Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 144 The Disappearing Wood

Dark green smoke emitted from the tip of Karkaroff's wand, and in front of him, seven or eight silent corpses fell to the ground.

"This bunch of rubbish—"

He was not referring to ability, but to the birth of these people.

The dark wizards who would be reduced to looking like homeless people in Knockturn Alley can only be mudbloods and half-bloods. This kind of person has no power and little ability in the magic world, so he can only live in such a humble way.

Karkaroff is an out-and-out purist.

‘Clean up the bodies! ’

Although no one would care about the life and death of these bed bugs, Voldemort still planned to let Karkaroff destroy the corpses to eliminate any traces, just to be sure.

"As you command, my master!"

Karkaroff released fierce fire, burned the corpses, and then directly apparated away, leaving the place with a snap.

At this moment, a purple head slowly emerged from the shadow, its scarlet triangular eyes staring thoughtfully in the direction Karkaroff left.


"The compound potion?"

Xia Lin thought about it after listening to Gengar's report, and almost knew Voldemort's plan.

Use the compound potion to become the wizard who will fight Harry the next day, and then get Harry's blood during the battle. In fact, it is almost the same method in the original work.

If it was just like this, then he didn't need to pay too much attention.

The only thing worth noting is the safety of the transformed little wizard himself. Who knows if Karkaroff will kill him.

Since Xia Lin is now a professor at Hogwarts, no matter what plan he has, the first thing he needs to do is to ensure the safety of his students.

In fact, he did this better than Dumbledore.

In the original book, after Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets was opened and several students were attacked, Dumbledore did almost nothing. Of course, maybe those students were able to survive by coincidence, maybe it was the result of his secret manipulation.

"It will be Wood who will fight Harry tomorrow."

In today's game, the winner of the second game was Wood.

However, the fact that he was able to win did not mean that his Pokémon was strong enough, but that he had a lot of martial virtue and directly used attack spells to blast the opponent's Pokémon into confusion.

And Bibi Bird's flying skills are very superb under his Quidditch training method. After all, he usually directly uses Bludgers to train Bibi Bird's evasion ability.

And this thing——

It can kill people!

"Gengar, go protect Wood and don't let anything happen to him." Xia Lin ordered.

"Genger." Gengar spread his hands and responded helplessly. He realized that he was really working hard. He needed it when monitoring Voldemort, and he also needed it when protecting students!

This Hogwarts, this magical world, can Gengar survive without it?

There must be some benefit!

"Genger (can I absorb the life force of those two guys?)"

Gengar was asking about the snake possessed by Karkaroff and Voldemort.

"Don't get discovered." Xia Lin said helplessly. Ghost-type Pokémon like to absorb the vitality of living creatures, but in fact, for a healthy person, this is not harmful, and most of all, it may occasionally feel a little overworked.

So, sometimes you are not good at it. It may not be because of kidney deficiency, but because there is a ghost girlfriend absorbing your essence.

Gengar patted his fat chest hard, as if you can rest assured that I will do the work.

However, on the second day, something unexpected happened to Xia Lin.

I saw that Karkaroff, who was supposed to be disguised as Wood, was sitting next to Dumbledore with a tired look on his face. The thick dark circles under his eyes made him look extremely haggard.

"Huh? This guy is here, so who has become Wood?" Xia Lin glanced at the stands in confusion.

Dumbledore also noticed Karkaroff's fatigue.

"What's wrong Karkaroff, you look a little uncomfortable." Dumbledore asked with concern. Even the heads of several other schools looked at him worriedly.

Karkaroff, who was filled with evil thoughts, naturally did not dare to bear so many gazes. In his opinion, these gazes were as if they were scrutinizing him to see through him thoroughly.

"Ah, it's okay. I just didn't sleep well. I haven't been here for a long time, so I feel a bit unfamiliar." He stammered, "Let's watch the game. Who is here today?"

"The first one is Harry Potter and Oliver Wood. They are both Gryffindor students." Dumbledore said with a little pride, "However, if you are a little tired, I still recommend that you go rest."

"It's okay, let's just finish it today." Karkaroff said tiredly.

He had indeed been up all night, but it was those Pokémon that really drained him of energy.

By this time, Lee Jordan had already entered.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

"After a day of competition, we have selected sixteen trainers! And today's competition will determine who can become the top eight!"

"In the first game, both players are from Gryffindor! Good guy, Gryffindor is such an outstanding place! I wouldn't be surprised if I said which one of them won the game! By the way, they are both A star member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team!"

"Welcome Harry Potter and Oliver Wood!"

"Today's venue is——"

"Prairie venue!"

Several people sat down immediately, looking forward to the golden performance that Jin would bring to them today.

But what they didn't know was that there was already chaos in the player room.

"What's going on, where is Wood?" Harry looked around anxiously, but there was no shadow of Wood anywhere in the player room.

The only fifteen players left in the player room looked at each other, convinced that they had not seen Wood's shadow.

"Did he oversleep?" Ron said blankly.

"That's impossible!" Fred said immediately.

"He wouldn't be late when he asked us to get up at five o'clock to practice Quidditch." George added immediately.

Harry hesitated: "What to do? Li is already urging us! Where should we find him?"

"I say, Harry, you go first. If Wood doesn't come, you will win directly." Ron said "You are in luck".

It was obvious that his jealousy of Harry was as simple as breathing.

"But - this is not fair to Wood." Harry didn't want to lose in this way.

But through the screen, he could already see Li urging him constantly, and the audience in the stands also showed expressions of doubt and dissatisfaction.

Hermione hugged Pichu and rushed in.

"What's going on? Where are Harry and Wood?"

"Harry is here! But Wood is missing, he didn't come!" Ron said, "Maybe we should go to the dormitory to find him."

"It's too late, unless you all want to be disqualified from the competition!"

"That's right, Harry, I think you'd better go first." Percy also supported Hermione, "No matter what the reason, Wood shouldn't be late, it won't be good for him."

"Okay." Harry had no choice but to walk onto the field alone.

But where did Wood go?

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