Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 18 Big Mouth Hagrid

Another class ended, and Xia Lin’s whole day of classes ended here.

He only has two classes on Wednesday and Thursday, and only one class on other days, and he also has weekends off. I have to say, the teacher staffing is great!

And he is also the coolest physical education class template.

Most of his free time was spent interrupting teachers in other subjects or spending time in the library and Room of Requirement. After all, he didn't plan to stay at Hogwarts for the precious time on the weekend. There were still a lot of fun things waiting for him in the Muggle world.

In fact, Xia Lin didn't go to the Muggle world just to play. He didn't know if the Pokémon game would appear in this world. Then he thought, rather than letting others release the Pokémon game, he might as well do it himself.

So, he planned to set up a company this weekend and register the Pokémon trademark first.

On Friday, Xia Lin held a box of collected Pokémon materials and prepared to go to Snape. In the past few days, he collected some Pokémon venom, as well as other materials, such as fallen fangs, scales or hair, and a small amount of Pokémon blood.

These were placed in a box, separated in containers, intending for Snape to see if they could be of any use in potions.

The Pokémon was still a little resistant to having his blood drawn, and he spent some time getting the blood from Pokémon hunting in the nature reserve.

When it comes to magic, you shouldn't have to worry about the blood being oxidized, right?

In other words, wizards may have never gotten unoxygenated blood to serve as ingredients for potions.

Just as Xia Lin was thinking about these things, the oncoming Harry actually ran directly into his arms.


Harry had just left the Potions classroom. He was so angry and full of complaints that he didn't see the path ahead clearly and bumped into Xia Lin. He immediately felt like he had hit an iron wall and fell backwards, falling to the ground.

But Xia Lin remained motionless.

"Good morning, Harry, and Ron. What's wrong with you?" Xia Lin pulled Harry up from the ground, and then said hello to him and Ron.

"Good morning, Professor Gold." Ron did not expect that the professor would call him by his first name affectionately, and his favorable impression of Xia Lin rose rapidly.

"Sorry, Professor, I didn't see you just now." Harry apologized.

"It's okay, why are you in such a hurry? Be careful when walking in the corridor."

"Well...we are going to see Hagrid." Harry opened his mouth, but still did not tell a professor about the anger he had just suffered in Potions class.

Xia Lin nodded and left Harry and the others without saying anything.

"Professor Gold seems to have gone to find Snape." Ron saw Xia Lin leaving and immediately started gossiping, "What's their relationship? I heard from Fred that Professor Gold used to be a Slytherin. But I think he’s different from other Slytherins, what do you think?”

"Maybe it's because the professor left without graduating from Slytherin?" Harry guessed. There have been dozens of versions of rumors related to Xia Lin in the past few days.

After finishing the two potions lessons today, Harry's favorite version is - Professor Gold fights Snape and beats Snape to pieces.

"It seems that leaving Slytherin early will prevent Professor Gold from becoming as annoying as other Slytherins." Ron also agreed with Harry's words, "But Malfoy is annoying enough in his first year."

Harry took Ron to find Hagrid. Although Hagrid only invited him, Ron was as inseparable from him as his shadow during this period. It would not be enough to go to the appointment alone. Got it.

Hagrid also welcomed Ron's visit. He was very familiar with the Weasley family, but Ron's two brothers were too naughty. He hoped that this boy in front of him would make him less worried and not come to the Forbidden Forest all the time. Let's hang out here.

He brought out a large pile of rock biscuits to serve Harry and Ron. The two of them almost broke their teeth before biting into it, but they pretended to like it very much.

Hagrid was also very happy: "Is my rock cake good? Xia Lin said it was good after eating it. He ate it alone last time and it was better."

"His teeth are really good..." Ron laughed awkwardly, but he really admired Xia Lin's teeth.

"By the way, Harry, how was your week?"

"It's pretty good. Professor Xia Lin's Pokémon master class is very interesting. I even touched a lion that can breathe fire. It's a pity that there is only one class a week."

"Did he bring those little cuties to class?" Hagrid said with a smile on his face, "Let me tell you, there are actually a lot of Pokémon raised in Xia Lin's office! I'm afraid there are more Pokémon than in the Forbidden Forest. There are even more magical animals.”

"But how is this possible? I mean, there's no way you can fit that many Pokémon in one office."

"The Seamless Stretching Curse, Harry, this is a very profound spell." Hagrid explained, "If you have the chance, you can really go and see it. Let me tell you, if I was still in school, I would definitely try my best to The way is to go to Xia Lin's office and be detained. If I had this ability at that time, Aragog might not be discovered."

"Aragog?" Harry asked, tilting his head.

Only then did Hagrid realize that he had slipped his words, and quickly changed the subject: "Nothing Harry, let's continue talking about you. What about the other courses?"

"Uh - I feel like the Potions teacher doesn't like me very much."

Harry told Hagrid about Snape's lessons.

"Don't worry, because Snape rarely liked any of the students."

"But he seems to really hate me."

"Nonsense! Why does he hate you?" Hagrid said quickly.

He has been a gamekeeper at this school for fifty years, so he naturally knows some things from the past. Even if he doesn't know the relationship between Snape and Lily, he is very clear about the grudge between James Potter and Snape. .

Therefore, when he said this sentence, he felt somewhat unnatural. And immediately began to change the subject and started chatting with Ron about Charlie Weasley.

At this time, Harry saw an old newspaper from a month ago placed on Hagrid's desk. The front page reads——

"The pure-blood family is under attack!" The Minister of Magic and the Aurors came in person and saved more than twenty lives."

Scroll down, there is another report:

"The Ministry of Magic's rescue operation is a huge success - truth, or lie?" "The author of this article is Rita Skeeter.

This person questioned the Ministry of Magic's statement and sharply raised a suspicious point - if the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic really defeated the attacker, the terrifying dark wizard, then how come no one was imprisoned for it?

And it's also said that the attacker is not only at large, but is currently a professor at Hogwarts.

Harry read this report and felt that it was similar to the rumors he had heard in the past few days. He thought that Rita Skeeter was a good reporter who was willing to tell the truth.

"Haha, you've seen this report too, haven't you?" Hagrid was very happy to have something to distract Harry's attention.

"So, what is said here is true? Professor Xia Lin really did this?" Harry asked quickly.

"There is such a thing, but the fact that the Ministry of Magic saved more than 20 lives is completely false. It was Dumbledore who came forward. To be honest, if Dumbledore hadn't asked Xia Lin to give him something important, They might not touch it yet," Hagrid said.

"Something important?"

"Uh - nothing, this is not something you should know." Hagrid quickly shut up.

But his big mouth already made Harry and Ron very suspicious.

Thank you all for your recommendation votes, hehehe

The second update today is spicy

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