Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 120 The decision is yours, Pikachu

Although Harry was certain that the dark wizard with his face covered in robes was Snape, he had no intention of telling Hagrid about it.

Harry was also a little angry when he was not trusted every time, not to mention, if it could be regarded as tearing off his robe, it would be more effective than any accusation!

Just wait, Snape, and see how I expose you!

"Darubi, use Flame Fang!"

"Purgatory, let's bite!"

"Little Lili, headbutt!"

Before Hagrid could react to the fact that Harry and the others had appeared, Harry had already taken the lead in attacking. Ron and Hermione followed closely behind, and their Pokémon simultaneously released attacks on Quirrell.

Quirrell lowered his head and rolled, first dodging Delubi's flame fangs, then raising his hand and shooting a magic spell towards Purgatory.

"Get out of my way! The flames are blazing!"

Purgatory broke through the flames directly, and evil energy condensed in his mouth. At the same time, Little Lion's attack is almost here!

"Armor protection!"

Quirrell didn't panic. With a flick of his wand, a purple translucent barrier appeared in front of him.

The power of the curse not only defended against the attacks of Purgatory and Little Lion, but also rebounded their power. Little Lion and Purgatory immediately flew out and hit the damp dead leaves of the Forbidden Forest.

"Harry! Firenze, why did you bring them here!" Hagrid finally reacted and immediately yelled at Firenze reproachfully.

Harry had never been in the habit of letting his friends take the blame, so he said without looking back, "Hagrid, we did it ourselves."

Hagrid wanted to say something more, but the battlefield was not a place for small talk.

Quirrell threw out several spells and shot them in all directions. One of them flew right in front of Hagrid and almost hit his eye.

He immediately retracted his body, picked up his umbrella and started to fight back.

Harry and Ron were also dodging in embarrassment. Firenze and Ronan blocked some attacks for them, otherwise it would be even more dangerous.

"That guy is so powerful!" Ron screamed loudly as he rolled around and dragged Hermione to hide behind a thick tree trunk.

What he said was correct. At this time, Quirrell did indeed show his superb fighting skills. No one would equate the person in front of him with the obedient Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Moreover, this is not Quirrell under the control of Voldemort. At this time, Quirrell is completely showing his own power.

In fact, Quirrell's incompetence was just a disguise, and even Hagrid knew that he was a talented man. During this period of time, his dark magic has been taught by Voldemort, and it can be said that it has improved by leaps and bounds. Otherwise, he would not have been able to gain the upper hand under the joint efforts of Hagrid and the two centaurs.

The few sips of unicorn blood he drank before helped Quirrell ease a lot from his weakness. Now, although he was in pain all over his body, he was still very dangerous.

He waved his wand, and light erupted from the tip.

The white magic power hit the earth, rocks and withered giant trees——

The next moment, these things seemed to be given life, constantly changing, and eventually formed several terrifying monsters!

The huge monster opened its mouth and let out a silent roar.

Of course, if Quirrell's transformation technique was more precise, he could completely change the vocal cords of these monsters, but in this case, it doesn't need to be so precise.

The three huge monsters immediately clenched their fists and rushed towards Hagrid and the others. The fists were so huge that when they were swung, they immediately brought up a strong wind!


The stone monster punched the ground, and the ground suddenly shook. It seemed to have triggered a small-scale earthquake!

"How can we fight these monsters?" The Ron people were dumbfounded.

While he was speaking, a monster raised a huge tree trunk and smashed it towards them.

Firenze and Ronan raised their bows and arrows and were ready to attack, but the arrows hit the trunk of the tree that hit them. They had no effect at all and were knocked back directly!

The two people retreated quickly. Fortunately, there were not many other things in the Forbidden Forest. There were countless thick trees, which acted as natural shields.

Hagrid simply put aside his wand, picked up the tree trunk that was smashed over and started fucking the three monsters.

But after all, he can't beat four hands with two fists, and the wooden weapons are not enough when meeting the giants transformed from rocks.

"Ron, Hermione!" Harry ducked, avoiding the flying sawdust and gravel to avoid being involved in the battle, "We have to find a way to help Hagrid!"

"I have an idea!" Hermione shouted.

She rushed towards the tree-turned-monster like crazy, making Harry and Ron tremble with fear.

"She's crazy!"

"I don't have it! We can light it up! Little Lion, Sparkle!" She shouted as she ran, not to be outdone, she picked up the wand and released a bright flame.

I have to say that this is a very good idea, and both Harry and Ron's eyes lit up.

"Darubi, use Spark!"

"Purgatory, Nimbus, we also use sparks!"

The moves of the four Pokémon gathered in the air, and the small sparks turned into a ball of fire in an instant, hitting the wooden monster's body heavily.


The fire is raging!

The flames spread to the monster's entire body in an instant!


It is impossible for flames to burn such a huge monster to ashes in a short period of time. Now that the wooden man has become a fire man, his attack power is even more powerful than before!

"We're screwed!"

Ron yelled.

But there was no need for him to remind me.

Harry and Hermione obviously realized that they had done something stupid, but Harry had another idea.

"Let's lure it to the other two monsters!"

He took action immediately, took back Delubi, and threw another elf ball with force.

"The decision is yours, Pikachu!"


Yellow lightning shot out from the red light.

As soon as Pikachu appeared, he immediately sent an electric shock towards the burning monster, attracting its attention.

The product of transformation without much intelligence was fooled and immediately started chasing Pikachu.

"Use the shadow clone after the lightning flash!"

Suddenly, dozens or hundreds of Pikachu suddenly appeared in front of everyone. The monsters couldn't tell the real ones from the fake ones, but whenever they saw something moving, they would hit it hard.

It was precisely because he saw through this that Harry came up with this plan.

If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that these Pikachu clones are consciously running towards Hagrid and the other two monsters.

"Hagrid, get out of the way!"

Harry yelled.

"What did you say?" Hagrid, who had been beaten into a pig's head, stuck out his head and saw the burning monster.

He listened to Harry's suggestion without hesitation, pushed the monster he was fighting back hard, and then started to dodge.

Dozens of Pikachu immediately jumped back and forth on the three monsters, attracting them to attack each other.


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