Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 177 Dumbledore: What a pity, I am the principal

At the dinner on the first day of school, Dumbledore grandly introduced a new Defense Against the Dark Arts classmate, Remus Lupin, and emphasized that if nothing unexpected happened, Professor Lupin would be there very soon. Have held this course for a long time.

The Gryffindor twins almost fell down laughing: "The truth is, there are always accidents in Defense Against the Dark Arts!"

"I just hope his level is high enough." Someone said with a sigh.

For decades, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors at Hogwarts have become almost expendable. Even if Dumbledore continues to add new professors, he is always dissatisfied with meeting some shoddy silver gun wax heads, which will be miserable in the end. Still a student. This is especially true for students who are looking forward to taking the junior and senior wizard exams.

"Don't worry, Lupine's defense against the dark arts is very powerful." Harry quickly spoke to Lupine in the student group.

And what he said was true. During the summer vacation, he did see Lupine's abilities. To be precise, besides Lupine, Sirius was also very powerful. Ron and Hermione also hurriedly helped. They had known Lupin on the train and had a very fond impression of the professor.

Of course, if anyone was unhappy, it was Snape.

At this moment, he stared at Lupine with a look of great hatred, which even exceeded his hatred for Harry.

In the final analysis, Snape's hatred for Harry is just a continuation of his hatred for James, and he is still confused by those green eyes from time to time. This was reflected last semester. Ever since Voldemort was captured and Snape didn't have to target Harry deliberately, he was often in a trance to give Harry points.

Then he came back to his senses after his eyes left Harry's, and tried to think of a way to deduct the points.

This allowed Harry to experience an erratic "love".

Many people said that Snape was probably crazy.

But Lupine was different.

After all, Snape almost died at Lupine's hands.

"I just can't believe that you would put such a dangerous person in the school," he said word by word, not caring that he was still in the hall and that what he said might be heard by others, and he didn't care. Would Lupine be hurt by his words.

In fact, Lupine kept smiling.

Because of the previous pranks of the foursome, Lupine always felt that he owed Snape something. Although he usually does not take direct part in the prank, the bystander is not much less guilty than the perpetrator. Not to mention he almost killed Snape.

As for Snape's weird words, he had long since stopped caring.

"I never thought Lupine was a dangerous person." Dumbledore said calmly. He was always able to talk to anyone with the most equal eyes, no matter who the other person was.

This is why many demihuman races respect him very much.

And for werewolves like Lupine who have been poisoned by wolfsbane since childhood, what fault do they have? People in the wizarding world should look past that little bit of danger and take off their colored glasses to look at them again. Especially now that wolfsbane potions and immunity potions have been invented, werewolves are even less dangerous.

"Then you really should have your eyes checked - why not give up your position as principal earlier? I think even Charlene Gold would be more suitable to be the principal than you!"

"Snape, how could you say that!" McGonagall said angrily, not happy that her old best friend was being said like this.

But Dumbledore didn't mind at all:

"Unfortunately, I am the principal now, and Xia Lin also thinks that Remus is a good candidate. In the end, he will not hold the position of principal. In fact, not long ago he proposed to me that Miller The baby is the principal."

As he spoke, Dumbledore winked mischievously and raised his glass to Xia Lin, who was not far away.

This made Snape furious.

This is not the most extreme thing.

The most outrageous thing was that Dumbledore tilted his head and said, "By the way, I'll leave it to you to prepare the potion that Remus wants to use."

"What?" Snape was dumbfounded, "You want me to mix the potion for him?"

Absurdity was written all over his face.

You just want to find my enemy to work with me, but you still want me to save his life?

"As long as you have the ability to prepare it, the cost of the potion will be reported directly to the school director without you having to pay." Dumbledore said "generously".

If you dare to ask me to pay for it myself, then I will resign now!

Snape was so angry that he didn't eat a single bite of the food. This made Lupine feel even more guilty. But he couldn't refuse, after all, Wolfsbane Potion was really important to him.

