Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 78 Broken Qingluan, Humanoid Nagini (Please Subscribe!)


Principal room.

Grindelwald looked gloomy.

"You said you would take me to see the boy, Albus, and you broke your promise!"

Originally he wanted to go find Crow himself.

But Dumbledore heard about it.

He refused without hesitation.

He even used magic to restrict his movements.

Helpless Grindelwald.

I watched like this for a whole day.

Dumbledore and others comforted Harry Potter.

Until now.

Harry Potter was sent back by them.

He thought Dumbledore would take him to see Crow right away.

Unexpectedly, he didn't do this.

Instead, he took him to his office.

"Crow won't run away, so you don't have to worry. It's already getting late, and the kids have all gone back to the dormitories. Well, you know, I'm already at my limit when I take you out."

Dumbledore shook his head with a tired look on his face.

He could bring Grindelwald out.

Because he can guarantee that Grindelwald will not hurt anyone.

Maybe even take Grindelwald to meet Crow.

Because he was sure Crow wouldn't be brainwashed.

But he couldn't take Grindelwald with him when all the little snakes went back to their dormitories.

A wise man will make a mistake every time he thinks.

Playing it safe is the best option.

What if Grindelwald takes the opportunity to catch the students and threaten him.

The consequences would be unimaginable!

Especially the Slytherin snakes are all pure blood.

Grindelwald is the previous Dark Lord.

Extremely good at brainwashing!

If the little snakes are brainwashed․

Dumbledore shook his head.

His expression became extremely serious.

He would never allow that to happen.

"If I don't see the boy tomorrow, don't blame me, Albus! No, I should call you, Professor Dumbledore!"

Grindelwald gave Dumbledore a hard look.

As much as I'd love to go see Crow right now.

Look at what the child who inherited his ideas looks like.

But he also knew that he couldn't persuade Dumbledore.

Otherwise he would not have failed back then!

Instead of wasting your breath.

It's better to wait for tomorrow to come.

"You'll see him, I promise."

Dumbledore looked confused.

"Hmph! I hope you can keep your word, great Professor Dumbledore!"

Grindelwald gave Dumbledore a hard look.

Then he lay down on the sofa far away and stopped talking.

He is now looking forward to meeting Crow.

If Crow's philosophy really fits with his own.

Then you will really have someone to succeed you!

Those dead followers.

You can also rest in peace!


Dumbledore sighed.

His eyes were full of complexity and sorrow.

What happened today had a huge impact on him.

Well, Harry Potter suddenly has a strange hobby.

He actually likes to wear women’s clothes!

This is understandable.

After all, it was according to Harry Potter's own explanation.

It's because I was abused since I was a child.

Only then will they crave bright and bright clothes.

This made him feel very guilty.

He was the one who sent Harry Potter to Fenon's house.

Although this is for the guardian spell.

He also knew that Harry Potter had suffered a lot over the years.

But he didn't expect that.

How could Harry Potter awaken such a strange hobby!

The hardest thing for him to accept was Snape.

At the same time, this was also the most troublesome thing for him.

The reason is still Harry Potter.

"That child's eyes are exactly like Lily Evans. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Severus to get over this hurdle. Don't you think so, old man?"

Dumbledore caressed the listless Fawkes.


Fox chirped softly.

Grindelwald opened his eyes and took a look.

Then he turned over and continued to sleep.

The old man was not talking about himself.

But his stinky bird!

"Do you think so too? However, I think Severus will handle this well, and we should trust him just as much as we trust the child."

Dumbledore thought of Crow.

A relieved smile appeared on his face.

He can be sure.

Crow will never be like Grindelwald!

This feeling is inexplicable.

But he was extremely convinced!

Because Crow has a maturity far beyond his years.

Even mature.

It made him wonder if Crow was even a ten-year-old child.


To this day he still has doubts.

After all, who is a ten-year-old kid who flirts with girls?

Or two together!

[A strong sense of curiosity detected!]

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】

Crow, who had just seen off the two girls, raised his eyebrows.

I didn’t think much about who contributed the treasure chest.

Because all day long.

The beeps from the treasure chest can be described as coming and going.

Even if the reminder of the bronze and silver treasure chest is blocked.

But reminders of the golden treasure chest still come from time to time.

Most were contributed by college professors.

Only a very small part was contributed by Malfoy and others.

"It's a pity that Dumbledore came back too early and suppressed this matter directly. Otherwise, it will definitely cause shock in the wizarding world, and the treasure chest will definitely be received in countless numbers!"

"But it's enough. There are so many treasure chests, no matter what is opened, it will be a blood profit!"

Crow rubbed his hands in anticipation.

Quickly sit up on the bed.

