Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 85 Dumbledore’S Doubts, The Elder Wand Frying Fish? {Please Subscribe! }

Crow turned his head as if feeling something.

But no one was seen.

But the sense of peeping just now.

and prompts from the system.

All of which meant that someone had just been spying on them.

And that person was probably Quirrell and Voldemort.

Except what they thought.

No one will resort to murderous intent.

"I know what's going on here. Thank you for your hard work, Hagrid and Crow. I think you should get an award, an award from Hogwarts House!"

After listening to Hagrid's story.

Dumbledore nodded with relief.

Although he still had many doubts in his heart.

But Crow can help the centaurs.

He didn't use the fire shield to protect himself and drive away the giant monsters.

It is enough to show that he is a teachable talent!

Now that I know Crow has a good heart.

Does the origin of the fire shield still matter?

Well...very important!

Because Fire Shield is not an ordinary magic.

They had to know where Crow learned it from.

And why would the fire shield be used to such an extent?

And...the Elder Wand thing.

Dumbledore's hand held the Elder Wand slightly harder.

Are there any other elderberry wands in the world?

"Thanks for the compliment, Professor Dumbledore, but I think we should leave here first. After all, the smell here... is a bit hard to describe.

Crow frowned.

There was a little disgust in his eyes.

The reason why he didn't kill the troll.

Not because of anything else.

Just because they stink so much.

I'll probably take it back and feed it to the phoenix and flying dragon.

None of them can eat it.

"What you said makes sense, but this is their nature. But it is quite annoying. Since the people have been rescued, let's go back first.

"Mr. Wells, I think you should have time to come to the principal's office in the afternoon? We should have a good talk, don't you think?"

Dumbledore smiled.

Although what he said was a question.

But the tone left no room for doubt.

"Oh, of course I am willing to talk to Professor Dumbledore. After all, I still have many questions that I need Professor Dumbledore to answer."

Crow responded expectantly.

What to expect?

Dumbledore and Grindelwald contributed four diamond treasure chests to him today!

A whole four!

It seems that the fire shield has a great impact on them.

That's not to say.

Is there any chance for them to explode a king's treasure chest?

And it’s a double yolk egg...a treasure chest!

It’s a huge profit!

"Well, I am very interested in Mr. Wells's question, and I also have many questions to ask. I think you can answer them for us?"

Hagrid and the others looked at each other blankly.

I couldn't understand what they were saying at all.

They obviously understood every word.

But together.

Why can't they understand?

"Professor Dumbledore has answered so many questions for me, of course I will be happy to answer the professor's questions!"

"Albus, we..."

Dumbledore waved his hand.

Interrupting Grindelwald.

Take a deep look at Crow.

After nodding to a few people.

Grabbing Grindelwald's sleeve.

Fox flapped his wings knowingly.

The figures of the two people and the bird disappeared in front of everyone.

"What a... magical phoenix! His feathers are so beautiful. It would look great if I could get a few to make a headdress!"

Vivian looked longingly.

The centaurs' mouths twitched a few times.

They all looked at Vivian with strange eyes.

Is their eldest lady... really an idiot?

That's the Phoenix!

The real Phoenix!

She actually wanted to pluck phoenix feathers as a headdress.


The centaurs lowered their heads.

I don’t know how to describe Vivian.

A sense of crisis arose in their hearts at the same time.

The eldest lady can be stupid enough to be caught by a troll.

He can also run away from the tribe at will.

If she becomes the clan leader.

The consequences...the centaurs may no longer exist!

The centaurs looked at each other.

But I don’t know what to do.

After all, Vivian is the daughter of the old patriarch.

The old patriarch died.

She deserves to inherit the position of patriarch.


The centaurs tribe.

Crow dismounted...Vivian.

Turning around and patting Vivian's... horse's back.

"I have to say that the weight is good, the center of gravity is really stable, but it's a little bit awkward on the butt. But it doesn't matter. I will use alchemy to refine a saddle in the future, and it should be comfortable."

Hear Crow's compliment.

Vivian suddenly beamed.

I patted my chest with pride...

"I can run very steadily! There are few centaurs in the whole tribe who can compete with me. Moreover, I can also jump high. I can jump so high that I can avoid obstacles from many ancient trees."«

Vivian flexed her fingers.

Counting his...skills to Crow?

That look of great pride.

The centaurs looked at it with dark expressions on their faces.

Including Hagrid.

They were all a little helpless.

The look on his face was also a bit incomprehensible.

Listen to what Crow just said.

Is he going to take Vivian away?

The centaurs looked at each other.

There was no obstruction.

It might be best for Vivian to leave.

If she doesn't leave.

The centaurs tribe may really be removed from the Forbidden Forest!

Hagrid was extremely envious.

