Hearing this completely different tone from before, Mo Lin was a little surprised.

Is this the usual Sorting Hat?

He still thinks it is more pleasing to the eye when it is so unruly just now.

"Oh, talented little wizard, which college are you considering?"

"Such a smart mind is rare in the entire history of Hogwarts. It is a loss for Ravenclaw not to go to Ravenclaw."

"Hmm, it finally feels like a branch."

"It's still Ravenclaw's loss. OK, OK, I like this!"

Merlin listened to the Sorting Hat's advice at ease.

But the next second, the Sorting Hat started to be sarcastic.

"But, your courage in blackmailing me deserves the qualification of Gryffindor!"

Merlin raised his eyebrows. It seems that the Sorting Hat wants to assign him to Gryffindor?

But why doesn't he have the impression of blackmailing the Sorting Hat?

Isn't he threatening?

"No, no, no, that's not appropriate. Your behavior of using any means to achieve your goal is more like that of a Slytherin!"

The Sorting Hat changed its judgment again and made a thoughtful expression.

"Making such a great alchemical product but keeping it anonymous and low-key is very much like Hufflepuff"

"Let me think"

"She has magical talent, is so brave, acts unconventionally, and is extremely popular."

"There has never been a person like him who possesses the noble character of the four major colleges in the entire history of Hogwarts."

The Sorting Hat frowned, and the whole hat was twisted into a ball.

"Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, they will all like little wizards like you……"

"It's very difficult! It's very difficult to decide!"

After a few minutes, the Sorting Hat still couldn't make a decision, so it simply spoke

"Merlin Hantel, don't you have any college you really want to go to?"


Merlin said frivolously.

"Indeed, why didn't I think of this!"

The Sorting Hat suddenly realized and said with a proud expression

"This is a great suggestion! Perfect!"

"The last wizard like you is actually imprisoned in Nugamund."

"If you really want to go, I can give Dumbledore some advice. He happens to know someone there?"

"Haha, didn't you hear I was joking?"

Molin laughed dryly and rolled his eyes.

But the Sorting Hat seriously persuaded Molin to accept this condition.

"I can see your ambition. You want to transform the wizarding world, but Hogwarts cannot support your ambition."

"You are more suitable……"

Before he finished speaking, the Sorting Hat suddenly froze for a moment.

Then he spoke in a different tone.

"Indeed, Nugamund is indeed a good place to study. With his personal teaching, your wish will surely come true."

"Merlin Handel, I admire your talent. Believe me, only by going to Nugamund can you receive the best education and lead the wizarding world to glory again!"

The tone of the Sorting Hat changed, which seemed to be a kind of temptation and encouragement.

Merlin's heart moved.

The danger forewarning reminded him again.

But it was not serious. It was probably just someone's harmful thoughts.

He didn't need to think about it to know that it was this voice at the moment.

""Old Hat, are you okay?"

Merlin adjusted his hat, but got no response.

He looked around.

No one noticed him.

Merlin simply released his magic to wrap him and the Sorting Hat.

He gently touched the wand.

The effect of the spell stopping was activated.


Mo Lin's magic successfully blocked all external detection and perception.

The Sorting Hat's whispering immediately stopped, and turned a little dazed.

"What just happened?" the Sorting Hat asked

"I should be asking you this."

"It's Salazar! I heard his voice!"

The Sorting Hat screamed in Merlin's ear.

"That was definitely his voice just now. I've heard it for decades, there's no way I could have mistaken it!"

Salazar Slytherin?

The founder of Slytherin?

He actually sealed the things he left behind?

Wait, he's not dead yet?

Merlin was the first to not believe it.

He knew that the only person in the wizarding world who could live forever was Nicolas Flamel.

And he did it with the help of the Philosopher's Stone.

Slytherin didn't have this thing at that time.

"But the feeling just now was definitely Slytherin, I swear!"

The Sorting Hat moved its tip back and forth, determined to make Merlin believe its words.

"So, Slytherin is still alive?"

"No, maybe it's just soul fragments."

The Sorting Hat said uncertainly

"Wait, I know what he's going to do!"


"Oh, Merlin's pants! Damn it! How do you know such evil black magic?"

Merlin shrugged and didn't answer, letting the Sorting Hat quickly tell him what he knew.

"It’s not possible now, this matter is too long and we need to split into different schools!"

"Let's put it simply."


The Sorting Hat had no choice but to tell the situation it knew in the simplest words.

It turned out that the four founders of Hogwarts did not leave immediately after establishing the school, but left many legacies for the young wizards who came later according to their own wishes.

Those who can find the legacies and pass the tests can get the recognition of some of the four giants and get rewards.

And those who get all the relics of the four giants can become the real owner of Hogwarts.

Slytherin just now probably wanted to develop Merlin into his successor and inherit the concept of pure-blood Hogwarts.

"Oh my god!"

Mo Lin clicked his tongue, very surprised that there was such news

"Didn't anyone know this news for so many years? Didn't you tell anyone?"

"I said I just found out about it when Slytherin showed up. Do you believe me?"

"What do you think?"

Merlin said calmly.

Thoughts were flying in his mind.

Relics, collection, control of Hogwarts, Slytherin information...

Putting these things together, he felt vaguely that he had grasped something, but he just couldn't think of what it was.


I figured it out!

Merlin was shocked and figured everything out.

No wonder Voldemort wanted to collect the relics of the four giants and said that he was the heir of Slytherin.

He thought this was just him flattering himself.

Now it seems that it is very likely that the young Voldemort was bewitched by Slytherin and chose to embark on this path, so he called himself this.

From this point of view, this Slytherin is also a bad guy!

If If the Sorting Hat did not contain Gryffindor's thoughts, no one would be able to discover Slytherin's soul hidden inside.

Moreover, there are fragments of Slytherin's soul on the Sorting Hat, and it is estimated that other relics also have fragments of his soul.

This can explain how Voldemort learned to make Horcruxes and open the Chamber of Secrets.

He didn't believe that a normal little wizard could learn such advanced black magic from just a few words.

But it would be different with Slytherin himself guiding him.

For the inferior and ambitious Voldemort, Slytherin might not be the grandfather in the ring.

But he has a system, so he doesn't need to care about this silver coin grandfather.……



Mo Lin's mind moved, and a bold idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

"If I could become the owner of Hogwarts, I would have transformed the wizarding world, right? Wouldn't the reward be soaring?"

"How about getting in touch with Slytherin?"

Merlin thought.

All the teachers and students of Hogwarts in the hall shuddered for no reason, feeling that something was going to happen.

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