Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 197 Transformer Potion

"A variety of monsters?"

The three little ones looked at Neville in confusion.

Of course they knew about the existence of Variety Monsters. This was knowledge introduced in the textbooks in the first grade.

The body of the Variety Monster is lavender. It has a pair of small black eyes and a soft and elastic body.

Their power is that they can copy the cell composition of their opponents in an instant, and reorganize their cells to make themselves look exactly like the opponents in front of them.

"This is a good idea!" Harry's eyes lit up. But after Hermione recalled the specific content in the textbook, she felt that this method was hopeless.

"Is it possible? I remember that each Variety Monster has its own things that it is good at and not good at transforming. The degree of similarity varies depending on the individual. When exhausted, it will change back to its original shape. Not every Variety Monster The strange individuals are all perfectly transformed, right? What if they can't transform into what we want?"

"Even if there is, once the Variety Monster is amused, it will relax and cancel the transformation. And the Variety Monster can only rely on memory to transform things that are not in front of it, so it sometimes fails."

"What's more, we can't find four Variety Monsters. The textbook says that the relationship between them is very bad! When two Variety Monsters meet, in order to become the same as each other, they move It’s going to be more intense than usual.”

Hermione talked about several knowledge points in one breath, pointing out that Neville's method was not feasible. Many of which Harry and Ron had long since forgotten. Probably the only thing they remember is that the Variety Monster can transform.

But despite this, they did not agree with Neville's proposal.

"These are not the biggest problems." Ron shook his head and said, "The biggest problem is that we can't find the Variety Monster at all!"

"Please! Has anyone seen Variety in the reserve?" he said exaggeratedly, "I doubt Variety exists at all."

"Are you saying that the professor is writing textbooks randomly?" Hermione was a little unhappy and glared at him, "Magic monsters definitely exist! But Ron is right about one thing. They usually turn into other Pokémon. They look like rocks, or they just look like rocks to protect themselves. This makes it impossible for us to find their traces."

"It may be harder to find a Variety Monster than to find a Mini Dragon or a Young Kilas!"

Mini Dragon, Baby Gilas, Iron Dumbbell, Baby Dragon...these are called very potential and rare Pokémon in the textbook.

Ever since the textbook was updated this year, Ron has been dreaming of owning a late-blooming Pokémon! His requirements are not high at all, just any one of Young Kilas, Iron Dumbbell, Baby Dragon, or Round Land Shark will be enough.

However, no one has found any trace of these Pokémon in the protected area so far.

"No! I'm not referring to looking for Pokémon, but looking for the transformation potion." Neville said, "The professor provided Snape with the materials for the Variety Monster. I heard in the reserve a few days ago that Snape came from After the Association of Extraordinary Apothecaries returned, they invented another potion with Mr. Slughorn."

Harry suddenly envied Neville.

Because he practices swordsmanship in the reserve, he has access to more information about Pokémon than he does.

"That potion hasn't been officially named yet. It seems that the professor plans to call it the Transformer Potion. But its usefulness is very obvious. After drinking it, within three hours, you can transform into anyone you want in your mind." Wei explained.

"Can you transform into anyone within three hours?" Hermione's eyes widened.

This is much more powerful than compound potions!

Once the compound potion is added to the hair of the transformed subject, it is completely set, but if it can be transformed into any shape within three hours, then they have a lot of room for manipulation.


"Where are we going to get this potion?"

There are no materials and I don't know the formula. To be honest, this is more difficult than finding a Variety Monster directly.

"It's in Snape's office," Neville said. "Last time I saw him leave, there was still more than half of the bottle in it. He said he wanted to make some improvements... I thought we could go steal it."

Hearing this, Ron and Harry immediately showed expressions of despair.

After going around and around, he ended up stealing Snape's things. What was the difference between this and before?

"Then forget it." Hermione didn't want to say anything anymore. Since neither Ron nor Harry is willing, then just give up.

"Stop, stop, Hermione!" Harry quickly grabbed her, "I'm just complaining, not saying nothing!"

"Yes, if you are caught, you will die, so why don't people complain?" Ron also said.

"It's okay, I can go." Neville said, "I haven't broken any minor rules yet. If I get caught, Snape probably won't do anything to me for the sake of the professor."

"Very good! Our Potions class is on Thursday. I think we can create a little chaos in class, and Neville, you can sneak into Snape's office." Hermione came up with an idea. Originally, she was I planned to steal it myself, but now that Neville has volunteered, it can be considered a big help.


"Going on Thursday?"

"Why do we have to steal Snape's things when we are in class? He will find that there is someone missing in the class." Neville asked strangely.

"That's why you want to create chaos so that he won't notice you." Hermione said matter-of-factly.

"But we can go there when he is teaching other grades. No one will find out at that time, so why take the risk?"

"Yes, why?" After hearing Neville's words, Ron immediately felt that it made sense, so he turned to look at Hermione blankly. This made Hermione very angry.

In the movie, the three little ones had to use this method because Snape's office was inside the Potions classroom, but in reality it was not. There is absolutely no need for them to take risks in their own classrooms.

"Because I didn't expect it!" Hermione gritted her teeth hard. She decided to think of other ways to regain her face. Then he looked at Harry.

"I remembered you had a cloak!"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Harry looked at Hermione strangely, as if he didn't understand why she was asking such natural questions.

"Then why don't you take it out?"

When not using an invisibility cloak when sneaking around?

Harry blushed and said, "I have thought of this trick a long time ago!"

Neville didn't know about the invisibility cloak, but he didn't ask much. Just make the plan a little more concrete.

"The first years have Potions class tomorrow," Ron said.

