Hogwarts tradition is to tell freshmen that the sorting is a test.

Before Merlin entered the box, the twins used exaggerated acting to tell the three young wizards that the sorting test was to fight a dragon.

They also said that the chosen fighting method would affect the school assignment.

But the two believed it.

Before Professor McGonagall spoke, the two even thought about how to survive the attack of the dragon.

"How to do it?"

Mo Lin was really curious about the method these two funny guys came up with.

How can they survive the attack of the fire dragon?

"Following you!"

Harry said decisively

"If they can defeat the giant squid, then dragons should be able to do the same, right?"

Ron nodded seriously.


Merlin said indifferently, then looked at Hermione

"What about you? Why aren’t you nervous?"

"I memorized all the standard spells, and I thought I could pass the test."

"As for the dragon they mentioned, I don't believe it at all. It's hard for Hogwarts professors to deal with five-star magical creatures alone, so how could it be an entrance test?"

��And judging from their looks, they must be lying.

Harry and the others looked over in shock when they heard the voice.

"Hermione, no, you were just as worried about not passing the test as we were."

"Otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing to see you like that."

Hermione raised her head proudly, her brown hair swaying like a proud lion.

Merlin clicked his tongue.

It's true that girls mature early.

Not only can they see through the twins' tricks, but they can also play tricks on them.

Even if Harry and the others are given another five years, they may not be able to master this skill.

"Well done!"

Hermione heard Merlin's praise, turned around and blinked, smiling slyly.

"By the way, Merlin, which college do you want to go to?"

Hermione suddenly asked

"I don't know yet."

Mo Lin shook his head.

Because this question was too difficult to decide, he subconsciously avoided it and planned to listen to the advice of the Sorting Hat.

After all, this hat has witnessed too many people, and asking it may have some reference

"What about you?"

Merlin asked Hermione

"Ravenclaw or Gryffindor?"

The little witch thought for a moment.

"I have read a history of Hogwarts. Gryffindor is brave, Ravenclaw is smart, Hufflepuff is kind, and Slytherin is ambitious."

"I prefer being smart and brave."

Harry and the other man finally got a chance to say something and joined in.

"I can only go to Gryffindor"

"My whole family is Gryffindor, and I dread to think what would have happened to me if I had gone to another house."

"They will probably ask me to get out of the family, right?"

Ron said with a bitter face.

Harry hesitated.

"Just don't let me drop out of school and go to Slytherin."

"Why?" the two asked curiously.

"I heard that all dark wizards come from Slytherin, and my parents were killed by dark wizards"

"Feel sorry"

"It doesn't matter, it's over. I just can't accept that I'm studying in the same college as the enemy who killed my parents."

A few people were chatting.

A ruddy little girl with two golden braids suddenly looked at them and spoke excitedly.

"Are you guys talking about Gryffindor? I kind of want to be in Gryffindor too! Unfortunately my whole family is Hufflepuff"


Merlin was in a trance as he looked at the little witch in front of him.

Isn't this Hannah Abbott, the Iron Hat King of one of the 28 pure-blood families?

She actually wanted to change her fate and enter Gryffindor?

Merlin thought that this idea was possible.

If he could trick the Iron Hat King into transferring to another hospital, it should also change the magic world, right?

So, Merlin began to impart his experience.

"Indeed, you can try to think about it when the Sorting Hat sorts the houses. As long as your thoughts are strong, it may agree to your request."



Hannah Abbott was about to ask again, but Professor McGonagall clapped her hands to interrupt their discussion.

"Okay, everyone, now that Professor Dumbledore has returned, let's begin the Sorting Ceremony!"

Then he led a group of young wizards to the Sorting Hat and stood still again.

"Oh, let me see, is this the freshman this year?"

"You may think I am not pretty, but don't judge people by appearance.……"

The Sorting Hat opened its wrinkled face from the stool, looked around and made some strange sounds that sounded like songs.

