Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 127 Defeat Heiluga!

In any case, the lion cub lost its ability to fight, which doubled the pressure on both Harry and Ron.

A semester has passed, and Hei Lujia is still strong.

After Heiluga defeated the little lion, he still wanted to continue attacking, and the jet flame condensed again, and he was about to release it towards the mountain rat!

At this moment, Hermione did not hesitate to throw another Poké Ball in her hand towards Heiruga.

The elf ball was thrown directly by her and hit Heiluga in the head. Hei Lujia was almost stunned.

However, what makes it even more confusing is the Pichu that jumps out of the Poké Ball.

"Pichu, use Rub Cheek!"

The small and cute Pichu immediately stretched out his hands and rubbed his cheeks. The weak electric current could not be ignored, and he pressed it directly on Heiluga's body!

Heiluga suddenly felt numb all over his body and felt very uncomfortable.

But even so, its mobility cannot be ignored. The flame in its mouth was not aimed at the pangolin, but sprayed directly upward towards Pichu!


Pichu only had time to scream before he was engulfed in flames and completely lost his ability to fight.

Hermione clenched her fists tightly: "Harry, Ron, I can only help you so far."

Putting the last buff on Pichu was the last thing her Pokémon could do. The other two Pokémon would probably be defeated as soon as they were released.

"Thank you Hermione." Harry said forcefully.

Now, three Pokémon were fighting each other on the field.

"Darubi, use bite!"

"Water Mountain Rat, use Trample!"

Harry and Ron issued commands at the same time, and the two Pokémon immediately rushed towards Heiluga from different directions, trying to block its retreat.

However, Heiluga jumped up into the sky without hesitation, jumping to a height of almost six meters, avoiding the attacks of the two. Then a thunder tooth bit towards Darubi!

"All petrified!"

Although Hermione's Pokémon is useless, she still has magic spells.

A binding spell was quickly cast, making Heiluga's already somewhat stiff movements become even more numb.

Harry seized the opportunity, and not only did he not dodge, but he attacked him first.

"Use bite!"

The lightning teeth and biting skills were intertwined, and it was Derubi who hit Heiluga first!

"We use trample here!"

The pangolin immediately jumped into the air, trampling with ground energy directly on Heiluga's body, smashing it down hard!

boom--! ! !

Heiluga's body hit the ground, causing thick smoke.

Harry and Ron were both nervous, wondering whether this blow could defeat Heiluga.

The three people stretched their necks and looked around, trying to see Heiluga's fallen figure in the dust, but what they were waiting for was a terrifying counterattack!

Heiluga suddenly broke through the smoke and rushed out. It was wrapped in a black energy. As it roared, the energy immediately shot towards Derubi and the Mountain Rat!

"What's this?"

"Get away, this is revenge!" Hermione recognized this move and her face changed drastically.

Just now, Heiluga had withstood Dairubi's enhanced attack and the mountain rat's most effective attack at the same time. If this revenge attack hits, both of them will definitely lose their ability to fight at the same time!

However, despite Hermione's warning, Harry and Ron failed to react immediately.

Dairubi and Pangolin were directly hit by Heiluga's moves. After being knocked away, they lay on the ground with mosquito-repellent eyes exposed.

"Come back Darubi."

"Come back Yuanyuan."

The two had no choice but to take back their Pokémon.

"Heiluga, you are really strong!"

"But compared to before, we have been able to cause a lot of damage to him. We still have four Pokémon, so we may not be able to defeat it!" Harry said confidently.

But Ron shook his head vigorously:

"No, Harry!"

"Don't forget that we still have to deal with Snape! Your Pokémon can't be injured anymore!" He said decisively, "Leave this to me!"


"You're crazy, Ron!" Harry shouted in disbelief, "Your Nimbus and Purgatory are both fire attributes, so there is no advantage in fighting Heiluga!"

"But the converse is also true!" Ron hardened up for once and pushed Harry away from him. He took out two elf balls at the same time.

"Gengar, I will fight Heiluga next! Come out, Purgatory, Nimbus!"

As soon as the two Pokémon appeared, Ron's Purgatory showed a very strong desire to attack.

Look who this guy is?

My former boss!

It was very excited. If it could defeat the previous boss, wouldn't it prove that it had become much stronger?

In fact, Ron really had a chance of winning. After all, Heiluga had actually fought Quirrell with Gengar before, so he was physically exhausted from the beginning.

Now that the double attack has been reduced and a few negative states have been added, the combat effectiveness can be said to be greatly reduced.

And Harry and Hermione can also use the magic assist when Ron hits the concentration battle.

"Nimbus, use high-speed movement! Then use stamping!"

"Purgatory, use the fog!"

The two Pokémon attacked continuously, and Harry and Hermione also attacked at the same time. Use magic spells to disrupt Heiluga. Their magic power is not strong, but Heiluga can still influence it for a short period of time.

"Total petrification"

"Yuga di Leviosa"

Hermione repeated her old trick, causing Heiluga to fall into a momentary stiffness. Harry used a levitating spell to control the soil on the ground, and directly used a magic version of sand-moving sand to smear his face, depriving Heiluga of his vision.

Then came Ron's continuous attacks.



Heiluga, who stood upright, finally fell down.

On the other side, Ron's Nimbus and Purgatory also completely lost their ability to fight.

"Come back, you have done a good job."

"Ron, you win!" Harry smiled, "Are Nimbus and Purgatory okay?"

"I don't have any physical strength for the moment. Besides, I think this is our victory!" Ron said happily. Although he was the main contributor to defeating Heiluga, without the assistance of Harry and Hermione, Heiluga's attack would have knocked out his two Pokémon long ago.

It is estimated that even so, the crazy Heiluga is not so easy to deal with.

"Okay, we need to move forward quickly, otherwise what if Snape gets the Sorcerer's Stone?" Hermione urged.

Harry and Ron didn't dare to delay and quickly moved on.

Gengar was very unhappy. His smiling face fell down, and the corners of his mouth rarely turned down.

However, it still gave way to allow Harry and the others to pass. Then, it made its body transparent, moved faster than them, and hid in the corner of the last level.

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