Ollivander's eyes flashed with an incredible light.

Just now he just responded to Mag's words subconsciously, but now he came to his senses and understood what she meant.

If Merlin can really become a wizard on par with Merlin in the future, this will be a walking golden sign.

After all, even Merlin is using Ollivander's wand, not to mention other wizards.

He took a deep breath and waved his hand to summon more wands.

"Mr. Merlin, please take your time to try. We at Ollivanders Wand Shop may not have much else, but we definitely have the most wands in the UK. You will definitely be able to find the wand that suits you best!"

"Actually, it's not that troublesome.……"

Merlin was a little embarrassed.

He was basically sure that these wands wanted to choose him probably because of his talent for magic affinity.

There would be no better match in this test.

But Ollivander and McGonagall were looking forward to it, so he had to start the test again. He changed the wands in his hand one by one.

More and more magic was released perfectly.

As Merlin tested the wand, Ollivander and McGonagall were completely dumbfounded.

The magic released from Merlin's hand almost made up a standard spell collection.

There were even some magic that only senior students or even Aurors could master.

For example, the Water Prison Curse, the Vulcan Opening the Way...

The effects of advanced magic filled the room, and the two of them were numb.

But when Merlin picked up a wand with an ancient shape, the latest magic sprayed out from the tip of Merlin's wand, and the two couldn't help but change their faces.

A touch of golden flame slowly flowed out of Merlin's wand.

Almost instantly, a fear from the bottom of their hearts surged in the hearts of the two.

It was not any threat or evil fear, but more like the body and the wand instinctively resisted this golden breath.

Golden light surrounded all the objects in the house, but there was no burning or tingling sensation.

However, all the magic items in the house became ineffective.

When it flowed past the two people, they finally understood where the fear came from.

The magic released by Merlin turned out to be the End of All Curses!

As an advanced version of the Stop Curse.

The End of All Curses usually requires multiple senior wizards to use it together to activate.

When activated, almost all magic within the range will dissipate directly.

The fear they felt was the result of the suppression of magic power in their bodies.

Normally, only extremely powerful wizards can complete the End of All Curses alone.

Merlin was just a little wizard testing a magic wand, and he had never even learned magic. How did he do it?

"Merlin's pants!"

"Professor, where did you find such a genius? Even Merlin didn't have this ability at the beginning, right?"

Olivander held his head, and his messy hair became even more swollen.

McGonagall's mouth twitched.

It took a long time for her to calm down and slowly speak.

"Mr. Ollivander, I hope you can keep today's events a secret. This is a bit too unbelievable."

"Of course!"

Ollivander nodded repeatedly.

"Even if you didn't tell me, I would have done it. This is incredible. Even if I tell others, no one will believe it."

Olivander said, looking at the wand in Merlin's hand.

"Strange, it’s actually this magic wand, it’s really strange!"

"Mr. Ollivander, is there something wrong with this wand?" McGonagall asked nervously.

"No, it's just that I didn't make this wand."

"Who made that?"

McGonagall was surprised.

The Ollivander family was most proud of their wand-making skills.

I have never heard of them selling wands made by others.

"No, professor, you misunderstood. What I meant was that this wand was naturally formed."

Olivander then told the story of this wand.

When he was young, he traveled outside and accidentally found a tree struck by lightning while looking for wood for the wand.

The whole tree was burnt black, but one of the branches had extremely strong magical fluctuations.

He wanted to take the branch, but he just touched it lightly, and the charred part on the outside was all shattered into slag, leaving only the part in front of him.

There was also a thing inside that he still didn't know what creature left behind, which seemed to be a naturally formed wand core

"This wand has been in the store for decades, and no one has ever been able to mobilize its magic.

Ollivander looked at Merlin with a complicated expression.

"Mr. Merlin, it seems I am right after all"

"The wand is choosing its master. It has waited for decades and finally it has found you."

"Although I don't know what this magic wand is, it is obviously the best for you."

"Since I didn't make this wand, I'm giving it to you for free, but I hope you can tell me its story one day."

"Of course, Mr. Ollivander."

Merlin clenched the wand, feeling the intimacy from the wand, his heart was filled with excitement.

With the help of the Encyclopedia of the Magic World, he already knew the situation of the wand in his hand.

Twelve inches, made of thousand-year-old mahogany struck by lightning, the core of the wand is a dragon whisker.

It is not a Western lizard dragon, but an authentic Eastern five-clawed dragon.

The wizard it chooses is bound to be different and will become the most eye-catching existence in the magic world.

Merlin was also very surprised.

He never thought that his wand would be made of such an incredible material.

According to Lan Xing, lightning-struck wood is a naturally formed divine object that restrains evil spirits.

The dragon is also a legendary totem creature of Daxia, and all evil spirits avoid it wherever it goes.

The combination of the two.

This wand is probably the nemesis of all evil spirits, and it seems normal to have some ability to seal demons.


After coming out of Ollivander's Wand Shop,

Merlin has been thinking about other uses for this wand.

Thinking of the big villain in the wizarding world...

Merlin's mind moved.

Voldemort now seems to be in ghost form. If he faces this wand, will he be stabbed to death with one wand?

In front of her, McGonagall's eyelids twitched wildly again.

She subconsciously turned back to check.

When she saw Merlin waving the wand casually, she finally understood where this uneasy feeling came from.

McGonagall stopped in her tracks.

"Mr. Merlin"


"Merlin, although you haven't entered school yet, it's too early to say this now, but there are not many talented little wizards like you. I hope you must abide by the rules of the magic world."

"Of course! Professor McGonagall, what do I need to do?"

"Now, just put away your wand and don’t wave it around randomly to avoid causing other accidents!"

"No problem."

Anyway, Merlin was just thinking, waving his wand just to get familiar with the feel, and put it back in his pocket when he heard the request.

Seeing Merlin put away his wand obediently, McGonagall finally let go of her worries.

This is Diagon Alley, the place with the most wizards in the entire British wizarding world.

If Merlin accidentally triggers the End of All Curses here, it will definitely cause a sensation. Of course, the consequences will be immeasurable.

Fortunately, it seems that Merlin has all the qualities of a perfect little wizard in her mind.

Smart, polite, obedient, talented, studious...

Except that he comes from the Muggle world and doesn't know much about the common sense of the wizarding world, he is almost impeccable.

Thinking of this,

McGonagall stopped again and went to Flourish and Blotts to buy a whole set of books.

"Mr. Merlin, considering that you are not very familiar with the wizarding world, these books introducing the wizarding world are my gifts to you. I hope you can have a happy time in Hogwarts."

"Thank you, Professor���I can't wait for school to start!"

Merlin said this sincerely.

After all, no matter how talented a little wizard from the Muggle world is, he can't change much. Only when he enters Hogwarts can he really use the system.

But now, there is also a way

"Professor McGonagall, are we going back to the orphanage now?"

"Of course."

Mag turned around, her dark green robe drew a circle

"Or do you want to look somewhere else?"

"No, Professor."

Merlin shook his head.

"In fact, I just want to leave the orphanage and live in the Leaky Cauldron so that I can get to know the wizarding world better, right?"

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