Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 155 Fudge: Dumbledore is old

Fudge straightened his tie before stepping out of the fireplace. Then, he saw dozens of officials standing in his office, looking at him with burning eyes.

"Sorry sir, I really can't stop them." Umbridge said in a high voice.

"Fudge—" Scrimgeour took a step forward and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Fudge.

"Everyone, this is an extraordinary time!" What Xia Lin said to him flashed through Fudge's mind. He took a deep breath and said decisively, "I'm afraid God - no, I'm afraid Voldemort's Eye has been resurrected!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an immediate commotion in the office.

"Don't mention that name!" a female official couldn't help but scream, and other male officials were no better.

"Fudge, this name has magic, he will feel us!"

Seeing these people in such panic, Fudge couldn't help but feel funny in his heart. Of course he knew why they gathered here. In addition to wanting to get his own approval, he probably also thought that he didn't have the guts to contend with Voldemort, so he wanted to force himself.

Of course, Fudge still knows a lot about himself. If it was before, he probably wouldn't have dared to contend with Voldemort, but what about now?

Not to mention it was just a fake, even if it was the real Voldemort, he wouldn't be so scared.

The Dark Lord?

Haha, didn’t you lose to Charlene Gold?

My Fudge’s thighs are the thickest!

But these thoughts just flashed through his own mind. On the surface, he still pretended to be serious and tough, and said righteously: "Let him do it! Let him kill me! I'm not afraid!"

He strode to his seat. To be honest, it was a bit funny to pretend to be a warrior who was not afraid of death with his funny appearance. But not a single wizard had a smile on his face. Because no one dares to joke about the name "Voldemort".

"Oh, Fudge - I can't believe it - I always thought you were not a brave man. I was wrong about you," said Amelia Bones at once.

She is the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and if anything, Scrimgeour's immediate boss. If Fudge stepped down, she would most likely become Minister for Magic. In fact, in the original book, she was killed because of her confrontation with Voldemort.

"I know some of you may think that I may not be qualified as a Minister of Magic, but it doesn't matter. Maybe I am not capable, but I am still the Minister of Magic, and I will not evade my responsibilities!" Fudge said loudly, with this expression on his face. His appearance calmed many people at once, and everyone looked at him as if they had seen a ghost.

Especially Kingsley and Crouch, they saw with their own eyes how embarrassed and ridiculous Fudge was in Dumbledore's office, but now, he is so brave.

"Now, the evil dark wizard has reappeared. He once brought us great disasters! All of us have lost many relatives and friends because of his madness! Fight against him, this way The tragedy may happen again! Even our own lives may be in danger! But we cannot retreat!

"Barty Crouch, Barty Crouch! Where are you?" Fudge shouted, raising his hat.

Old Batty came out immediately.

"Very well, first of all, I want you to contact the Ministry of Magic in Scandinavia and tell them everything about Principal Durmstrang. I got a memory from Mr. Charlin. Regarding the evidence that Mr. Karkaroff resurrected Voldemort, Kingsley, please take out the memory of Voldemort killing Karkaroff and send it to them to hold them accountable! I ask them to send out Aurors to help us fight against Voldemort. !”

Crouch reached out and took the small piece of silver memory from Fudge's hand, but his expression was not good-looking: "I don't think they will agree."

Voldemort's terror is world-famous. Although it is just a little support, who knows whether it will make him angry?

What if that lunatic knew the inside story and went to Scandinavia to cause trouble? How could they resist?

"Don't agree? If you don't agree, go to the International Federation of Wizards! Don't I think their hands are quite long?" Fudge said loudly.

Hearing this, the corners of Crouch's mouth could not help but curl up slightly, but he soon put his face down, nodded and left the office.

"I think the rest of you should go to work quickly, especially the Auror Office, the Abuse of Magic Office, the Magical Law Enforcement Reconnaissance Team and the strikers. I'm afraid you will be very busy next time." Fudge hurriedly said Started to drive people away, "Umbridge, help me contact the reporter from the Daily Prophet. I think our people have the right to know this! The war is coming back soon, and the peace is about to disappear!"

"Hey - I wish Voldemort could go abroad to cause trouble, so it would be much easier for me." He pretended to complain, but most of the people in the office did not leave. Everyone's faces are not so good-looking, and it is not possible to persevere just by being optimistic now.

"What's the matter?" Fudge asked, but no one said a word.

After a while, Scrimgeour came out and asked the question that everyone was most concerned about: "Fudge, Dumbledore - what did he say?"

"How do you say that? He said it was too bad! Who would have thought that that person would be resurrected?" Fudge said casually.

But this is obviously not the answer that others want to hear.

"I want to say, does Dumbledore have any methods or strategies? You know he is almost the person You-Know-Who fears most. We all want to know what he thinks and whether he can stand on the same front as the Ministry of Magic. , fight against the mysterious man together?”

Scrimgeour asked seriously.

His idea was that it would be best if Dumbledore was willing to obey the Ministry of Magic.

Others just hope that Dumbledore can stand up again and take up the responsibility of fighting the mysterious man.

However, Fudge just raised his head and stared at everyone with his eyes, which were not much bigger than sesame seeds:

"No - he is already over a hundred years old, what can you expect from him? Dumbledore's magical power has long since declined, and he is no longer able to fight against Voldemort."

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present became a little worse.

"But don't worry, everyone, without Dumbledore, we still have Harry Potter! Didn't the prophecy say that he will be Voldemort's greatest enemy?"

As soon as Fudge spoke, the faces of the others turned darker.

"But what can we expect a child to do?" Arthur said immediately, "He is only in first grade, we can't let him take risks!"

