"It's not a problem, but I did some magic control myself."

Merlin glanced around.

There happened to be no outsiders in the room.

A little son born in a wizard family but not valued.

A savior of the wizarding world who didn't know much about the wizarding world.

A strong little wizard from the Muggle world.

With a thought, he decided to start preaching to a few little wizards.

The plan to transform the wizarding world starts with little wizards, and it's started!

Merlin smiled slightly.

"Can you feel your magic?"

"Of course!"

Several people nodded.

Even Harry, who knew the least about the magic world, had read the textbooks and knew how to mobilize the magic power in his body.

"Then you try to control your magic power, keep it in your body, and don't let it go out of your body."

This is a way of practicing to control the internal qi that Mo Lin saw in a comic.

When he lived in the Leaky Cauldron, he thought it was interesting, so he studied it.

He found that the original way of controlling qi can be perfectly transformed into a way to control magic power.

【[Entanglement] is to control the magic power to stay on the surface of the object, which can form a certain magic resistance

【[Refine] is to gather magic power and increase the strength of magic

【Absolutely] is to hide the magic power so that it cannot be detected by others

【【Fa】 is to release magic power outwards, which is the application of various spells.

Merlin directly named it the four basic characteristics of magic.

Although there is no such thing as"empty" in the magic world, increasing the strength of magic can still increase the power of spells. What he is teaching the young wizards now is 【Absolute】.

This is also the project that Merlin insists on practicing every day after he made the magic detection glasses.

From his observations in Diagon Alley and King's Cross Station, combined with the notes of many wizards' adventures in the wild.

He realized one thing.

Wizards have never had the habit of hiding their magic power.

Especially the Aurors, the degree of magic power released from their bodies is almost equivalent to releasing a fluorescent flash on themselves.

Muggles really can't notice it.

But there are many magical creatures with high perception.

Therefore, those who walk in the wild and complain that they are attacked by magical animals are not wronged at all!

Who can you blame for being a target in the open ?

"Absolutely, it is a means to help you hide your magic power"

"Let others, or other magical creatures, not know your strength, so that you have an extra trump card."

Merlin explained his theory.

In the box, the three young wizards were a little confused for a while after listening to Merlin's remarks.

"Molin, what you said is different from what is written in the book!"

"This theory is not mentioned in any of the first-year textbooks."

Hermione was the first to react.

As a top student in the history of Hogwarts, Hermione's memory is beyond doubt.

Merlin nodded, affirming Hermione's preview results.

Then he spoke

"That's right, these are what I researched based on the theories of the Muggle world, not what is in the textbooks."


At this point, the three of them were completely dumbfounded.

Ron, who had received magic education, was completely stunned for a long time before he came to his senses.

"Merlin, I think you got it wrong. Muggles don't have magic. There's definitely something wrong with what they say."

"You can't use Muggle theories to study magic!"

Ron is a child of a wizard family, and his views also represent the views of most of the wizarding world.

The magic world and the Muggle world are two different things.

People without magic are not worthy of studying magic.


Merlin is now going to use his own cognition to tell them that there is no difference at all.

Muggles' ideas are much more powerful than magic!

After a pause, Merlin asked Ron

"Do you like Nimbus 2000?"

"Of course!"

Ron's eyes sparkled, not thinking about why Mo Lin changed the subject.

He counted on his fingers and discussed the various parameters of the Nimbus 2000 with Mo Lin.

The shape, speed, maintenance, care, and his carefully crafted dream.

"I really wish I had a Nimbus 2000!"

"So, you don't have a Nimbus 2000, do you?"


"Then what you said should also have a problem, right?"


Ron was stunned, and had no idea how to refute Merlin.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other and understood what Merlin meant.

Although they thought there was something wrong with this, they didn't find anything wrong after thinking about it.

If it can't be studied without it, then Ron is naturally not qualified to comment on and evaluate the Nimbus 2000.

Merlin knew that his rhetoric had worked when he saw the confused looks on the three people's faces.

He is a high-intensity entertainer in both worlds. He can use as many sophistry arguments as he wants, and he doesn't believe that he can't fool the three little wizards.

Sure enough.

Under this theory, the three no longer struggled with whether Muggles could study magic, but asked Merlin what the purpose of this research was.

Merlin didn't answer first, but looked at Hermione.

"What determines the power of a spell?"

"Belief, magic strength, spells and posture standards, some magic may also require the caster to have matching emotions."

Hermione quickly answered the answer recorded in the book.

Merlin nodded.

"Correct, but not entirely correct"

"There is an interesting theory among Muggle theories. They believe that magic has tendencies."

"The magic that everyone is good at can actually be divided according to the classification of magic power."

"Earth, water, fire, and wind?"

Only Hermione and Harry in the box knew what Merlin meant, and they said the magic classification method commonly used in Muggle novels.

Merlin shrugged and shook his head.

"Unfortunately, when I first came into contact with magic, I thought the same as you did, and asked Professor McGonagall if this was the case."

"What did Professor McGonagall say?"

The three of them were very curious.

"She said my idea was too fantastic and I should study magic after school started."


The three of them couldn't help laughing.

Ron seemed to have regained some confidence.

"Look, Merlin, I told you that your idea won't work. Even Professor McGonagall doesn't support you.

Hermione looked at Merlin nervously.

She felt that Merlin hadn't finished speaking yet.

Sure enough, Merlin smiled.

"But who says that Professor McGonagall is wrong if she doesn't support him? What if I'm really right?"

The three little wizards were dumbfounded.

What the hell!

What did they hear?

It's ok for Merlin to doubt the textbook, but now he actually doubts Professor McGonagall!

Even if they haven't enrolled, they have heard of Professor McGonagall's reputation from others.

Now, even Hermione, who supports Merlin the most, is a little unsure.

"Professor McGonagall...can't be wrong?"

"Forget it, you will know after you try it yourself."

Mo Lin did not explain much.

He found an empty cup, put leaves on it, and let them test it themselves using the method of testing the ability of mind in the comics.

Of course, Mo Lin still demonstrated it first.

Then he told the three people the basic classification of magic power.

"I roughly divide magic into six categories based on its effects on water and leaves."

"Enhancement increases the power of spells."

"The release system can better control the magic that is launched."

"Transmutation is more suitable for transformation and disguise magic"

"The control system can improve the control of magic"

"The materialization system has an amplification effect on creative magic."

"The special system is a bit strange. There is no telekinesis that can trigger the special system in the magic currently used."

"In short, you will know your magic attribute after the experiment."

"Who goes first?

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