Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 186 Yveltal: Oh no, I’m a substitute

"Are you Under Slytherin?" Draco looked at the back and shouted subconsciously.

But the other party didn't respond.

He was just about to walk up and say hello, but unexpectedly, the Arbor snake around his neck immediately spit out the snake letter. Draco was so frightened that he quickly squatted down holding his head.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"No one is planning to kill you." Riddle's voice appeared behind Draco. Almost as soon as he saw this kid, he recognized that he must be a member of the Malfoy family. Lucius Malfoy's son!

Draco then raised his head and rolled his neck with surprise on his face.

"Two you?"

"The one over there is just my memory." Riddle said, and the one talking to Draco now was the soul left by Voldemort in the diary. However, what Riddle was wearing at this time was not a wizard's robe. It's a trainer's outfit.

This was a look he had made in order to better fit his current identity, but Riddle couldn't remember who specifically this outfit was based on. In his memory, there seemed to be a man wearing trainer's clothes, but Riddle's memory was already a little blurry.

But he hasn't noticed this yet, and the continuous news has already made Riddle panic.

He is afraid of death!

Now, not only had Voldemort died once, but he had been defeated.

Since he can't! Then Riddle decided to do it himself!

"Look, the legendary Pokémon will appear soon." Riddle said softly.

Then, Draco saw heavy water vapor spreading against the surface. The entire forest seemed to be shrouded in a mist, and in the hazy mist, a tall shadow standing on four legs approached gracefully on the clear water.

"What was that?" Although Draco knew that his memory would not be affected by him because it was something that had already happened, he still couldn't help lowering his voice.

"The messenger of the north wind, the legendary Pokémon, Suicune!" Riddle said seriously, "This is the closest I have ever been to a legendary Pokémon. I was almost about to conquer it, but unfortunately, from now on, The insect catching net borrowed from the insect catching boy is not very strong!"

His tone was very regretful, as if he was a fisherman who watched helplessly as a huge fish bit the hook. The two sides had been fighting for a long time, and even lifted the fish, only to have the fishing line break in mid-air. .

"What the hell? Bug catching net?" Just as Draco suspected that he heard wrongly, the Riddle in his memory took out a bamboo pole from the backpack on his back, with an old net tied to the front end of the pole.

Then, Riddle rushed out and knocked Suicune to the ground with a pole. The mighty Suicune struggled, looking more like a wild dog than a legendary Pokémon.

The problem is, even a wild dog wouldn't be caught in such a net, right?

If this is the legendary Pokémon, then don’t forget about it!

Looking at his appearance, Riddle also felt a little embarrassed.

Apparently, even he himself thought that the legend of being knocked to the ground by a bug net was somewhat outrageous. This is as outrageous as one day when the famous Dark Lord Voldemort was defeated by a baby, or, as is generally believed, Dumbledore, the greatest wizard, was disarmed by a little wizard who was still in school.

But what can Riddle do?

All the legendary Pokémon governors he knew came from Dumbledore's narrations.

The story of this famous Suicune naturally comes from Dumbledore.

Fortunately, Xia Lin finally gave Sui Jun some face.

In the picture, Suicune was hit with a stick and was knocked dizzy, and then he immediately started to fight back.

It tore off the net, looked at Riddle angrily, raised its head and let out a long chirp.

Then, the water surface under Suicune's feet immediately rippled. The originally calm water surface became turbulent. The water waves collided with each other layer by layer, slowly forming huge circular waves!

"It's Water Wave!" Draco subconsciously said the name of the skill.

However, the power of Suicune's water fluctuations at this time far exceeded his imagination. A move with a power of only 60, under Suicune's power, seemed to become a water-type ultimate move.


The raging waves crashed towards Riddle in an instant! The huge waves were taller than his men, and they crushed several thigh-thick trees on the shore!

Draco watched with fear, and then heard Riddle's voice.

“Rice Spoon Snake—Hold!”

