Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 104 Doubles Battle

The four people came to the reserve and found an open place as a competition venue.

The first match was originally supposed to be Xia Lin versus Harry, but looking at Ron standing aside, Xia Lin had a new idea.

"By the way, do you want to try a doubles match?" he suggested.

"A doubles match? What is a doubles match?" Harry asked. At this point, they had not been exposed to the concept of doubles.

"The two of you will assist in the battle, and both of us will send out two Pokémon, just like badminton or tennis." Xia Lin explained.

Although Ron didn't know what tennis and badminton were, fortunately, the rules of doubles were not difficult and he would understand them after listening to them.

"This sounds cool!" He looked at Harry with excitement, eager to try it.

But Hermione was a little worried.

"Don't forget that the tacit understanding between you two is probably not that high. I think it will be too difficult to defeat the professor under the new rules."

"So what, there are still two of us!" Ron immediately retorted.

Although winning or losing is important, for the two of them, Pokémon battle itself is a kind of enjoyment and entertainment, and experiencing more game rules is also one of the joys.

Even if you lose this time, you won't be unable to continue the challenge next time.

"Whatever." Hermione raised her eyebrows and walked to one side of the field, "Professor, let me be the referee."

"That's troublesome for you." Xia Lin nodded and took out two elf balls from behind.

In order to cope with the challenge of the little wizard, he re-cultivated many Pokémon with not very high levels. As for his main forces, they were actually scattered inside the protected area most of the time. Only occasionally did Xia Lin plan to leave school. Only then will I bring them.

For example, Charizard established a Charizard Valley in the Gobi area, and almost all of the hatchlings later became its subordinates. And now, the number of Charmanders is also increasing. Because the first batch of Pokémon have passed their infancy and are ready to give birth to the next generation.

At this time, Harry was about to take out his Pokémon and rush over, but Ron stopped him and whispered: "Wait, Harry! We need a little cooperation!"

Xia Lin had no objection to the two of them conspiring face to face, but rather, he wanted to see the little wizards' tacit cooperation with each other.

However, Harry and Ron had a pretty good relationship to begin with, so naturally they didn't feel any burden when working together. Maybe next time he could try to get the Slytherin and Gryffindor wizards to work together as well.

Of course, forced cooperation may ease their relationship, or it may make it worse.

"You have a plan?"

"No!" Ron said firmly with wide eyes.

Harry looked at him angrily.

You're talking nonsense if you don't have a plan!

"But I have a few suggestions. First of all, we cannot send Dairubi at the same time. Otherwise we will definitely get confused."

Putting the two Dairubi together, it is really difficult to tell them apart, especially in battle. If they identify the wrong target, the outcome of the battle will definitely be affected greatly.

"It makes sense, is there anything else?"

"...No more." Ron couldn't think of any other suggestions at the moment, so he simply walked to the arena. Harry immediately followed him and stood on his right side. The two stood side by side, and it felt like they were fighting side by side.

"Come out, Nimbus!"

"The decision is yours, Pikachu!"

With a flick of their arms, the two Pokémon appeared on the field. The little fire horse raised its front hooves and stretched its body. As soon as Pikachu landed on the ground, it immediately let out a clear war roar, and the words on its cheeks The current thunders!

"Pika pika!"

Xia Lin also released the Pokémon he prepared at the same time.

"Come out, electric shock monster, duck-billed baby."

Two small Pokémon immediately appeared in the competition venue. Like Harry and Ron, they were both red and yellow Pokémon.

"Fire and electric attributes?" Ron's brain also started to think.

Although these two Pokémon are not in the first generation Pokémon's illustrated book, they at least have some understanding of the electric shock monster. Because Harry actually has an electric shock monster.

"As expected, the red one should be the first stage of the platypus." Ron guessed.

Harry nodded. It was actually not difficult to guess. After all, the two could still see a certain similarity in their physical appearance, and their names were also very similar.

"Well, I have a plan!" Ron said now, "I'll deal with the electric shock monster. How about you deal with the duck-billed baby? Otherwise, our attack may not be effective."

"But the converse is also true for Professor." Harry frowned. Fire and Electric types fought alternately. Although they avoided the situation where their attributes were restrained, on the other hand, when Professor Xia Lin's Pokémon hit them, The damage is also higher.

"That's the key!" Ron said as if he had the overall situation under his control. "When we are attacked, we let the Pokémon switch places quickly. What do you think?"

"I think it's better to just let them dodge the attack if you have this spare time. Also, why don't you take back the light and switch to Yuanyuan?"


"You have a point."

"Come back Nimbus." Ron took back the little fire horse and replaced it with a pangolin that didn't have a very strong presence in his hands. However, the level of the pangolin was not much lower than that of Nimbus and Purgatory. After all, he would not leave the pangolin aside during normal battles.

Seeing that both sides were almost ready, Hermione immediately picked up her wand and sent a spark into the air as a signal for the start of the game.

Ron immediately took the lead and gave the order.

"Yuanyuan, use stomp on the electric shock monster!"

Seeing this, Harry immediately followed the rhythm.

"Pikachu, use Lightning on the duckbill!"

The Lightning move looks very similar to the Volt attack. They are both moves that use electricity to wrap the Pokémon's own body and then attack the enemy.

However, the voltages of the two are not at the same level at all. The voltage of the Volt attack is already so powerful that the Pokémon using this move will suffer a certain backlash.

The power of lightning is only 65.

Of course, for low-level Pokémon with relatively small skill pools, both stomp and lightning are already very powerful moves.

However, in the face of such an attack, Xia Lin did not even issue a command, and the electric shock monster and the duck-billed baby took the initiative to avoid the skill.

Moreover, the more active electric beast even immediately launched a counterattack after dodging the attack of the mountain rat.

But it is a pity that its skill pool is almost all electric-type moves. A lightning punch hit the pangolin rat. Although it knocked the pangolin rat away, it did not actually cause any damage.

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