The young wizards stared at the Sorting Hat curiously, wondering how it would sort them.

The old students looked at the curious new students and recalled the scenes of their own sorting.

McGonagall spread out this year's list and began to call the roll.

""Hannah Abbott!"

As the voice fell, the little girl who had just talked to Merlin walked out of the team. She walked forward quickly and carefully put on her hat.


The Sorting Hat opened its mouth and was about to speak, but stopped and murmured.

"No Hufflepuff, Gryffindor?"

"Interesting! Hannah Abbott! Your whole family is Hufflepuff, why would you want to be in Gryffindor?"

"Rebellion? Breaking away from control? The courage to escape? Oh, that's not a good reason"

"I can see that you are not really brave, and you can't even face the Howler letter from Mrs. Abbott. This is not the courage of a Gryffindor."

"So... Hufflepuff!"

The Sorting Hat made up its mind, and the tip of the hat tilted up, making a sound that resounded throughout the entire auditorium.

In the distance, all the wizards of Hufflepuff applauded enthusiastically, welcoming the new wizard to join the academy.

Merlin shook his head secretly.

It seems that the nickname was not wrong.

His persuasion did not change the result, and the Iron Hat King still entered Hufflepuff.

I can only say that the law of causality is awesome!

It is still a bit too difficult to directly transform such a character.

The next few people were all carried out normally, without any waves.

Merlin also met many familiar people as he wished.���

The Malfoy trio announced the name of Slytherin almost before the hat brims touched their foreheads.

Seeing the hat and Malfoy dislike each other, Merlin didn't know for a moment whether Malfoy disliked the dirty hat or the hat disliked the Malfoy costume. Then there were the people around Merlin.

"Ron Weasley!"

McGall called the name and Ron came to the stage.

But after putting on the hat, the Sorting Hat instantly sat up straight.

"Oh! Genius little wizard!"

"I've been in Hogwarts for hundreds of years, but this is the first time I've seen such a talented little wizard!"

Ron was surprised at first, then ecstatic, and then he showed a proud smile.

Even the Sorting Hat praised him as a rare genius in hundreds of years.

He must write a letter to tell his family and tell the twins in person, asking them to be more polite to him in the future.

Maybe he is the next Merlin!

Ron cleared his throat and asked how the Sorting Hat saw his talent.

"Alchemical products!"

The Sorting Hat said proudly.

"I am also an alchemical product, and I can feel that you have an alchemical product that I have never seen before."

"The magic of the maker is not that powerful, it should be you who made it, right?"


Ron's expression became extremely complicated.

The moment the Sorting Hat spoke, he knew it was talking about the magic detection glasses made by Merlin.

He didn't have time to take them off when he went on stage just now.

The Sorting Hat actually found them.

Now he really wanted to say that he made it, but his strength didn't allow it, so he could only honestly admit that it was Merlin who did it.

"Merlin Hantle? He's a freshman this year, too?"


""That's good, I must have a good chat with him!"

The Sorting Hat murmured in a low voice, and then decisively announced Ron's house, Gryffindor!

After Ron, the Sorting Hat began to speed up as if it had taken drugs.

The little wizards didn't even need to put on the hat, they just got a little closer and shouted out the name of the house.

If the little wizards hadn't raised any objections, McGonagall would have suspected that there was something wrong with it.

The senior students waiting on the side were particularly surprised.

At this rate, this year's dinner time can be advanced by at least an hour.

"Merlin Handel."

At this moment, Professor McGonagall read out Merlin's name.

Countless pairs of eyes on and off the stage looked at Merlin at the same time, recognizing him as the freshman who had just cast the freezing spell.

They were all curious about which college he would enter.

PS: In the future, it should be concentrated between 7 and 12 o'clock in the evening, the first 5 chapters will be released, and there will be more chapters after the release. I hope all wizards will pick up their wands and send some flowers and evaluation tickets!

Reading during the Dragon Boat Festival! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (activity time: June 8 to June 10)

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