"He looks like he hates Professor Lupin," Ron whispered to Harry.

"I'd really like to know what potion Professor Dumbledore wants Snape to refine?" Hermione said while teasing Pikachu.

During the summer vacation, she brought all the Pokémon back home, and now Pichu has evolved into Pikachu. It is worth mentioning that her Pikachu's tail is heart-shaped, which shows that this Pikachu is a girl.

Harry was envious of this, but there was no way he was going to take the Pokémon to the Dursleys, Hedwig alone was driving him crazy.

"Besides, I also want to know how to get a Thunder Stone." Hermione added.

"What? You're not planning to let Pikachu evolve now, are you?" Ron said in surprise.

"Why not?" Hermione asked him strangely, "Only evolution can lead to stronger power. You see, Harry's electric shock monster helped him a lot after it evolved into an electric shock beast."

"But don't you like Pokémon battles? Why do you need such a strong power?" Harry asked, "And Pikachu is also very powerful. The professor's Pikachu is very strong. My Pikachu was also killed on Voldemort's head last year. There was a scar left. I heard that the scar was still there when he fled abroad!"

"I don't like it - but what happened last semester made me think that sometimes there is no harm in being stronger. If my Pokémon and I were stronger at that time, maybe it could also help." She Said slightly sadly.

Of course Hermione was referring to the time when she passed through the trap door. Facing the fierce Black Lugar, she felt that she was completely powerless.

"Anyway, evolution is the fastest way to become stronger! It is written in the book that once a Pokémon evolves, it will gain greater power - the power of moves, magic resistance, and physical strength will all be improved." She He insisted, "I plan to participate in the competition this semester and try to evolve all my Pokémon."

"I don't think we need to force Pokémon to evolve. Although evolution is of course the best, I believe that even just Pikachu can become the strongest!" Xia Lin's Pikachu flashed in Harry's mind He said firmly in the scene of defeating Kuruga with absolute power.


Early the next morning, Harry couldn't wait to go to Xia Lin's office, planning to pick up his Pokémon.

There are several little wizards like him.

"Here you go, Harry, here are Pikachu, Electabuzz and Darubi." Xia Lin handed him the three pokeballs. "They look good, and Darubi seems to be about to evolve."

In fact, Harry's Delubi has already passed the lowest level of evolution. But the real world is not a game, and not every Pokémon’s evolutionary level is so fixed. Some Pokémon can evolve a little earlier than their in-game levels, while many more evolve much later.

Not to mention, even in games, you can still press the "B" button to stop evolution.

"Derubi evolved?" Harry said blankly.

"Not yet -" Xia Lin corrected, "but I think it will be soon. It is a little restless these days, and the bones on its head are also a little bulging, which should be a precursor to evolution. You'd better prepare more food for it, Then take it to more battles.”


Harry repeated it, remembering what Hermione had said at the dinner party yesterday.

"Professor—do you know where I can get the Thunder Stone?"

"Where can I get a Thunder Stone? Needless to say? Of course it's here." Xia Lin said and took out a Thunder Stone. "What's wrong, you want Pikachu to evolve into Raichu?"

"It's not me, it's Hermione." Harry shook his head and told Xia Lin what happened last night, "Professor, do you think that evolved Pokémon are definitely stronger than non-evolved Pokémon? Electric shock After the monster evolved into the electric beast, it was indeed much stronger than before."

"So that's it. Are you worried about whether to evolve?" Xia Lin smiled.

In fact, many people have considered this issue in the original Pokémon world, especially after the emergence of Mega Evolution. Some people are thinking, have Pokémon and trainers been tested by Mega Evolution?

"Let me tell you this, Harry. If you want to know the answer to this question, you must first understand what the concept of evolution means-"

"What does evolution mean?" Harry obviously had not thought about this question. He just regarded this phenomenon as one of Pokémon's incredible powers without thinking about it more deeply.

