no other potion ingredients could replace Hou Shi.

Only then can this magic potion be published.

It can give Crow some status in the potion world.

Otherwise, he is of mixed race.

It's hard to get a foothold in the potions world.

Crow is so talented in potions.

If it were buried like this.

What a pity!

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