Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 92 Excited Voldemort And Quirrell {Please Subscribe! }

Quirrell didn't listen to Voldemort.

He just took off his hood expressionlessly.

Voldemort's ferocious face.

It also caught everyone’s attention.

Several people were trembling when they heard his roar.

At this time, I was even more frightened and didn't dare to breathe.

The entire Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom became silent.

The atmosphere was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Crow looked at Voldemort curiously.

"You really have no nose. It's worth it that I prepared a gift for you. I specially asked the house elf to go to Zhangqiu, China to buy green onions. I heard they are sweet.

"There is a saying that puts an onion in a pig's nose to pretend to be a elephant. Pigs can pretend to be elephants, let alone you. You are definitely better than pigs! Come on, stick it in and try it. Let me see the effect.

Crow held two green onions nearly two meters tall.

The Elder Wand waved.

Two green onions floated slowly.

Rushing towards Voldemort....'s nostrils at extremely high speed.

"Shattered to pieces!!"

Quirrell quickly raised his wand.

Gray light emitted from the tip of the wand.

Instantly crush two green onions into powder.

"Professor Quirrell doesn't stutter when he casts a spell? I was thinking before that if you still stutter while casting a spell, wouldn't you be labeled a Muggle? I even guessed that you can cast spells silently.

It seems I guessed wrong. "

Crow chuckled.

Looking at Quirrell's gloomy face.

The smile on his face grew deeper.

"Professor Quirrell is very smart. No wonder Voldemort chose you. You were ordered to kill me immediately, but you didn't do it for so long that I almost thought you had changed your ways.

"But now it seems that I guessed wrong again. You just saw that my magic consumes a lot of money and can't last long. So you want to delay time and give me a heavy blow when I am exhausted!"


Crow clapped his hands.

Looking at Quirrell with an expression of approval.

"Your idea is very good. Voldemort lost his mind after his identity was revealed. It's really good that you can calm down and think. It's a pity that you took the wrong path. "Seven, eight, seven" is not smart enough!"

"What... do you mean? I don't... don't believe you can... maintain this... magic!"

Quirrell frowned.

His expression was so gloomy that he could drip.

Countless speculations came to his mind.

But the only thing that makes sense.

Only Crow can maintain the fire shield for a long time.

But this is obviously impossible.

Such a large area of ​​magic.

The power is so powerful.

Even a wizard at the level of an elite Auror.

It is difficult to maintain for a long time.

Not to mention Crow is just a first-year student!

"Why can't I maintain it? Has the fire shield dissipated? Or is it attenuated? Oh~ I forgot to tell you, the current fire shield... is the weakest form!"

"Actually, your guess is not bad. I can't maintain my fire shield for long if I use my full strength. But I told you that I used my full strength? That's why I said you are not smart enough!"

Crow opened his arms.

Looking at Quirrell with a smile on his face.

Full level fire shield protection.

Even if you don’t use all your strength.

They all possess extremely terrifying power!

In this case, although it still consumes his magic power.

And his magic power cannot be maintained for a long time.

But ten minutes is still no problem.

That's why he confidently broke up with Quirrell for a long time.

On the one hand, I want to wait until I take the blame.

Dumbledore and the others arrived as backup.

On the other hand, I want to take the opportunity to collect a wave of treasure chests.

After all, he was challenging Voldemort and Quirrell.

You can't clear a few treasure chests.

It’s all unreasonable.

As for whether I can beat Voldemort later...

Aren't there Dumbledore and Snape?

The two of them killed a weak Voldemort.

Don't be too simple.

"How... is this possible? How can a magic... spell that is not at full... strength be... so strong?"

Quirrell's heart sank.

The bloodshot eyes were full of solemnity.

"Master...Master, it's all my fault for being incompetent and talented...

{You idiot! What's the use of saying this now? Go up and kill Crow! Kill him! Is your wand a decoration? Have you forgotten Avada Kedavra? Kill him!!}

Voldemort roared angrily.

He ignored Quirrell's apology.

He didn't care about Quirrell's plan.

All he wants now is to kill Crow.

Originally his lifespan was coming to an end.

In urgent need of the magic stone to renew his life.

It was all planned.

Sneak into Slytherin tonight to assassinate Crow.

Then take advantage of the turmoil to steal the magic stone.

As a result, it's too late now.

Crow came directly to expose his identity.

All their plans.

It’s all self-defeating!

This also means.

His life is coming to an end.

So at this point it doesn't matter whether Quirrell is smart or not.

Because the plan has failed.

Neither he nor Quirrell.

No one can escape death!