A big black and gold snake immediately occupied Draco's eyes. It has a black body, golden hexagonal scale armor, and two fangs longer than a wand. The most peculiar thing is its tail - it is like a red blade!

The handsome rice-spoon snake hit Draco right in the heart.

In comparison, the Arbor snake, which looks like a round-headed earthworm, is far behind. If it could evolve, that would be okay.

Arbor Snake:? ? ?

Did you forget that I was on your neck?

Believe it or not, I will strangle you?

Because of his defense, Suicune's attack failed to hurt Riddle, and then Riddle added another Orochi glare. Then he flicked his tail and used the bloody blade to unleash a terrifying poisonous attack——

When Draco saw the tail hitting the water, he immediately cut the water flat!

The venom on the blade turned into crescent moons and shot out!

In an instant, the poison blade cut open Suicune's body - Draco was about to scream, but soon he discovered that what was cut open was not Suicune's body, but an afterimage.

"Shadow clone?"

"No - it's divine speed!" Riddle explained.

Suicune, who had used his divine speed, was so close that he could only see his shadow. The next moment, its attack had already landed on the rice spoon snake.

Frozen wind!

After a gust of cold wind that was so strong that people couldn't open their eyes, all that was left was the frozen lake surface and its shores.

Riddle and the Spoon Snake were both firmly frozen in the ice.

Draco was stunned.

This power, you say it is freezing wind?

You know, he should not be affected by memory, but when Suicune used Freezing Wind, he still couldn't see anything. The entire move turned white due to the extremely cold temperature, and the cold wind was mixed with a large amount of of ice and snow!

The area that was finally frozen was also very vast.

"This is the power of the legendary Pokémon. Fortunately, my Snake learned to spray flames, allowing it to thaw the ice. Otherwise, I would have probably died in the ice at that time!" Riddle explained .

Then, the picture changed again.

The original jungle turned into a desert. A heroic Pokémon stood high on a huge red rock, looking down at Riddle and his Pokémon with contempt. Draco noticed that Riddle had an extra ground-type Pokémon in his team this time.

"Thunder Lord!"

In the sky behind Thunder God, there are boundless thunder clouds.

"The Thunder Pokémon has a thunder cloud on its back -" Riddle was referring to the shawl-like hair on Raikou's back, which is the source of Raikou's powerful electricity.

"In this battle, even if I take out a ground-type Pokémon, I am no match for it! After the battle, the rock body of the giant rock snake was scorched black by lightning."

"Then comes the battle of the Crystal Tower!"

Draco met the third member of the Phoenix King's guard team - Yandi.

This time Riddle released a Gyarados, but he was still ruthlessly defeated.

After that - legendary Pokémon appeared one after another. There are actually many flaws in these memories. An adult wizard might be able to find something wrong. But for a little wizard who was only in his second year, Draco was already completely attracted to those mysterious and powerful legendary Pokémon.

"Three Holy Birds, Three Holy Mushrooms, Three Holy Beasts, Eternal Pokémon, Disaster Pokémon, Holy Swordsman, Infinite Pokémon, Abundance Pokémon, Earth God Pokémon..."

Riddle knew everything, but in fact, most of what appeared in front of Draco was just the phantom of a Pokémon, but Draco, who had seen three battles, was convinced.

"What happens next? Have you found the legendary Pokémon left by Slytherin?" he asked quickly.

"I followed the footsteps of the legendary Pokémon according to the descriptions of my ancestors - fighting against the cold wind and thunder and lightning! Finally, I finally found the traces of Yveltal -" Riddle's memory picture changed again .

"When Yveltal spreads its wings and tail feathers and emits red light, it will absorb all life!" He read out the contents of the illustrated book, and in front of him was a vicious Pokémon with red wings stretched out. !

"Um - isn't this a Tyrannosaurus?" Draco was stunned for a moment and opened a new textbook, "Okay, it's a little different."

