Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 163: Azkaban Attack Plan (I didn’t update due to some issues yesterday, sorry guys)

At the end of June, the little wizards finished their final exams and were about to prepare to leave school.

But before that, there are still many things that need to be prepared. Many parents are not willing to let the little wizards take the train home because Voldemort has come out to cause trouble again. Instead, they ask the Ministry of Magic to open the floo network at Hogwarts.

In fact, last night, "Voldemort" led the Death Eaters to attack a wizard village. If the Auror team and their Pokémon hadn't discovered them in time and repelled them, I'm afraid many young wizards would no longer be able to see them. Family.

Regarding this, Fudge, who was thinking about his popularity among the people, naturally nodded in agreement. Dumbledore also agreed to release the authority and allow the school to connect to the flyway line.

"I think this farce must be resolved quickly, otherwise everyone will be in danger." Dumbledore said seriously.

Although no one died, it was not an option to keep British wizards living in fear.

"Don't worry Dumbledore, I'm ready to formally declare war on Voldemort." Fudge said while wiping his sweat. Probably because he is a little overweight, he sweats very easily, especially when something happens or he is busy.

Dumbledore cast a cooling spell on him, which made him feel much better.

"Thank you, this is so useful!" Fudge beamed, "By the way, where is Xia Lin? I was just going to ask him if he would like to attend the award ceremony of the Order of Merlin after he has defeated Voldemort - if he doesn't like these red tapes, Then I’ll just give the badge directly to him.”

Fudge said happily.

He now has great respect for Xia Lin. If it weren't for Xia Lin, he wouldn't have achieved what he has achieved now. You know, when had he not nodded and bowed when he met Dumbledore before? Now there is no need to look at the other person's face.

Of course, now this person has become Charlene Gold, but Fudge not only doesn't care, but is very happy.

If it weren't for the other party, his current reputation would be far less than it is now. He knew that when he first took office, there were many people waiting to laugh. But now, those people kept their mouths shut, thanking him that Fudge arrived in time and saved them from the Death Eaters.

"He is holding a meeting for seventh-grade students. You know, many seventh-grade wizards have graduated this year. And it just so happens that there are many jobs related to Pokémon." Dumbledore smiled. explain.

Although Voldemort's farce was actually not that good in his opinion, these positions have actually increased the employment rate of Hogwarts graduates. In the future, there will be no need to explain things like "working for one hour counts as employment" and "how can we call unemployment when we are waiting for employment?" in the international community.

The most important thing is that these jobs are not fake jobs, but jobs that can truly promote the development of the magical world.

You must know that during the summer vacation, Snape will take his newly developed potions to participate in the Association of Extraordinary Pharmacists, intending to make several potions with Pokémon added shine in the Pharmaceutical Association.

Now, many wizards have indeed seen the power of Pokémon. Powerful Pokémon and the cooperation of wizards can repel the terrifying Death Eaters. But others don’t know yet about Pokémon’s use in potions.

Imagine that you are a British wizard, and like other middle-aged British wizards, you are troubled by middle-aged baldness. Ordinary hair growth potions are almost ineffective. At this time, if a bottle of Hairy Troll brand hair growth potion is placed in front of you, will you be tempted?

And hair growth potion is just the most common one.

What is really powerful is the immunity potion just developed by Snape.

The immunity potion is configured with Scorpio's body tissue. It can almost be said that it has completely copied Scorpio's immune characteristics.

It can be said that as long as you drink the immunity potion, you can be immune to all venoms and no longer have to worry about poisoning. Of course, this does not mean that venom is ineffective. In fact, some corrosive venom can still work.

The fact that it will not be poisoned is enough to prove the power of this potion.

Moreover, Snape had specially tested that even the poison from wolfsbane and fire dragon's teeth could not break the effect of the immunity potion. But on the other hand, if a person who has been poisoned drinks the immunity potion, the potion will have no effect.