【Strong anger detected!】

[Get reward: Diamond Treasure Box! 】

【A rich...】

"Crow...will he be okay? No, we have to help him. He is just a first-year freshman, and he will never be able to defeat Professor Quirrell! His life will be in danger!

Zhang Qiu suppressed his fear.

He drew his wand and stood up bravely.

He turned around and wanted to call on others to join him.

But no one responded.

At this time, everyone was scared out of their wits.

Especially those who knew Voldemort's identity.

He even wanted to shrink himself into a ball.

Hiding in the corner, longing for Voldemort, unable to find him.

Under extreme fear.

They couldn't even think of asking for help.

He didn't even have the courage to shout for help.

"You guys have disappointed me so much! We have been learning magic for a whole year, and now our junior is in danger, but you are just sitting here and watching. It's so disappointing!"

Zhang Qiu shook his head in disappointment.

Her words also made everyone look embarrassed.

Several of them opened their mouths.

But he couldn't say a word.

A few others secretly laughed at Zhang Qiu.

Those who don’t know are afraid to visit such people.

If she knew Voldemort's identity.

The performance is definitely more pitiful than them!

"Since you don't go, then I will go by myself!"

Zhang Qiu bit his lip.

He finished with a stubborn look.

He turned around to help Crow.

But he forgot about the place that was just one step away from him.

It's the fire shield released by Crow.

Zhang Qiucai took a step forward.

Blazing blue flame.

She came back to her senses instantly.

"This... Junior Crow! Can you hear me? How do I get in? Can you stop the magic for a moment and let me in?"

Zhang Qiu hesitated for a moment.

Still mustering up the courage to speak to Crow who was confronting Quirrell.

It's not that she isn't brave enough.

She knew she was no match for Quirrell.

Still determined but helping Crow.

I no longer fear death.

Death is not scary.

He just died in his own hands....

It was somewhat difficult for her to accept.

Especially since this magic was released by the person she wanted to help.

If you are hurt by this magic.

That would be even more embarrassing.

Of course she was embarrassed now.

Obviously he was going to help.

As a result, Crow had to dispel the magic.

Put yourself inside.

Is this going to help Crow?

Or helping Quirrell and that guy named Voldemort?

No matter how you look at it, it seems to be more of the latter.

【A strong feeling of embarrassment detected!】

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】

【Detected strong

"I don't think this flame will hurt you. You can just walk over here. Of course, the premise is that you believe me. If you don't believe me, you can also stay outside.

Crow smiled and spoke to Zhang Qiu.

Treasure girls are indeed treasure girls.

In this case, everyone comes to help.

Compared to other people hiding on the ground shivering.

Zhang Qiu has already left them far behind.

Her behavior also made Crow favor her greatly.

You know, this is Voldemort!

Even if Zhang Qiu doesn't know Voldemort's identity.

She should also be able to tell.

Quirrell and Voldemort were powerful.

In this situation, she dared to come and help.

That means she wants to die.

Crow touched his face.

I felt a little proud in my heart.

It seems that I have become handsome again today.

I only met Zhang Qiu once.

She could die for herself.

Tsk, this damn charm!

Give me a little more!

Conversation between Crow and Zhang Qiu.

Lighten the mood in the classroom a little.

The little snakes and eagles also raised their heads.

Looking at Zhang Qiu's back with a strange expression.

Quirrell's eyes flickered.

Look at Zhang Qiu and then at Crow.

There was an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Snape saw this outside the window.

I immediately wanted to rush into the classroom.

But as soon as I took a step forward.

Dumbledore stretched out his hand to block it.

"Professor Dumbledore! Although I don't know what they talked about, but the girl is going in, Golo may take her as a prisoner, we can't...

"Wait a minute Severus, wait a minute!"

Snape saw Dumbledore frowning.

Veins popped out in the hand holding the Elder Wand.

It was obvious he was worried too.

But he still prevented himself from entering it.

This didn't make Yurang feel angry.

"What are you waiting for? Crow is just a child! He can't be that person's opponent, and Quirrell is obviously stalling for time. Crow can't maintain that magic at all!"

"As professors at Hogwarts, our most important duty is to protect students. Even if Crow discovers something is wrong with Quirrell, you can't trust him too much, at least you can't believe that he can beat that person!"

Hesitation flashed in Dumbledore's eyes.

Watch the smile on Crow's face through the window.

The hesitation in his heart immediately disappeared.

"Severus, he is your student, you should believe him! Just wait, if something happens, I will bear full responsibility! Even if you don't believe Crow, you should believe me!"

Snape's breath hitched upon hearing this.

The anger in my heart eased slightly.

But still very angry.

"I really don't know what kind of ecstasy potion that guy poured into you! You all believe in him so much, and you still speak for him after being tricked!"