The appearance of Roaring Moon is actually closer to that of Super Tyrannosaurus, but the red wings are indeed consistent with the legend of Yveltal!

Draco still felt a little strange though.

"Are you sure this is Yveltal?"

"It must be Yveltal!" Riddle said with certainty.

"Okay, what's the result?"

"I lost, but it didn't win either. Now, it's still sleeping somewhere. I can help you find it! I can sense that it is also in this world," Riddle said.

"You help me?" Draco suddenly became alert, "Why are you helping me? Don't you want to conquer it yourself?"

He obviously realized the problem.

This descendant of Slytherin dreams of finding the legendary Pokémon that his ancestor conquered, but now, he says he wants to help him?

"Don't you understand when you see me like this?" Riddle smiled wryly at himself, "I'm already dead!"


"Yveltal is a Pokémon that represents death and ending. It absorbs all life. I lost to it, so my life was ended by it!"

"But fortunately, I met you. I think you are a wizard with great potential. Maybe you can complete what I have not completed." Riddle said deceptively.

"No need!" Draco heard that someone might die, so he refused without hesitation. He was so fast that even Riddle almost didn't react. "You can find someone else! I'm leaving, let me out!" "

This cowardly look can only be said to be that of Malfoy!

Riddle cursed secretly, but still quickly advised on his face:

"Don't leave yet. Wow, it's incredible. There is a spiritual light erupting from your Tianling Cap. Do you know that you have the talent of a trainer at such a young age? You are a unique trainer genius. . It’s just that the strength of your Arbor Snake is still too low now. If one day you meet a powerful Pokémon, wouldn’t it be a dragon flying to the sky? As the saying goes, if I don’t go to hell, who will? Those Pokémon from my past Ke Meng is not dead yet, V I am 50, no, help me fulfill my dream, and I will tell you their location!"

"Really?" Draco's eyes rolled.

Just now I saw the Pokémon in this man's hand.

That rice spoon snake can be said to be strong and handsome. Although it can't defeat Suicune, what does it matter?

He didn't need to fight Suicune.

As for the search for the legendary Pokémon, I can definitely agree to it, and then I can regret it after I get the other party's Snake.

‘I’m such a clever little kid. ’

He silently praised himself in his heart. At the same time, Draco was not unambiguous on the surface. After hearing two words of praise, he started to float: "That's right. I like to hear it. Please say a few more words!"

Riddle looked at him as if he were looking at a dead person.

Draco Malfoy, I need you now to keep you alive. When I don't need you anymore, I will let you die sooner or later!

Not only you are going to die! Lucius will die for your offense against me!

While he kept cursing in his heart, Riddle started talking sweet words. In fact, he was very skilled at this trick. I don’t know how many women were fascinated by him back then!

As for the little Jiujiu in Draco's heart, Riddle saw through it now. But that was okay with him. Looking for legendary Pokémon is just a cover, he has a clue about the legendary Pokémon.

As long as Draco trusts himself more and more, it will be enough for him to draw energy and resurrect.

"Okay, I'll take you to find my Pokémon. You should really want that Spoon Snake, right? It's actually placed inside the stone platform," Riddle said.

The Spoon Snake was prepared by Dumbledore, and was actually one of the two snake Pokémon that Xia Lin studied for "Voldemort" at that time.

To be honest, Riddle is quite satisfied with it. After he planned to absorb Draco's life energy, he would take that Pokémon to find that Harry Potter and kill him!

When the time comes, he will cooperate with himself internally and externally, and see what the mudblood named Charlene Gold can do against him!

After leaving the memory space, Draco found an elf ball on the stone platform where the diary was originally placed.

"Come out, Spoon Snake!"

Snake, who had long been ordered not to hurt the little wizard who opened the elf ball first, naturally had no intention of attacking Draco, but instead showed a close gesture.

Draco was extremely happy:

"Let's see who can compete with me in this semester's competition!"

He unilaterally announced that he was already the champion!

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