He just has a centaur friend.

Well...there's a bunch of them now.

But he never imagined owning a centaur.

You must know that horse people are very intelligent creatures.

They will not be enslaved.

Not to mention taking it home as a mount.

That is simply a fantasy!

It depends.

Crow seems to have tricked Vivian.

The centaurs didn't stop him either.

Then it means that Vivian agrees to go with Crow.

The most important thing....

He is only ten years old!!

Hagrid's eyes turned red with envy.

At the same time, he turned to look at the centaurs expectantly.

The centaurs felt his burning gaze.

I couldn't help but feel a chill all over my body.

They all stayed away from Hagrid.

Hagrid lowered his head in disappointment when he saw this.

I also envy Crow even more.

It would be great if I could have a horseman myself.

That must be a great thing!

【A strong feeling of envy is detected!】

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】

Crow raised an eyebrow.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

It seems that another idea to farm treasure chests has emerged!

If you ride Vivian for two laps around Hogwarts.

You will definitely get a lot of surprises, right?

What’s too ostentatious?

Horse people are meant to run.

Should we keep her in the dormitory forever?

That is simply too cruel!

As a good boy.

Now that Vivian has been raised.

That would never be allowed to happen.

Although riding a bicycle twice a day is too much.

Dumbledore and the others wouldn't allow it either.

But it’s still okay to go for a ride every few days.

After all, horse people also have human rights...horse rights!

Definitely not something to stroll around every day.

It will cause aesthetic fatigue among students.

Keep them from contributing to treasure chests.

Definitely not...right?

Crow raised his lips.

"Mr. Wells, Miss Vivian is leaving it to you. I hope you can treat her well! Miss Vivian, the tribe is here. If you miss home, you can come back often."

The leading horseman looked reluctant to give up.

After all, this is the bloodline of the old patriarch.

The eldest lady in their tribe.

Although he looks average.

Very poor figure.

The shoulders cannot resist weight loss and cannot be lifted.

Impulsive and willful character.

And stupid as hell.

The more he thought about the leader, the weirder his face became.

The reluctance in my heart gradually dissipated.

Sure enough...she'd better leave!

To her, to the tribe, to everyone.

all good!

"Don't worry, I will come back if I miss home. And in Hogwarts, I will not be in danger, and I don't have to go hunting, so you don't have to worry about me.

Vivian giggled a few times.

Then his face turned a little gloomy again.

"The enemy who killed my father should still be in the Forbidden Forest. Please help me keep an eye out for it. If you find anything, notify me immediately. I must take revenge!"

Vivian bowed solemnly to the centaurs.

"Don't worry, Miss. We will definitely report the old patriarch's grudge. We will never let that guy go! Even if we search the entire Forbidden Forest, we will not give up!"

The leading horseman looked angry and murderous.

The other centaurs nodded solemnly.

"Thank you everyone."

Vivian smiled gratefully.

He looked up and looked around at this tribe that had grown up from small to large.

Reluctance flashed in his silver eyes.

But she still took a few steps back.

Get behind Crow.

"I think we should say goodbye. You know, I'm going to see Professor Dumbledore when I get back later. I'm looking forward to the next time we see each other."

Crow jumped up and climbed onto Wei...horse.

After Vivian got used to Crow's weight for a while.

He nodded goodbye to several centaurs again.

Then he walked towards the outside of the forbidden forest.

"By the way, Hagrid, I think you want to stay and remember your old friend, right? Don't worry, although I'm not strong, I can still get out of the Forbidden Forest.

Crow suddenly turned around.

He spoke to Hagrid who was saying goodbye to the centaurs.

Vivian also stopped when she heard this.

Wait quietly for Crow to finish speaking.

"This...then you must be careful. If you are in danger, make some noise. I will rush over immediately if I see it. And don't run around in the Forbidden Forest. There are still many unknown dangers here!"

Hagrid hesitated for a moment.

Still can't bear the thought of seeing my old friend one last time.

He nodded in agreement with Crow's words.

If it was a casual friend, he might not be like this.

But Alex saved his life.

Be a great favor to him.

So he wanted to see Alex one last time.

And Crow’s strength….

He did not set fire to the Forbidden Forest.

That's all thank God.

Are you still worried about what danger he may encounter?

There may not be many magical animals in the entire Forbidden Forest that can hurt him.

【A strong feeling of gratitude is detected!】

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】

"Don't worry, I am obedient. If you don't believe me, just ask Professor Snape and the others. They are all full of praise for me."

Crow spoke nonsense without blinking an eye.

If Snape and the others hear this.

His expression must be extremely weird.

Full of praise because

For your gifts.

Since when have you been praised for being obedient?

Have you ever been obedient?

But it's a pity.

