Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 158 Snape: Harry, fifty points from Gryffindor for your bravery!

"Stand up, Harry Po-t."

On this day, Snape still looked at Harry Potter as usual, and viciously asked him to stand up, intending to give him a double blow to his body and soul!

But he suddenly realized that Voldemort was now controlled by Dumbledore and could never be resurrected.

In this way, it seems that there is no point in continuing to target Harry Potter.

But sometimes, Snape couldn't help himself when he saw Harry Potter's face. For example, this is the current situation - Harry was making potions, and luckily, he found that Neville's various subjects were much better than before, and even his memory was greatly enhanced. Now that we team up with him, we no longer have to worry about any accidents.

Therefore, Harry felt that he was quite successful in making the potion this time.

However, when Ron reminded him in a low voice that Snape was coming this way, he felt that something was about to happen.

Sure enough, the old bat named him without even thinking——

And misfortunes never come singly, it was because of his shouting that the timid Neville shook his hands and poured down almost 10 grams of the 0.5 grams of Charmander scale powder that was originally going to be added to the potion. The result is also obvious——


The imperfect fire potion immediately lost its original stability, so much so that the crucible exploded!

Thick black smoke spurted out from the crucible, covering Harry and Neville's faces.

Fortunately, their potion hasn't taken shape yet, otherwise it might not be black smoke but flames.

But Harry didn't feel happy about himself at all. It was obvious that Snape would blame him for all the problems. But what about reality?

If he hadn't come suddenly, Neville wouldn't have been frightened and the cauldron wouldn't have exploded!

Thinking of this, Harry became extremely angry.

"I'm sorry, Harry, I messed up again..." Neville lowered his head and said timidly. It's hard to imagine that a character like him was so brave when he was fighting the dark wizard in the Forbidden Forest.

"It's okay." Harry comforted him, and then immediately made up his mind to fight against Snape with the strongest attitude!

Point deductions are inevitable anyway, so it’s better to die with more dignity at this time!

So he raised his head resolutely and faced Snape without fear.

"Harry Bro——"

Snape had indeed planned to ridicule Harry a few times and then deduct a lot of points from him. After all, even if there is no Voldemort factor, he is still the dean of Slytherin, so it is normal for Slytherin to use some backdoor methods to win the Academy Cup, right?

However, when his teasing eyes looked at Harry's face, Snape immediately froze——

Harry, whose face was disfigured by the black smoke, could not see his original face. The unsightly face he inherited from James Potter disappeared, leaving only a pair of green eyes that were as bright as gems.


Snape was immediately speechless.

It was as if the little girl from many years ago and the child now overlapped.

When the lovely and righteous Lily Evans stood in front of the evil James Potter to protect him, she must have had the same perseverance, right?

The entire classroom was silent for a moment, and there was a sharp contrast between the Slytherin who was waiting to see the excitement and the worried Gryffindor.

Harry was a little confused, but he couldn't back down at this time, so he opened his eyes even wider!

"Headmaster -" Malfoy anxiously called Snape back from his happy memories, because he couldn't wait to see Harry Potter in trouble.

But Snape, who had recovered from his memory, glanced at him in disgust, and then moved his gaze back, as if his eyes stayed somewhere else for an extra second, which was a sign of disrespect for Lily. Similar.

"What do you think he is doing?" Not far away, Luo whispered to Hermione, "I thought he was going to kiss her?"

Hermione picked up the textbook and gave him a hard blow on the head.

After a while, Harry couldn't hold it in any longer.

Mainly because my eyes are a bit dry...

"If you want to deduct points, feel free to do so." Harry simply said, and at the same time averted his gaze.

At this moment, Snape seemed to break out of a quagmire. He opened his mouth: "Very good——"

"How dare you talk to me like this now?"


A pair of green eyes flashed with hatred.

"Five points added!"


The entire class was stunned. Draco looked even more surprised than when he heard the news about the mysterious man's resurrection, and his eyes almost fell out of his head.

Hermione looked horrified, and the Potions textbook she held in her hand fell to the ground with a thud.

Snape gave Gryffindor points?

And still give Harry Potter points?

"I knew I was dreaming. No wonder I dreamed that the mysterious man was resurrected. I even dreamed about Snape giving Harry points. Is there anything else more outrageous?" Ron said, "I understand." " expression.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I said it wrong-" Snape said immediately.

Draco breathed a sigh of relief, turned to his two little followers and said, "Obviously, I think the Dean may have just mistaken Harry Pott's scarred head for someone else, and of course I guess it could be me. "

He probably wanted to show that he and Snape had a closer relationship, but Snape's next words made him dumbfounded.

“It’s not five points – it’s fifty points!”

Then, ignoring the surprised looks of everyone in the class, he walked up to Draco and said coldly, "Malfoy, I think you should stay quiet in class! Instead of speaking at will without my permission!" Slytherin will be deducted ten points for your actions!"

Let you interrupt me! Snape thought angrily.

After saying this, he returned to the podium:

"Lee-Harry, I forgot. You should go to the school hospital quickly. The exploding crucible may hurt you!"

Snape's voice was full of concern, which surprised everyone, especially Harry himself.

"--NO, I have not--"

"Then we should check it out! Okay, let's go now!" Snape said decisively, "I'll go with you!"

So, Snape hurriedly took Harry out of the classroom, leaving only the astonished little wizard and the equally black-headed but completely forgotten Neville standing there blankly.

Neville: Who am I? Where am I? Do I want to go to the school hospital too?

"I said, this is too crazy. Did he take the wrong medicine today? Or is it simply a fake?" Ron asked this question that touched everyone's heart. But no one could answer him.

Hermione said angrily: "I answered every one of his questions correctly, but he never gave me extra points!"

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