"No, we have to find a more suitable time." Neville said, "There are too many people in the school now. It is difficult for us to make a few Slytherins disappear temporarily and find out Malfoy's secrets."

There are almost more than a thousand students in the whole school. There are many people and many eyes, so it is not easy to operate at all.

If he planned to become Goyle and Crabbe, he couldn't knock them down in front of so many Slytherins.

"What should we do? Do we have to wait for the Christmas vacation? But Malfoy went home for the holidays last time. It's hard to believe that he would stay in school by such a coincidence this time." Harry said disappointedly.

"And Christmas is too far away!" Ron said, "There's still more than a month left, we can't wait that long!"

"No, I mean, next weekend." Neville shook his head, "When the club opens, there will be far fewer people in the Pokémon Academy."

Several people nodded.



Ron and Harry have already found out that there is a potions class for the fourth years today.

So they quickly came to the door of Snape's office, intending to give Neville a break. Neville put on Harry's cloak and disappeared in front of Harry and others.

They saw the door in Snape's office open briefly and then close quickly.

"So, since we don't have to go to class, why do we have to have Neville steal it?" Ron suddenly thought, "I mean, Harry can go by himself, right?"

"Yes, but Harry doesn't know what the potion looks like." Hermione said as she fed Pikachu. Ever since Slughorn came to school, the Pokémon on campus have become much more free. However, many fire Pokémon still have a lot of restrictions to prevent them from burning down the school.

Pokémon over two meters tall are prohibited from walking in the corridors.

The Fiery Monkey Family is not allowed in any place. Otherwise it would be a mess.

There are many other restrictions, such as Aplysia being prohibited from appearing in the castle. Because the administrator thought it was too much trouble to clean. They always leave a long trail wherever they go.

Three gophers and pangolins are also prohibited from being released, as Filch fears they will dig up the castle. There are also Pokémon like Roaring Boomer, which are too noisy.

Most of the regulations are specific to Pokémon, but only one is specific to young wizards - "Fred Weasley and George Weasley are prohibited from releasing their Pokémon within the castle."

Gemini naturally protested about this, but the professors always thought it was a good idea.

After a while, the door to Snape's office opened again.

"Let's go quickly." Neville's voice appeared in the ears of the three people, and the door closed. An invisible thing passed through the three of them.

"Let's go!" Ron couldn't stay any longer. After hearing Neville's words, he immediately walked forward quickly, but accidentally bumped into Neville who was under the invisibility cloak, and almost spilled the potion.

"Be careful!"

"Sorry, I can't see you."

The four of them stumbled back to the lounge. Neville first went back to the dormitory and lifted off the invisibility cloak, and then walked down with the potion.

Only now did others see what the bottle of potion looked like.

blue. Like some kind of viscous liquid.

"Is this the transformer potion? If it is really that powerful, then this name really suits it." Eight Eyes came closer.

"I'm not sure either." Neville scratched his head uncertainly.

For a moment, Harry thought the stupid Neville from before was back.

"Haven't you seen it before?"

"I have seen it, but I remember that the potion seemed to be lavender at the time, which was the same color as the Variety Monster in the textbook. But now, it is blue, as if there is a color violation."

"Maybe Snape made some improvements?"

"Improvement..." Ron shrank his head, "Are you sure it's an improvement? In other words, are you sure the improvement is successful? What if after we drink it, our possessions will no longer be the same?"

The other three immediately fell silent.

In the end, it was Hermione who had a sudden change of heart and acted completely reckless.

"Just tell me whether you want to drink it or not!"

There is a look like, "If you dare not drink, I will force you to drink."

"Drink, drink, drink!" Ron immediately took out four cups, poured out a little of the potion inside, and divided it into four equal parts. "We will drink together tomorrow. We only have three hours, so we must seize the opportunity!"

The next day, four guys with ulterior motives came to the Pokémon Academy in the reserve again.

The person in class today is Kukui.

"Generally speaking, Pokémon's moves can be divided into three categories: physical moves and special moves. The power of these two types of moves is closely related to the Pokémon's attack power and special attack power. Like fighting The monster power of the Pokémon type has a very powerful attack power, so the power of physical-type moves will be stronger. Most of the super-type Pokémon pay more attention to special attack power, and the power of special moves will be stronger."

"Do you all know what types of attacks your Pokémon are good at?" Kukui looked at the students sitting here. To be honest, Xia Lin didn't actually intend to show the content about racial values ​​in detail. In order to prevent the little wizards from falling into the trap of high racial values ​​and blindly pursuing the powerful racial values.

However, it is still very important to know what your Pokémon is good at.

More than half of the more than a hundred students raised their arms.

Answering questions is also an important way to earn points. Everyone wants to get more points, get a new Poké Ball, and capture more Pokémon.

"Okay, Percy Weasley, you answer."

Kukui picked the one who looked the most confident.

"It's special," Percy said immediately. His Pokémon was Caracara, which was found in the grassland area. The little thing holding a bone stick in its hand looked like a wizard holding a magic wand, and it was obviously good at magic attacks.

"Especially the special skill Bone Boomerang, which can attack the enemy twice, and most of the time it can hit accurately the second time. It must be that special power is used to control the rotation direction of the bone!"

After hearing this, Kukui laughed directly.

"Hahaha, do you think Bone Boomerang is a special attack? This is wrong, Mr. Weasley. Bone Boomerang is a physical move. And Caracara is a Pokémon that pays more attention to physical attacks."

"There is only one special move that Caracalla can learn through upgrading, and that is mud throwing, which has a power of only 20." Kukui explained.

Little wizards really know too little about the numerous moves of Pokémon.

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