"Well...don't you believe him? You're going to stand here, no

Does that mean you trust Crow?”

Dumbledore's words left Snape speechless...

I could only turn my head angrily.

Looking at the scene in the classroom coldly.

It's not that he doesn't believe Crow.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have followed here.

we can even say.

He trusts Crow!

If it were someone else who ran up to him and said.

Voldemort was resurrected.

Still possessing Quirrell.

Then he must give that person two slaps.

Let him sober up.

But the speaker was Crow.

The meaning is different.

This guy would never joke about something like this.

Isn't it?

【A strong and heavy emotion is detected!】

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】

【Detected rich....】

"Shall we go directly?"

Zhang Qiu hesitated for a moment.

Still have the courage.

Suppressing the fear in my heart.

Close your eyes and step through the blue flames.

The severe pain I imagined did not come.

Instead, it felt a little warm.

It made her whole body feel warm.

Zhang Qiu opened his eyes in surprise.

Tentatively, he stretched his little hand into the blue flame.

Sure enough, I felt no pain.

Instead, it felt warm.

Very comfortable!

"I think you are helping me, right? But it seems like you can't help me just standing there. Are you curious about why the Fire Shield didn't hurt you?"

Crow crossed his arms.

It was funny to look at Zhang Qiu who was using a fire shield to protect himself by the fire.

If it weren't for his fire shield, it would be at full level.

He has complete control over this spell.

Zhang Qiu is seeking death like this.

It had long since been burned to ashes.

It's like using a strong fire as a heater.

It is clear that he is seeking death!

What if someone else dared to do this?

Then he must let that person understand.

What is the thrill of intense fire!

But Zhang Qiu is a treasure girl after all.

My own designated child support...member of the girl group.

No pampering is too much!

That's why he agreed to let Zhang Qiu walk in.

Of course, this wasn't originally part of his plan.

He didn't even expect to meet Zhang Qiu here.

As for whether Quirrell will catch Zhang Qiu and threaten him?

Well... maybe!

But this is the thinking of a normal villain.

Quirrell and Voldemort were both suspicious people.

They might come up with the idea.

But I think it's a trap.

Then the focus will be on the fire shield.

For example, guess whether the curse is just an illusion.

Plus he has maintained it for so long.

None of them looked tired at all.

This guess will continue to spread in their minds.

By the time.....

Think of this.

Crow raised a playful smile on his lips.

"Why did you fight with Professor Quirrell? Who is Voldemort? Why did he say he was the Dark Lord? Oh~ I know! He must be a dark wizard who wants to be the Dark Lord


Zhang Qiu ran to Crow.

Looking at Quirrell with curiosity.

And the ferocious face on the back of his head.

After hearing her inquiry.

Crow raised his lips.

I almost couldn't help but laugh out loud at 4.6.

This piece of autumn... is a treasure!

He is determined!

Voldemort, on the other hand, looked livid.

Blood-red eyes glared fiercely at Zhang Qiu and Crow.

{You asked this mean-mouthed girl to come here to deceive us? Let us think that the flames are powerless and we can just step over them, and then... No!}

Voldemort frowned without an eyebrow.

Suspicion flashed in his blood-red eyes.

{This girl shouldn't be in your plan, right? Are you surprised by her appearance? I see... No wonder you've been releasing magic for so long, and by chance you haven't spent ten points. }

{You are indeed very smart and have careful plans, but you have overlooked one point. You are a new student, where do you get so much magic power to maintain this magic? This magic is just a time delayer.

Just a cover?}

The more Voldemort talked, the more excited he became.

His expression also became extremely crazy.

Crow frowned and remained silent.

This further confirmed his suspicion.

At the same time, Quirrell also figured out something.

He suddenly turned his head and looked out the window.

But didn't see anyone.

Quirrell smiled excitedly when he saw this.

"Master...Master, he is stalling for time: Dumbledore is coming!

{You idiot! You know he's bluffing to stall for time, so what are you waiting for? Kill him quickly, and then... No, that old guy is coming soon. Run first!!}

Voldemort was just about to instruct Quirrell to kill Crow.

He reacted violently.

Crow took this long.

Dumbledore must be arriving.

If they don't leave, it will be too late!

Even if he couldn't kill Crow, he was unwilling to do so.

As long as I can escape back to the Forbidden Forest.

He can absorb unicorn blood to extend his life.

As long as I can live longer.

There is a chance to get the magic stone and be resurrected!

Don’t be afraid that you won’t be able to kill Crow in the future!

【A strong sense of excitement is detected!】

[Get reward: Diamond Treasure Box! 】


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