Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 136 Four schools arrive, hidden crisis!

A dark shadow appeared in the distant sky.

Xia Lin's eyes are not those of an eagle, and cannot see such a long distance. But to be able to appear in such a way, it is no surprise that he should be someone from Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

After a while, his guess was confirmed.

Twelve huge pink-blue horses surged through the sky. Their manes were silver, and they were almost as huge as an elephant. At first glance, many little wizards thought it was a dozen dragons flying towards them!

The carriage pulled by these twelve horses is even larger, or it should be said that it is more suitable for a house.

"Is this the magical rune horse?"

This is the first time Xia Lin has seen this kind of strange horse. Compared with the Thestrals raised in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, the Rune Horse is much larger and more beautiful.

Of course, to say which one he likes better, the Thestral is actually more in line with his appetite.

The ferocious look of Yeqi seemed to have a different kind of charm on him.

The carriage flew lower and was landing at an extremely fast speed. Then, with an earth-shaking loud noise, the horses' hooves fell to the ground with a thud, each one as big as a vegetable plate. In the blink of an eye, the carriage also landed on the ground, vibrating on the huge wheels. At the same time, the golden horses shook their huge heads and their big fiery red eyes turned.

The door of the carriage was inlaid with a golden medallion - two crossed wands, with three stars pinned to the front of the wands.

Then, the door opened.

A boy in a light blue robe jumped out of the carriage, bent down, groped for something on the floor of the carriage, and then opened a golden spiral staircase.

He jumped back respectfully, and Xia Lin saw a shiny black high-heeled shoe sticking out of the carriage - the shoe was as big as a child's sleigh - followed by a very tall woman. ——Ms. Maxim.

Maxim is much more beautiful than in the movie, no wonder Hagrid is fascinated by him.

She has a very handsome olive face, a pair of big black eyes, and a pointed nose. Her hair was pulled back into a shiny bun at the base of her neck. She was clad from head to toe in black satin, and her neck and thick fingers were glittering with rich opals.

Dumbledore started clapping.

"Dear Madam Maxime," he said, "welcome to Hogwarts."

Her face relaxed into an elegant smile, and she stretched out a gleaming hand and walked towards Dumbledore.

This scene seemed a bit funny. Although Dumbledore was also tall, he barely bent down when he kissed the hand. It was like a half-grown child kissing an adult woman. Yet this child had gray hair and a beard so long that he could tuck it into his belt.

"Dumbledore," Madam Maxime said in a deep voice, "I hope you are well."

"Very good, thank you." Dumbledore said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"To be honest, I didn't plan to come when I received your envelope. It was Leonie who recommended me to come and take a look."

Her huge body turned slightly, revealing another woman behind her - it was Leonie who met Xia Lin Youguo during the Christmas vacation last year.

As soon as Leonie got out of the car, she couldn't wait to wave to Xia Lin.

Then, Ms. Maxim followed Leonie’s gaze and found Xia Lin.

"So, you are Mr. Charlene Gold, the actual organizer of this competition?" Maxim asked softly.

Xia Lin's reputation is only a little bigger in the UK, and it's not particularly famous. Apart from being famous for defeating many pure-blood wizards during last summer vacation, there is almost no other news.

If you really want to say it, maybe the card with the Chocolate Frog counts as one. But that kind of thing is probably only liked by children.

So to Maxim, Xia Lin was like a nobody who appeared out of nowhere, and those so-called Pokémon were more like a joke.

To be honest, if it weren't for Dumbledore's sake, she wouldn't have come to visit.

And Ms. Maxim believed that most of the students who agreed to come here did so out of consideration for Dumbledore's face.

"I am Xia Lin Gold, the discoverer of Pokémon." Xia Lin shook hands with her calmly. His sight could only reach Maxim's chest.

"I'm glad you're willing to come visit this Pokémon Contest."

Maxim just nodded and did not continue to say anything to Xia Lin. In fact, she was not interested in Pokémon at all. After all, that kind of thing doesn't sound too different from Fantastic Beasts.

"Dumbledore, where will I put my horse?"

"Don't worry, I believe our Care of Magical Creatures professors will take good care of them." Dumbledore said with a smile.

However, Maxime was still a little worried and seemed to doubt whether the professors at Hogwarts could do the job. This was not surprising, after all, these horses were too big.

"My horses need - well - strong people to take care of them. They have very strong tempers..."

"Don't worry, ma'am." Xia Lin took out a few elf balls and threw them into the air.

This caught Madame Maxime's attention.

She looked towards the red and white spheres, only to find that they all opened from the middle while they were in mid-air. After the red ones flashed, several of them were strong, muscular, and had four arms. Humanoid creatures appeared in her eyes.

This startled her.

"Could these be—"

She looked at these creatures in surprise, unable to find suitable adjectives for a while. The creatures in front of me all look very similar to many subhuman races that can be classified as "human".

It can be said that at least it is more human than the small flounder species.

"This strange force, just like their name, has huge strength. A single arm can push a rockery. It must be easy to pull your horse." Xia Lin said with a smile, and at the same time he turned to Dumbledore, "Kettle It may be difficult for Professor Byrne’s body to take care of these rune horses, so why not let Hagrid take care of them.”

When he said these words, the monsters had already reached out to hold the horse's rope. Leonie carefully reached out to touch the muscles of the monster. The monster without resistance made her very excited.

"That's all right, Madame Maxime. I'll let our gamekeeper hold them and take care of them."

"Very good," Ms. Maxim replied slightly absentmindedly without looking away from Guai Li, "Can you tell this Hagrid that these horses only drink single malt whiskey?"