Snape cried out with joy at this discovery.

If it were possible to remove toxins from the bodies of already poisoned people, then he would not be happy about it.

Of course, since the formula is not yet mature, the effective time of this medicine is six months. If you are poisoned after six months, it will have no effect. Moreover, Snape also discovered that not every Scorpion's body tissue could successfully prepare immunity potions.

In order to solve this doubt, he deliberately confiscated Harry's "Pokémon Encyclopedia" textbook with a straight face. It turned out that there was no record of Pokémon like Scorpio in the textbook. So he had no choice but to pull him down and run over to ask Xia Lin. That arrogant look can only be said to be very classic.

All in all, Pokémon research will become a brand new topic. A vast field is now in front of Hogwarts students, and they are actually a big step ahead of the world.

Especially the members of the Potions Club organized by Snape. For the past year, they have been helping Snape handle Pokémon potions, helping him trial and error, and accumulating theories in practice. When these people graduate, they will surely make great achievements in Pokémon potions.

In fact, the deans of the other four colleges are pretty much the same.

Professor Flitwick conducted some research and analysis on Pokémon's "moves", but this was a deeper and more difficult study than potions.

The Pokémon Club venue is now home to almost half of the school's students. Although many young wizards are still far from graduation, it is good to come and absorb some other people's experiences.

There are also some people who are just there to join in the fun, such as Harry and Ron.

"Everyone - I'm glad to see you graduate successfully." Xia Lin said with a smile, "To be honest, the seventh-grade students and I are actually about the same age. I believe some of you still remember me from school back then. What about."

"Of course I remember! You even beat me up!" One of the students immediately shouted loudly.

But by now those little frictions are no longer worth mentioning.

There was a lot of laughter in the club, and the matter was revealed.

"I still remember that during this year, many people asked me about the use of Pokémon as a subject." Xia Lin said slowly, "Our principal has always been worried that in the fifth grade and Will the introduction of Pokémon Master Class in seventh grade affect your wizard level exam? After all, the wizard level certificate is related to whether you can find a decent job in the magic world after graduation."

Xia Lin laughed as he said: "Now, from a realistic point of view, I am happy to tell you that you will have more opportunities to get a job. In fact, Beauxbatons, The three schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Castello Busch have already had the idea of ​​setting up Pokémon courses. So far, I have received letters from many principals, expressing their wish to hire me to leave Hogwarts to teach in their schools. Of course. ——I won’t go, but if you are interested, I believe that as long as they are qualified wizards, they will be willing to pay the price to hire them.”

After saying this, many students couldn't sit still. Being a teacher in a magic school is a job that makes a lot of money, but the social status is still very high. Because the teachers in many schools are actually masters in a certain field. Just like Snape, his potion skills are very powerful in the world.

Snape often laughed at Hermione for following the script. Apart from the suspicion of being deliberately nitpicking, he was actually qualified to say so.

Judging from the Half-Blood Prince season, Harry just got an old Potions textbook from Snape, which allowed him to surpass Hermione in Potions with a good grade in Potions.

"Professor, I want to know, what does it mean to have a passing grade?" someone couldn't help but ask.

This course usually has neither homework nor exams. What are the criteria for judging whether it is qualified?

"Be able to master all the knowledge in the current textbooks, even if it is just theoretical. At the same time, have the ability to comfort Pokémon to avoid Pokémon riots, and be able to deal with Pokémon's physical discomfort caused by changes in the environment..."

The requirements for being a Pokémon teacher are actually pretty much the same as being a Care of Magical Creatures professor. If you can't control Pokémon yourself, then there's no need to teach.

Then, Xia Lin added: "If you are unwilling to leave the UK, there are many staff vacancies in the Department of Pokémon Protection and Management of the Ministry of Magic and the Pokémon Office under the Department of Magical Sports and Sports. These two departments They are all under my management, and the number of people I want to recruit at the moment is about twenty. That’s a lot of people, isn’t it?”

