Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 217 The evolution of Kirby and the death of Barty Jr.

"Kill them!"

The basilisk heard the voice coming from the diary and immediately opened its eyes.

It can finally tear others apart!

"Close your eyes!" Harry shouted quickly, but Hermione was still a little slower. She was petrified.

This little girl was still wearing sunglasses and fell straight to the ground. It looked like she had been cast a full-body binding spell. But the magic power of the basilisk is much stronger than the magic power of the binding spell.

"Petrified? You are still a little clever by wearing something like that to prevent danger." Little Barty said, "But what is the difference between being petrified and being killed?"

He stepped lightly, following the basilisk's progress, playing with Ron's wand in his hand.

This is a intact wand, and little Barty can feel the magic coming from the wand. Now Harry Potter and his friends are at their wits' end. However, he was not in a hurry to kill the petrified Hermione immediately. Instead, he watched with satisfaction as those brats did not even dare to open their eyes, looking like miserable mice in front of the basilisk.

This gave him great pleasure.

"Who was knocked down?" Ron asked in panic. But neither Harry nor Neville had an answer.

Little Barty kindly said: "Who else could it be? The first one is of course the Mudbloods! How many Mudbloods do you think there are here? From the Weasley family?"

"Hermione?" Ron shouted sadly and angrily.

At this moment, he couldn't care about anything else. He opened his eyes without hesitation to make sure Hermione was safe, but when he looked over, he met the basilisk's eyes as big as light bulbs.

He was also petrified.

Harry and Neville could only worry.

"What should I do? If I can destroy that diary..." Harry gritted his teeth.

He had discovered that little Barty was sending out snake language through the diary, which must be a magic prop left for him by his master Voldemort. Barty himself is actually unable to control the Basilisk.

If the book could be destroyed, Voldemort's natural resistance to magic would disappear. At that time, Harry thought he could replace Barty Jr. and become the new master of the basilisk. Control the basilisk so it doesn't kill anyone.

But here's the rub.

With the basilisk in the middle, he couldn't get close to Barty, let alone destroy the diary. All their Pokémon have lost their fighting ability...

Wait, little Kirby seems to still have some physical strength.

"Neville, can you help me delay the basilisk?" Harry shouted quickly, "I have a plan -"

"I know." Neville nodded. He had almost no complaints. Since Harry asked him to fight, he would fight. Neville thinks that his mind is not particularly smart, so he doesn't want to think too much. Now he just needs to trust Harry!

However, to deal with the basilisk, you still cannot avoid the opponent's terrifying magical power.

"Delay the basilisk? Do you think any fat guy has this strength?" Little Barty laughed when he heard this. Even a Pokémon with strong special defense cannot completely resist the basilisk's magic power. He looked at the basilisk. The best outcome for a Pokémon is to lose its ability to fight. If the level is relatively low, death may not be impossible.

Neville naturally knew this, but he still stood in front of the basilisk without hesitation, still holding Gryffindor's sword in his hand.

"Perhaps it's possible to use that skill?" Neville avoided the Basilisk's sight, looked at the little Kirby lying on the ground and slept soundly, and shouted: "Little Kirby, use sleep talk!"

The little Kirby who was sleeping on the ground suddenly jumped up and opened its mouth in a daze. Its small fists were glowing. The most frequently used Qihe Fist seemed to have become its muscle memory. In the dream, he punched the basilisk hard in the face.

The basilisk seemed to be planning to use its magic power to kill the little Kirby, but it was shocked to find that the other party had found its position so accurately without even opening its eyes.

Seeing this, the basilisk immediately swung its tail and collided with the little Kirby's fist.

Neither side can do anything to the other;

In fact, the power of Basilisk is far greater than that of Kirby, but what Pokémon compares to is not just its own pure strength. Powerful skills are also what they possess. The power of Qihe Fist has reached 150, and there is no way to make the Basilisk helpless.

However, the randomness of sleep talking is still too great.