Arriving after Beauxbatons was Castrobusche, the farthest destination.

They took a magical animal from South America and arrived at Hogwarts after a long journey. This means they were probably the first to set out.

The leader of Castrobushe is not their principal, but retired former principal Benedita Dorado. This was a very old witch, probably about the same age as old Gsilda Marchbain (Dumbledore had been the examiner for high wizards when he was in school).

"Long time no see, Dumbledore." Benedita Dorado was obviously very happy to see Dumbledore and greeted him with a wrinkled old face.

"Hello Benedita, how are you?"

"Not bad. You know, the last time we met was decades ago, and you were not the principal of Hogwarts at that time!" She said with a smile.

Castrobusher had an exchange meeting with Hogwarts before Voldemort became famous. At that time, the headmaster of Hogwarts was Armando Dippet.

By the way, Armando Dippet lived to be 355 years old. From this point of view, it seems that the magic stone is just that.

Dumbledore welcomed Benedita Dorado into the school, and Benedita looked around with nostalgia.

"I remember Armando also told me that there was a troublemaker in Hogwarts named Peeves. At that time, I suggested that I could give him some Keppola. It's a pity that he didn't agree." She said with a smile.

Kaipola is a magical animal with a cunning nature. If it were placed in a Pokémon, its characteristics would be mischievous.

"Speaking of which, what happened to those Pokémon you wrote in the letter?"

"Those are some magical creatures, very wonderful!" Dumbledore said with a smile. "Even now, I still find it incredible that they exist. Castrobsher has always made great achievements in magical zoology." achievements, so I believe Pokémon will not disappoint you."

Benedita Dorado nodded.

Compared to Maxim, the visitors from Kastrobushe paid much more attention to Pokémon. Although they don't know the specific difference between Pokémon and magical animals, they are very willing to learn more about a new creature.

Next we arrived at the Neon Magic House.

This is the smallest of the eleven magic schools registered by the International Federation of Wizards. Moreover, students at the magic house usually start enrolling at the age of seven.

The wizards from the magic place were uniformly dressed in golden robes, and the leading wizard held a wand made of cherry wood.

Interestingly, Xia Lin saw at a glance that several Aurors from the United States Ministry of Magic were trying to pretend to be from the magic house and blend in. It seemed that Fudge still couldn't stop them.

As for why Xia Lin could spot it at a glance - after all, it was strange that there were several blond and blue-eyed people among the Asians, so they didn't stand out.

Xia Lin didn't expose them and just watched with a cold eye to see what they could do.

The last school to arrive was Durmstrang. This magic school is located in Northern Europe, in Scandinavia to be precise. It can be said to be one of the schools closest to Hogwarts. But they didn't arrive until the moon hung in the sky.

A loud, strange sound floated up from the darkness: a muffled rumbling and sucking sound, like a giant vacuum cleaner moving along the river bed...

Xia Lin clearly saw the water surface of the Black Lake becoming restless. Huge splashes arose on the water, and waves crashed against the wet lake shore - then, in the center of the lake, a large whirlpool appeared, as if a huge plug was suddenly pulled out from the bottom of the lake...

Then, a long black rod-like thing slowly rose from the center of the vortex...

Slowly, magnificently, the big ship rose out of the water, gleaming in the moonlight. It had an eerie, skeletal appearance, as if it were the remains of a newly recovered shipwreck, and the portholes shone with a dim, foggy light that looked like ghostly eyes.

Rather than being a normal ship, it looks a bit like the Flying Dutchman in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean".

It looks exactly like a ghost ship.

Just as Xia Lin was thinking this, with a splashing sound, the big boat emerged completely, bumping on the undulating water, and began to sail towards the lake shore. A moment later, there was only a splash, and an iron anchor was thrown into the shallow water, and then there was another snap, and a wooden plank was put on the lake shore.

Igor Karkaroff is tall and thin, but he does not look decent, but rather a sinister villain. In fact, he was, not to mention a former Death Eater.

As soon as he got off the boat he shouted enthusiastically: "Dumbledore!" How are you, my dear old fellow? "

It was as if he and Dumbledore were indeed old friends. But this is not the case.

"Excellent, thank you, Professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore replied.

Karkaroff's voice was mellow and sweet. Only after he walked in did Xia Lin see his appearance clearly.

With his white hair and a treacherous goatee with curls at the ends, he looked like a businessman. He walked up to Dumbledore and shook his hand with both hands.

Unlike the original work, he didn't wear very warm clothes because it was summer.

"Dear old Hogwarts," he said, looking up at the castle and smiling - his teeth were yellow, "it's so good to be here, so good..."

Even though he said this, there was no smile in his eyes, they were still cold and sharp.

"But after being away from England for so many years, I almost forgot about the climate here. It's a bit hot, isn't it?"

"It's always like this in summer, but it's cool inside the castle. Please come in." Dumbledore invited the last "guest" inside.

Karkaroff had been building a relationship with Dumbledore along the way, and he never even mentioned Pokémon.

Xia Lin is not angry, he knows what kind of thing this guy is. In fact, he was surprised that Durmstrang actually sent someone over.

Unlike during the Triwizard Tournament, almost all the visitors this time were professors rather than students.

Because of this, during the dinner, only a few more seats were arranged on the teachers' seats, while the students' seats did not change much.

However, this still caused a heated discussion among the little wizards.

Especially many little wizards are very proud.

"I think there can't be Pokémon in their school, right?" Ron said happily.

Harry looked at the strange wizards curiously, but when his eyes rested on Snape, the scar on his forehead actually started to hurt again!

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