There are actually just over a hundred people in the seventh grade.

Most of the wizards can actually inherit the family business directly after graduation. Most of the others can find other jobs. Like the curse breakers at Gringotts, the pharmacists at the hospital...

Xia Lin immediately provided about twenty positions, which was great news for the newly graduated wizards.

"In addition, there is another good news for those who have joined the club and obtained Pokémon - the director of our Auror Office wrote to me, expressing his willingness to make an exception and accept wizards who do not meet the standards in other subjects in the club. If If you are willing, you can directly become a reserve Auror. Of course, the personality test is a must." Xia Lin paused and said meaningfully, "I see that many Gryffindor graduates are saved, right? "

This news once again caused all wizards above the fifth grade to be excited.

You know, many male wizards hope to become Aurors after graduation. But if you want to become an Auror, you first need at least five N.E.W.T. certificates, and the results cannot be lower than 'good'. However, due to the existence of the unnamed Snape Demon, many Gryffindor students did not meet the standard in potions.

Now there is an opportunity for special admission, which makes the little wizards extremely excited.

Although this special admission is only for members of the club, seventh grade wizards have no chance, but fifth and sixth grade wizards still have the opportunity to join the club.

"Our Pokémon Master Class professor is really good!" Fred sighed while joining in the fun.

"It's such a shame. It would be nice if I had Pokémon so I could work in the joke shop." George shook his head.

"Why not!" Fred was reminded by his words, and his eyes lit up, "I think we might as well set up a Pokémon joke shop ourselves! We still have a few years to go, and we have to find some Pokémon that like to play pranks. A dream! By then our store will be unique!"

"You are a genius!" George said immediately.

"You are a genius twin brother!"

"So we are all geniuses!"

The two hit it off immediately and can't wait for the next opportunity to enter the reserve.

From the corner of her eye, Xia Lin saw Fudge and Dumbledore standing outside the club door. However, it was related to her student employment, so Xia Lin didn't want to be disturbed yet, so she asked Fudge and the others to wait for him outside.

After a long time, Xia Lin came out with nearly a hundred employment applications.

"Dumbledore, Cornelius, come to my office to chat. Have a snack by the way."

The three of them arrived at the office immediately, and the suction cup golem immediately came up with snacks.

"These little guys look much cuter than house elves." Fudge picked up a piece of pink cake and took a bite. His eyes immediately widened in disbelief. He felt that his body and mind suddenly calmed down.

"The little burnt fruit cake, isn't it good? Suction cup golem, please bring some Feiyun ice cream."

"If you look at the dessert shop, Duke Bee and Mrs. Puddifer's Tea House will go out of business!" Fudge said without exaggeration.

"I totally agree!" Dumbledore happily took a bite of ice cream and another bite of cake.

"Okay, what do you want from me?"

"That's it, I have an idea - since we are going to declare war with Voldemort, I think it's better to make it bigger - let him grow a little stronger first -"

"You mean..."


Malfoy Manor.

As a gathering place for Death Eaters, Malfoy, who has mastered the mark of the Dark Lord, is now more than ten thousand people.

However, looking at the Death Eaters crawling in front of him, Lucius did not feel any happiness at all. He only felt dangerous. He felt like he was standing on the top of a precarious and precarious building. He seemed to be arrogant, but in fact he was walking on thin ice.


He knew he always had a way out.

"Lucius, all our plans have been blocked by the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic recently. Those 'Pokémon' are really powerful - Lord Dark Lord - does he have other plans?"

"I think it's better to just go and kill him. That Fudge, I've long disliked him. Let's find an opportunity to assassinate him!"

"Shut up -" Lucius imitated Snape's unique speaking tone, and he found that it sounded like that. "Of course the master has his own ideas..."

"Now, he has given us a new task——"

"Let's attack immediately - Azkaban!"

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