Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 122 Ron: Let’s kill indiscriminately with the professor

Quirrell and Voldemort ran away, but in a sense, it can also be said that Xia Lin took the initiative to let him go.

Because he had actually arrived a long time ago, but he had not come out in secret. Otherwise, how could he have appeared at the most critical moment by such a coincidence?

He could actually cast the anti-Apparition spell before appearing, but Dumbledore still wanted to keep Quirrell and Voldemort to use as experience packs for Harry, so naturally he couldn't deal with them here.

"You came just in time, Professor!" Hermione said with relief. When she saw the killing curse just now, she and everyone else were almost scared to death. Fortunately, Xia Lin appeared in time at this time.

But in fact, regardless of whether Quirrell's Death Curse would work or not, Harry would not have been killed even if Xia Lin didn't appear.

Don't forget, in Quirrell's shadow, there is a Gengar watching him.

Ignoring Quirrell and Voldemort, Dumbledore naturally had to worry about this matter. Xia Lin turned his attention to Harry and the others.

"Are you guys okay?"

In fact, he didn't bother to ask. After all, with Hagrid's appearance, it was impossible to be fine just by looking at him.

"Probably a few broken bones. It will take a few days to heal." Hagrid said nonchalantly.

The rest of his body looks scary, but is actually just skin trauma. The two centaurs were also injured and were not in particularly good condition.

Seeing this, Xia Lin directly threw an elf ball.

"Come out, Geely Egg."

A pink Pokémon that looked like a giant egg was released.

Harry and the others are no strangers to jellied eggs. They even ate the eggs laid by jellied eggs during the confinement in the reserve last semester!

"Geely Egg, use healing wave and lay eggs."


Geely Egg smiled sweetly and immediately released a circle of colorful fluctuations. Under this fluctuation, the injuries on Hagrid and the Centaur actually recovered visibly to the naked eye.

"It's amazing." Firenze marveled.

This healing power almost reminded him of the tears of a phoenix, and the blood of a unicorn.

Then, the lucky egg produced eggs one after another from the pocket on his abdomen, and handed them to Hagrid and Harry respectively.

Hagrid was a little hesitant. He was afraid that the eggs he ate were eggs that could hatch Pokémon.

"The eggs of Geely Egg are similar to chicken eggs and can replenish your physical strength, so feel free to eat them."

Harry and the others couldn't wait to crack the eggshells and start eating. In the game, Pokémon's physical strength and health bar are almost the same concept, but of course the reality is different.

In reality, Pokémon's physical strength is affected by many aspects, and it is more biased towards PP value.

Although they were not injured, they were very tired and needed to replenish some energy.

At this time, two shadows suddenly flew in the sky - Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall riding broomsticks, swooping down in panic.

"Thank God you're okay!"

Mag almost fainted. In fact, she didn't breathe a sigh of relief until she saw Xia Lin.

"Professor, why are you here?" Harry asked strangely.

"I met Neville Longbottom." McGonagall quickly grabbed the three Harrys and checked them one by one. She didn't let go of them until it was confirmed that all of them were unharmed.

"This is really too dangerous. I shouldn't let you guys come to the Forbidden Forest for confinement!" She burst into tears and grabbed Xia Lin again. "Fortunately, you are here!"

"This is what I should do, I am also their teacher."

"Dumbledore, the poacher has escaped!" Hagrid said immediately. His mind was not as smart as Harry's. Even after hearing what Firenze and Harry said, he still didn't connect the poacher's incident with Voldemort.

Harry wanted to say it, but when he thought about not being able to expose Snape to his face, he couldn't say it.

"I know, but it doesn't matter. I believe he won't dare to come again." Dumbledore glanced at Xia Lin and then said.

Although many things today were actually a bit beyond his expectations, he could still grasp the general direction.

"Nice to meet you, Ronan, Firenze." He greeted his two centaur friends.

Dumbledore has a good reputation among many demi-human races. Centaurs live in the Forbidden Forest and it is impossible not to deal with Dumbledore.

"Hello Dumbledore."

"I guess that poacher must be related to Voldemort, right?" He pretended to confirm, but actually wanted to give Harry a reminder. But Firenze has already said this.

"Sorry Dumbledore, we can't reveal more." Ronan was afraid that Firenze would say something else, so he said first, "Goodbye."

As the centaurs left, Dumbledore also returned to Hogwarts with the children.

On the way, Hagrid and Harry told Dumbledore what happened in detail.

"Dumbledore, you just said - the mysterious man, is he really back?" McGonagall asked in disbelief. Although Dumbledore had already asked her to set up a barrier for the magician, it is still a bit unbelievable to say that the mysterious man came back from the dead.

"Actually, Voldemort was never dead from the beginning." Dumbledore shook his head and explained.

"Principal, can you not say that name?" Ron shrank his head in fear.

Harry actually didn't like others showing fear of Voldemort, so he immediately said: "Ron, there is nothing to be afraid of! Even if Voldemort is still alive, he is no match for the professor, let alone now!"

Dumbledore was very satisfied with Harry's courage. His unwavering courage was the savior he chose.

"Harry is right. Things are different now. Voldemort is gone. Otherwise, how could he be so sneaky? Being afraid of something will only intensify the fear itself."

What these two people said was very clear, but Ron disagreed.

"Here, we must thank Miss Granger for her cleverness. If she had not written to Professor Xia Lin in advance, I am afraid that today's affairs would have been very dangerous." Dumbledore said, "Today all of you, including Neville, Both Longbottom and Gryffindor will receive thirty points, and Miss Granger will receive an additional ten points."

Four people, thirty points each, plus extra points, that’s one hundred and thirty points!

Although it was a little worse than the points deducted before, it was enough to make them overjoyed.

At least this time the extra points didn't go to Slytherin, who made Malfoy run away because of cowardice.

And Ron can't wait to return to the Gryffindor common room to publicize his glorious deeds. Compared with that insignificant score, tonight's adventure is enough to make him attract attention for a long time!

You know, they are fighting off a dark wizard, and they are most likely the minions of the mysterious man!

What kind of glory is this?

Although Professor Xia Lin was the one who really scared away the dark wizard in the end, it doesn’t matter——

I, Ron Weasley, am quacking with the Professor!

I'm responsible for the quack.

Unfortunately, McGonagall insisted on sending them to the school hospital for a check-up.

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