He grabbed the sleepy little Qingluan.

He was held in his arms and ravaged continuously.

Qingluan rolled his eyes:…………

If he hadn't known about it, Crow would never have thought of eating the phoenix.

She probably really suspected that Crow was plucking his hair.

"The system synthesizes all the treasure chests!" (bjae)

Crow waved his hand.

The voice was filled with excitement that could not be concealed.

[Congratulations to the host for consuming 420 bronze and successfully synthesizing...!]

[Congratulations to the host for consuming ten diamond treasure chests and successfully synthesizing a king’s treasure chest! 】

Crow took two deep breaths.

He ravaged Xiao Qingluan nervously.

He played with Xiao Qingluan until his eyes turned white.

He looked like he had been spoiled.

"System, you also know my current situation. If I can't get full-level Occlumency, we will perish together."

"What happened this time is quite big. It's very likely that someone will use Legilimency on me to read my thoughts. I won't be the only one who will be unlucky then. It's up to you what to do!"

The system is silent.

It was as if he didn't hear what Crow said at all.

Crow wasn't angry either.

Just take a couple of deep breaths.

He squeezed Xiao Qingluan extremely nervously.


"King's treasure chest, open it for me!!"

Crow swallowed.

The expression was extremely expectant.

[Congratulations to the host for opening the King's Treasure Box and receiving the reward: Fire Shield! 】

[Fire Shield Level 10: Forms a circle of blue flames, and all enemies will be burned when they pass through the flames. 】

[Note: People who use fire shield to protect themselves can control the flames in it and generate fire dragons to attack the surroundings!]

[Note: The Fire Shield Spell has reached its full level, and the Fire Shield Spell will no longer be used in the future!]

[Note: The fire shield is extremely powerful and consumes magic at the same time. Please pay attention to the host!]

Crow stood up abruptly.

He casually threw Qingluan aside, who had already rolled his eyes.

"Fire shield? Full level magic spell? Oh my god, the system is so powerful!!"

Crow excitedly took out his wand.

I just want to use the fire shield to protect myself.

But he forcibly stopped this desire.

The power of the fire shield is too great.

Once used it will definitely cause untold damage.

Especially there are little snakes next door to him.

There will likely be casualties by then.

Then the trouble would be really big.

It is estimated that Dumbledore would support sending himself to Azkaban.

The most important thing....

He didn't want to sleep on the common room couch.

"After you learn the Traceless Telescopic Charm, you must make the room bigger, and preferably a place to practice magic spells. Otherwise, there is a magic spell but you can't put it in. It will be even worse than killing me!"

Crow suppressed the thought of casting a fire shield to protect himself.

Throw the wand onto the bed again.

He sat down again helplessly.

Although the full level Occlumency was not prescribed this time.

But the full level fire shield was used.

You must know how powerful this curse is.

Compared with the three major Unforgivable Curses, they are not far behind.

It's really a little stronger than them!

There are three reasons why the Unforgivable Curse is called Unforgivable.

The main thing is their effectiveness.

And the cast affects the mind of the caster.

That's why they are called the Unforgivable Curses.

But really speaking, it is destructive.

Even the severe fire spell can defeat them.

It is even said to be a fire shield.

After all, the Fire Spell is not as good as the Fire Shield.

Even from a certain perspective.

The Fire Spell is a weakened version of the Fire Shield!

Crow reached out his hand to fumble while thinking.

But after groping for a while, he couldn't find Xiao Qingluan.

He remembered that he had just left Xiao Qingluan here.

Crow looked sideways in confusion.

As a result, Xiao Qingluan was seen huddled in the corner.

He looked at himself tremblingly.

A body of gorgeous feathers.

It had become messy at this point.

Ruby eyes.

Full of tears at this moment.

Like a girl who has been bullied.

"Ahem, you have a good rest. I still have your sister to masturbate with. To be honest, after holding warm things for a long time, I still miss cool things. Nagini, please come out and accompany me."

Crow coughed dryly.

Touch your nose and pick up the dark green magical animal ball around your neck.

After injecting magic power.

A dark green light shot out of the ball.

The rich... aroma of blood?

Crow, who was about to hold his breath, was stunned.

He shrugged his nose in disbelief.

After making sure it was the aroma and not the smell of blood.

There was something strange about his eyes.

Looking at the distance, I saw a dark green human-shaped light.

After confirming that you read it correctly.

Crow couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Tears flowed from the corner of his mouth unsatisfactorily.


He grew up in an orphanage.


Even if I didn't grow up in an orphanage.

He has never seen such a magnificent baby granary!

This granary...

Is it okay to raise three or four children?

Crow swallowed subconsciously.

He stared blankly at Nagini in human form.