When Neville tried to use Sleep Talk for the second time, the little Kirby showed instant amnesia. But at this moment, the basilisk opened its huge mouth and exposed its fangs and bit the little Kirby fiercely. .

Little Barty raised the corner of his mouth and waited to see the death of the little Kirby.

The basilisk's venom is no weaker than its eyes. If a wizard in a show were poisoned by a basilisk's venom, it would take less than a minute to die.

The Pokémon's resistance is stronger, but it probably won't last long, right?

Sure enough, the sleeping little Kirby's expression immediately became very painful. Its physical strength was greatly reduced by the basilisk's attack, but the poisoning that little Barty expected did not appear.

The venom only left horrific scars on the little Kirby's wounds, but failed to flow into its blood.

"It's not poisoned, how is that possible?"

"What's so strange? Kirby is already in a sleeping state. Although the Pokémon will never fall into other abnormal states after falling into one abnormal state, the probability is much less." Harry said Although this was the case, he was actually relieved.

Now that Neville has held back the basilisk, it's time for him to confront Barty Jr. head-on.

Harry tightened his grip on the holly wand with phoenix feathers in his hand, but felt extremely nervous.

Will he be Barty Jr.'s opponent?

He knew so many magic spells, and the few useful spells he had were taught by the other party.

The magic power of the Disarming Curse cannot break the defense of the Iron Armor Curse.

Harry knew that if he wanted to win, he had to seize the opportunity and take advantage of the opponent's unawareness...

But he had only formed a criminal law in his mind, and Ma Xuanla was already standing in front of him.

Most Pokémon are very smart, but few Pokémon's IQ can match that of humans. Maura doesn't know how bad its master is. It only knows that the person in front of it is an enemy, and it must not let him get close to it. The master!


The brown blade lay across Harry's body.

Harry knew that he had to defeat Mahuola first.


He immediately cast a spell, but Maura was very fast. It ducked its body to avoid the spell. In the blink of an eye, it had already rushed in front of Harry, and the blade stabbed straight at Harry. heart!

Attack vital points!

At this moment, Harry felt as if his body was in an exhibition hall. The speed of Ma's pull slowed down in his sight. The traces of the blade stabbing him were clearly visible, but he could not avoid it.

Xia Lin, who was hiding in the shadow, held the wand in his hand, ready to take action at any time.

Harry did need to hone his skills, but he couldn't die here.

Of course, he might not actually die.

Each Horcrux is extremely resistant to physical and magical damage, ensuring that it cannot be easily damaged. Harry may be injured, but he won't die easily.

But if the heart is punctured, it is also very dangerous.

Seeing the blade getting closer and closer, Xia Lin had already raised the wand.

"Iron armor protection!"

An invisible iron armor appeared in front of Harry, blocking Magora's blade, and the rebounding magic knocked it away.

Ma Xuanla twisted her body in mid-air and landed easily on the ground, but her eyes were filled with shock. Even little Barty was extremely surprised, because this iron armor curse was released by none other than Harry himself.

This profound protective spell was really used by him.

Invisibly, this savior seems to have become more outstanding than in the original work. However, when he thinks that he was able to cast the Patronus Charm to drive away more than a hundred soul-eating monsters when he was in third grade, Xia Lin feels that a mere armor spell is not enough. do not have much left.

"I didn't expect you to actually learn this spell." Little Barty suddenly felt like he shot himself in the foot.

He taught three spells in total.

The Disarming Charm knocked his own wand away, the Universal Disenchantment broke his Transfiguration spell, and now Harry blocked Magora's attack with the Iron Armor Charm.

However, since he is the enemy of the Dark Lord, this level of talent is still needed. He is even a little proud, because the famous Harry Potter is still his student!

"Mahuola, the freezing wind."

Mahuola put away the blade and exhaled a strong flow of low-temperature air from her mouth.

The white wind immediately lowered the temperature inside the secret room, and the wet ground began to freeze and become slippery.

And Harry, who was in the center of the cold wind, was even colder.

The iron armor spell blocked the damage of the freezing wind, but it could not block the lowered temperature. He began to shiver, and his body couldn't help but shrink inward.