Snape and the others are not here.

Otherwise, you might get several more treasure chests.

Crow shook his head regretfully.

Pat Vivian on the back.

"Let's go first, see you at Hogwarts!"

Vivian took steps towards the jungle.

Soon he was running through the jungle.

Running so fast.

It feels so stable.

Crow had to sigh with emotion.

Counterweight is very important!

"Vivian, do you know where the creatures in the Forbidden Forest live? Well...and what creatures do you usually eat? Are there any that taste good? Recommend them!

Crow braced himself.

Asked Vivian despite the oncoming strong wind.


Back to Hogwarts?

What does little Qingluan eat?

What do the little flying dragons that are about to hatch out of their shells eat?

Didn't he come with nothing this time...?

The harvest is quite rich.

However, the issue of rations should be resolved as soon as possible.

As for coming to the Forbidden Forest at night….

Only fools come to the Forbidden Forest at night.

Let’s not talk about whether we have the strength to protect ourselves.

Even if you really aren't afraid of any dangerous magical animals.

Don't you even make a sound when fighting?

This is Hogwarts!

Do you really think Dumbledore is too old to be useful?

He can guarantee it.

A battle breaks out on the front foot of the Forbidden Forest.

On the back foot, Dumbledore will take Fawkes and give you a flying phoenix ride on your face.

Let me tell you what the power of the strongest white wizard is!

Of course, it can kill the enemy instantly without causing particularly large fluctuations.

But... the magical animals in the Forbidden Forest all belong to ethnic groups.

You can kill one instantly.

Can you kill a group instantly?

Especially since you can't use large-scale magic.

Otherwise, Dumbledore will catch him.

This is why.

There are so many rare and magical animals in the Forbidden Forest.

But there is no reason why the dark wizard comes to poach.

Are magical beasts worth money?

Very valuable!

Dark wizards are not greedy?

Very greedy!

But all greedy dark wizards.

Now they are all kissing the dementors passionately.

".||What prey is delicious? Well, how about the Acromantula? That thing looks ugly, but it tastes great. I quite like it.

"There are also fish in the lake, but they are hard to catch, but the meat is very delicious and tastes delicious. The most important thing... is very big, enough to last a long time!"

Vivian stopped.

Licking your lips.

There was some expectation in his eyes.

Crow asked this question.

You're not storing food for yourself, are you?

Otherwise, he wouldn't ask himself which one he thought was delicious.

His vision was indeed correct.

Crow this person.

It’s quite good!

By a small lake in the Forbidden Forest.

Phew~ Phew~!

The sound of arrows piercing the air continued to sound.

It was accompanied by a slight sound like water.

"Are you sure... you can hit it? Aren't your archery skills very good? Why did you shoot out all the arrows in the quiver and didn't catch a single fish?"

Crow crossed his arms.

He looked at Vivian speechlessly.

Now he really doubted that this silly girl could only run away.

The so-called ancient magic is used for lighting and is harmless.

The so-called arrow technique of piercing the Yang with a hundred steps...

The fish was just a step away from her.

But she still missed.

The only thing that comforted Crow.

It’s just that she’s so easy to fool and yet still obedient.

It runs fast and steady.

There is no bumpy feeling when riding on it.

It is simply more stable than adding shock absorption!

"I don't know what's wrong. Maybe I'm not used to it when I change the bow. Or I don't shoot while running. Plus, the fish is in the water, so my accuracy is not very good."

Vivian stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

In fact, she was also very curious.

In the past, you could hit the target from a hundred paces away.

Why can't she hit her at such a close range now?

Has she really become an idiot?

Vivian pouted.

Looking at his hands with some fear.

If you continue to be stupid.

You can't even hold a bow and arrow, right?

Crow saw her posture.

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

But he didn't say any more words of reprimand.

After all, I never thought she could be a combat force in the first place.

Just a whim.

I want to raise a centaur.

After all, it was one of his small goals.

It's about having a magical zoo like Newt.

One of the big goals.

is to build an army of magical beasts.

It will definitely make the entire wizarding world tremble!

However, both of these goals still have a long way to go.

After all his efforts, he only collected three magical animals.

One rides him.

Two he rode.

"You should take a break first. It may really be a problem with the bow and arrows, not yours. Stay away, Congress will come to pick up the fish."

Crow took out the Elder Wand.

After thinking for a while, he put the Elder Wand back into his arms.

He took out his previous wand.

Something like fried fish.

It's better not to use the Elder Wand.

It's not because he's afraid that others will find out and beat him.

I simply think the Elder Wand is too powerful.

The magic released hits the fish.

Why don't you beat the fish into pieces?

What kind of fish are you going to catch?

Just lie down in the lake and drink fish soup. .

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