The reason why he was in a daze was not because he was an old pervert.

But because....

"I'm sorry Master, when you called me, I just thought about transforming and coming out to see you. But I forgot that I had no clothes after transforming, which stained the Master's eyes. I...

Nagini covered her important parts.


With a touching blush on her face.

She hadn't finished her apology yet.

He was interrupted by Crow waving his hand.

"You don't need to apologize. I don't blame you. Come on, come on, come on."

Crow waved.

He suppressed the heat in his heart.

Breathing is a little short.

If it weren't for being young.

He had already used the golden cudgel.

Three dozen...no!

Nagini's cultivation is profound.

It should be seven dozen Nagini!

Capture this monster!

"Yes, Master!"

Nagini didn't think much of it.

Just walked up to Crow generously.

Sit on the bed and look at him quietly.

After all, in her opinion.

Crow is just a ten-year-old kid.

Even if the mind is mature.

It doesn't change the fact of his age!

A ten-year-old child after all.

What bad thoughts could there be?

Isn't it?


Xiao Qingluan looked at the two of them with disdain.

He flapped his wings and flew to the dragon egg.

She despised these the most.

The person who hits someone with a ball!

She will definitely be able to carry two balls in the future!

early morning.

Hogwarts Great Hall.

Hermione and Cassandra looked at Crow strangely.

"Dark circles under your eyes...did you not sleep well last night? Is there anything that worries you? Or are you hiding something from us again?"

"I think it's because of the dragon egg, right? Although it is estimated that it will take two days to hatch, but who can say for sure about such a private matter? Crow must have been watching the dragon egg all night before he acted like this.


Hermione explained something to Crow.

Then he handed his milk to Crow distressedly.

Cassandra rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Looked at Hermione helplessly.

Isn't this just giving Crow reasons?

Originally, she wanted to see Crow's explanation.

but now....

She didn't have to guess what Crow would say.

"Well, I was afraid that the dragon egg would hatch suddenly, so I stared at the dragon egg all night. You know, I like these magical animals very much, especially when the flying dragon breaks out of its shell. I definitely can't miss it."

Crow looked tired.

But the tone was very serious.

damn it.

He has an iron body!

But despicable Nagini.

He actually carries two magnet balls with him!

How despicable!

I must teach her a lesson tonight!


I can definitely counter the ball hit by those two magnets!

"Is that true? Actually, I also want to see the flying dragon break out of its shell, but unfortunately we still have class. Because you had already asked for a day off yesterday, Professor McGonagall even came to find you


"Don't let me take any more leave, so as not to delay my studies. Coupled with the Harry Potter incident, the current atmosphere in Gryffindor is not right."

Hermione rolled her eyes at Crow angrily.

"It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, Harry wouldn't have gone. I wouldn't have to come here to eat with you."

Crow shook his head in amusement.

"Yes, it's all my fault. But isn't it the same wherever you eat? Is the food in Gryffindor better than what we have here? That's not a fun thing.

Hermione didn't wait for a retort.

Crow turned to look at Cassandra again.

"Oh, by the way, Sister Ka, please help me ask Professor Snape for a day off. As you know, the dragon egg will break out of its shell in the next two days, and I can't live without him."


I haven't finished opening the treasure chest last night.

The full level of Occlumency is still missing.

Come out and run around at this time.

Isn't that just jumping left and right?

Are you still provoking old bees and old bats with international friendly gestures?

Even now the fire shield is at full level.

He didn't think he could defeat these two people either.

Not to mention how long he can maintain the fire shield.

Let’s just talk about Grindelwald back then.

Doesn't he also know how to protect himself with fire shield?

But didn’t he also fail?

He was also imprisoned in Nurmengard by Dumbledore.

In summary.

The only function of this thing.

Just get a single room.

No need to huddle with the prisoners in Azkaban.


It would be better to go directly to Azkaban than that.

At least it won't be so lonely there.

From time to time, you can also have close contact with dementors.

Mouth to mouth.

But it’s better not to go if possible.

After all, I am still young.

How can you give me your first kiss when you are only ten years old?

"I think it would be better if you just call me by my name. As for calling me Sister Ka, you should just call others.

Cassandra rolled her eyes.

He looked at Crow helplessly.

She really couldn't figure it out.

What's going on in Crow's mind?

Why did you come up with this title?

Hermione glared at Crow fiercely.

He has never called himself so intimately!

【A strong feeling of irritation is detected!】

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】

【Detected rich...】

Principal room.

"I think you should know what I'm going to say, so I won't say more. Crow is a very mature kid. He may have the same ideas as you, but I won't let him go down that path."

Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald very seriously.

"Albus, I need to see the boy.

Grindelwald looked serious. .

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