But it was this small move that made the Iron Armor Curse ineffective, and Maura immediately showed her claws and pounced towards Harry!

Harry didn't know how to resist for a moment, and he cast the spell again but failed. He could only hold his hands in front of him and lean back.


Sharp white light flashed, and three lines of blood suddenly arose in the air.

Maura's claw almost hit Harry's chest, but at the critical moment, Harry's foot slipped and he fell to the ground, thus escaping the injury. But the arm was still scratched.

But now he ignored the pain. The tip of the wand was almost touching Mahuola's body, pointing at the earth-yellow gem on its head!


The red light hit Mahuola's body like a laser cannon, lifting it into the air.

Mahuola's body flipped uncontrollably in the air for several weeks, and then hit the ice.

In fact, it wouldn't have lost its ability to fight so easily, but Harry just hit his weak spot.

On the other side, under the attack of the Basilisk, the little Kirby became increasingly difficult to withstand.

It took several rounds of fighting to revive it. During this period, Neville asked the little Kirby to sleep several times, but the Basilisk's attack was still too violent. It was covered in wounds and looked shaky.

"Hold on, little Kirby!"

But in the end, he fell down due to exhaustion.


Upon seeing this, Neville picked up his sword and rushed out without hesitation, protecting the little Kirby behind him.

He planned to fight the basilisk, but due to the basilisk's magic power, Neville could not look at him at all. In just a moment, he was swept away by the basilisk with its tail, and his left hand hit the ground and fractured.


The little Kirby looked at this scene blankly, not knowing what to do.

At this time, a sharp white light fell from the sky - it was the leader frog!

After being defeated by Mahuola, it temporarily recovered a little strength. At this moment, dual-wielding Iai, it blinded the basilisk's eyes!

But this also makes the basilisk even crazier!

It launched attacks indiscriminately in all directions. After the exhausted leader frog landed on the ground, he had no strength to even stand. He could not dodge the attack at all. He was whipped out by the huge tail like a broken bag and hit the small child. In front of Kirbymon.


The little Kirby looked at the leader frog and Neville blankly, as if a fire was lit in his heart.

The flame ignited from its heart and gradually evolved into a blue light bursting out!

The little Kirbymon was surrounded by light.

"Little Kirbymon..."

Neville had a cut on his head, and blood blurred his eyes, but he saw that the small body of the little Kirby began to expand——

A dark green, huge back stood between him and the basilisk, like a mountain!


Kirby stretched out its thick arm and grasped seven inches of the basilisk!

This huge monster is still struggling, even the evolved Kirbymon can't compare to its size. But Kirbymon's strength is no longer what it used to be!

The basilisk held by its hand seemed to be clamped by steel. Its body was still twisting wildly, but its head could no longer move.

Then, Kirbymon just grabbed it and pressed it down with its heavy body.

Mount Tai is overwhelming!


After using up the last of its energy to suppress the basilisk, Kirby finally rolled up its mosquito-repellent eyes and passed out.

Neville struggled to support his body with his sword and walked to it. Looking at the basilisk that was still struggling but unable to move, with only one head exposed, he raised his sword and slashed hard!

The head, bigger than two basketballs, rolled down.

Neville passed out too.

It was hard for Harry and Barty Jr. not to notice this scene. Barty Jr.'s expression was ugly, but Harry was very proud.

"It was killed! You lose, Barty Crouch!"

"I lost? Are you kidding me?" Little Barty laughed angrily, "It's just a basilisk, it's dead when it dies. But I'm still intact! Do you think you can defeat me?"

"I! I am the final winner!" He gritted his teeth hard, his face full of ferocity.

"When I kill you, they will all die!" Little Barty raised his wand, and the front end of the wand emitted a green light. "I heard that you blocked the Death Curse eleven years ago. I want to take a look today. , can you survive under this curse——"

"Avada Kendawa!"


The curse suddenly exploded!

Little Barty's body lay quietly on the ground, his eyes still open in shock as if he were alive.

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