Xia Lin told him the answer:

"Evolution is actually a change that occurs when Pokémon adapts to different environments and faces different enemies, and discovers that its current form is not enough to survive and reproduce. Through evolution, Pokémon Dreams gained stronger strength, allowing them to adapt to harsh environments and defeat powerful enemies. In the long evolution, the evolutionary chain of Pokémon was formed."

"So, evolution can make you stronger? Hermione is right?"

"To be precise, it becomes stronger on the original basis." Xia Lin does not deny this. Regardless of whether early evolution will consume the potential of the Pokémon, take Xiaozhi's Charizard as an example. , if the fire dinosaur had not evolved in advance, it would not have been an opponent of the fossil pterosaur.

"In that case, why, Professor, why don't you let Pikachu evolve into Raichu?" Harry asked doubtfully.

If evolution can make you stronger, then if the professor's Pikachu evolves, wouldn't it become even more powerful?

"That's what I'm going to say next. Through evolution, you can indeed gain stronger power quickly. It's like a first-grade wizard growing up to seventh grade. His magical power will naturally be improved due to growth. But On the other hand, if a wizard just grows up without receiving magic education and never learns any magic spells, do you think he will be your opponent?"

Harry shook his head.

Although he is only in second grade now, he learned a lot of magic spells from Sirius during the summer vacation.

And Harry's talent is indeed very strong, and he can learn some relatively easy spells just by watching them a few times.

"The same is true for Pokémon. If you don't train Pokémon's strength and moves, and just focus on making them evolve quickly, you won't truly become stronger. There is never only one way to become stronger. .”

"I understand, Professor." Harry nodded vigorously.

"Then, this thunder stone——"

"I do not want."


"You do not want?"

In the Gryffindor common room, Hermione was so angry that her voice was distorted.

"Didn't you hear what the professor said, Hermione?" Ron advised, "You haven't given Pikachu enough battles, so it won't be any better if he just evolves it into Raichu. I really don't know. How could you make such a mistake? You are the hardest working person among us!"

"Even if I don't use the Thunder Stone for Pikachu, I still want to study what the Thunder Stone looks like. I haven't seen the evolution stones mentioned in the textbook yet!"

Hermione is not an idiot. Since Xia Lin said this, she can understand it.

But the evolutionary stone——

She really wants it!

"It's almost a green, crystal clear stone. By the way, there's a yellow lightning sign inside. If you can't imagine it, you can look at the scar on my head." Harry lifted his hair up.

"I think you're just a rock!" Hermione, the school bully, punched him directly!

"Have you never thought about the magic of the Thunder Stone? Can it evolve Pokémon? Why can Pikachu do it but not Electabuzz? Nor can Naughty Thunderbolt?" Hermione's thirst for knowledge began to sprout.

"With so many Pokémon, why do only a few Pokémon need evolution stones to evolve? And why do some Pokémon need communication to evolve? But we have never seen a communication machine at all. Do you want me to provide Ghost Stone, please give me a call?”

"Sorry - what is a phone?" Ron asked weakly.

"So Pokémon is a mystery." Harry said, "But don't worry, the professor said that some evolution stones will be given out this semester to be used as semester rewards. Including class performance or competition rewards."

"Really? Can you choose any of the three evolutionary stones?"


"I knew that the evolution stone must be a very precious thing, how could it be chosen at will?" Hermione said immediately.

"No, what I mean is that there are ten kinds of evolution stones to choose from, and there are also some other evolution tools. For example, the professor told me that if the electric beast wants to evolve into an electric monster, it needs to use Electric motor, and then evolve through communication. And the communication evolution machine seems to be ready," Harry said.

"This is so cool, what about me? Do any of my Pokémon need that phone to evolve?" Ron said expectantly.

"It's communication!" Hermione said immediately, "And if you read more in the textbook, you will know that the little fire horse and the pangolin are both upgraded and evolved. As for Delubi, the professor has said otherwise!"

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