At this time, Scrimgeour spoke again:

"I was wondering if Charlene Gold could be of some help to us?"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, it immediately touched everyone's hearts, and everyone looked at Fudge expectantly.

Although according to Kingsley, Charlene Gold obviously lost when Voldemort was resurrected. But he was able to struggle with Voldemort alone for a long time without being injured, which has proven his strength.

Scrimgeour also specifically asked Xia Lin if he had brought his Pokémon, and Kingsley's answer was no.

Charlene Gold can tangle with Voldemort without Pokémon, but what if he brings Pokémon with him? Can we fight to a draw with Voldemort?

Going one step further, what if each of the Aurors had a Pokémon?

Thinking of this, Scrimgeour was already looking forward to it.

"I'm afraid he has other things to do," Fudge said, picking up a document on his desk.

"Is there anything more important than fighting the mysterious man?"

"Of course it is the Magical Congress of the United States of America who will hold Charlene Gold accountable regarding the Secrecy Act!" Fudge sneered. "Those Aurors who sneaked into Hogwarts have handed over the so-called evidence to the International Federation of Wizards. I think they will send over the trial documents in a few days! I would like to ask who handed it over. They put it in!"

"They hang out at the magic house——"

"Magic place?!" Fudge raised his voice, "There are no white people and black people in the magic place! Don't tell me that your eyes can no longer distinguish colors!"

The office fell silent for a moment.

"I think sometimes we don't need to pay attention to the International Federation of Wizards. Unless they are willing to contribute, they should stop telling us what to do!" Someone couldn't help but say, "Who took care of us during the last wizarding war?"

"Let's talk about it then." Fudge didn't respond, but sat on his chair with a distressed look, "Okay, everyone, please go out. Now is not the time to gather here for a meeting."

When he was the only one left in the office, Fudge breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and completely revealed his true colors.

"Now, the voices in the Ministry of Magic are almost monolithic, but internationally we have to shut them up completely." His round eyes rolled, "But it depends on how Mr. Xia Lin operates. Now. I just need to cooperate with him."

Not long after, Umbridge came over with a reporter from the Daily Prophet.

An old acquaintance, Rita Skeeter.

This woman and Umbridge looked like the same person.

Fudge held a big press conference at the entrance of the Ministry of Magic.


"What's wrong? I heard that the next game has been cancelled?"

Ron emerged from the crowd and told the news he heard. He had already lost the game today, so it would not have a great impact on him, but if the game was cancelled, he would be surrounded by the exam atmosphere again.

"I don't know, something big seems to have happened." Harry shook his head.

"I saw teachers from other schools leaving in a hurry." Fred couldn't help but say. Of course, he actually saw it through the Marauder's Map.

By the next day, they knew exactly what happened.

The front page news of the Daily Prophet is "The mysterious man is resurrected, another wizarding war begins?" ”, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge first admitted that the mysterious man had returned, and then declared a state of war, making everyone uneasy.

"But how did he come back to life?" Harry asked strangely, "I mean, not long ago we prevented him from getting the Sorcerer's Stone, but he was resurrected today. Professor Dumbledore clearly said that the Sorcerer's Stone had been destroyed. It fell."

"Maybe he has other ways." Ron held the letter sent from home. According to his father, this matter is basically true.

"It doesn't matter, even if he is resurrected, we still have Principal Dumbledore."

"I'm afraid Dumbledore can't help this time. Dad said that he personally admitted to Fudge that he was old. I think the only person who has the ability to stop the mysterious man now is Professor Charlene." Ron said, "But Dad said The professor is also in other trouble."

"Other troubles?" Hermione asked curiously.

She never had much of a source for this information.

"How should I put it? It has something to do with Pokémon. Some people think that he has violated the confidentiality law and want to deal with him! Let me tell you, this is really ridiculous! The fire dragon they bred themselves is sighted several times a year!"

The entire Hogwarts was shrouded in a huge shadow.

But in reality, no one's life was affected.

It was as if Voldemort was just a bubble, appearing briefly and then no more news. One can't help but wonder if he is really resurrected.

At this time, many Death Eaters gathered at Malfoy Manor, they looked terrified and frightened.

"Lucius - I heard that the master is back?"

They were all cautious and did not even dare to speak loudly.

Even though they were in the same camp as Voldemort before, when Voldemort fell, they quickly distanced themselves from him. No one has searched for Voldemort's location for so many years, which is no different from betrayal.

Now that Voldemort is back, no one feels their master's call, which may mean that Voldemort has no intention of forgiving any of them.

"It seems so." Lucius was not so panicked. After all, he had sent him a bottle of unicorn blood in accordance with Voldemort's order not long ago.

At that time Charlene Gold told him not to worry, everything was under control.

Now that Voldemort was resurrected, Lucius didn't know if this was part of that person's plan. But no matter what, if he sent the bottle of blood, maybe Voldemort would be open to his betrayal?

"But, we didn't get any summons?" These people said humbly, "What if the master is unwilling to forgive our betrayal?"

As soon as he said these words, a sharp voice came from outside the door:

"Do you think I will forgive you?" "Voldemort" covered in overload robes had appeared in the courtyard of Malfoy Manor at some point, frightened the Death Eaters, all of whom turned pale and crawled towards his feet. land.

"Master—Master—please forgive me!"

"We never betrayed you, Master—"

"Never betrayed? I know many of you thought that I was dead, or even if I was not dead, I had lost my original mana, so you quickly distanced yourself from me -"

Voldemort said, walking to the front as if he was the real owner of the manor.

"But I want to praise Lucius here - Lucius, you did a good job." He walked up to Lucius and stretched out his hand to pull Lucius up. "I allow you to stand and talk to me."

"Thank you, my great master -" Lucius stood up hastily.

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