Hogwarts: Who taught you to transform like this?

Chapter 70: Cracking The Dragon Language Magic And Transforming The Magical World

"Oh, shit!"

"Merlin's beard is not enough to express my shock!"

"Merlin, you are a genius!"

"Such a great potion, I bet there will be a lot of people who like it, the healing effect is great!"

"But, Merlin, why do you have to have a body effect?"

Fred looked at his appearance after he turned into a girl, and was a little uncomfortable.

"This dress makes me feel like a goblin."

"No, you are much uglier than a goblin, like an enlarged version of a leper dwarf."

"But I have to say... the healing effect is really good."

A corner of the Hogwarts lawn.

The twins looked at each other and began to criticize.

Leaving Merlin aside, he didn't want to talk at all.

When he found the twins just now, he said that he had developed a new potion.

The effect of the potion is quite strange, between useful and fun.

The twins immediately asked him to hand over the potion without thinking, and then drank it.

After that, it became like this.

Originally, the two thought that this potion was a bit suitable for pranks.

But after Merlin showed that this potion can heal physical wounds quickly within one minute.

The two could not take their eyes off.

And asked Merlin in what state of mind he was in when he developed this drug.

"Snape asked for it, and he just tried it himself."

Merlin ignored all the preconditions and only picked out the most explosive information.

"Merlin's beard!"

"Oh... Damn, I already have a picture in my mind."

The twins vomited at the same time.

Then their eyes lit up.

"Merlin, what do you think will happen if I go to find Snape now? Can I see him like this?"

Fred jumped up and looked in the direction of the dungeon.

"You might die."

Although Merlin wanted to see Snape's reaction when he saw people after his transformation, he still couldn't bear to let the twin brothers die.

And after thinking about it, the two wisely did not choose to really die.

Instead, they discussed the direction of improving this potion with Merlin.

"If possible, I think we can change it into two types, one for treatment, focusing on functionality."

"The other is for spoofs, emphasizing humor. It would be even cooler if it could turn into another animal."

"Wait, isn't this the Polyjuice Potion? Merlin, have you improved the Polyjuice Potion?"

George thought of something and screamed in shock.

"Not quite the same."

Merlin thought about the formula of the Polyjuice Potion and shook his head.

"The Polyjuice Potion changes the body shape of a person as a whole, and can only be used for human transformation."

"This potion is more about adjusting the opposite side."

"Wouldn't it be possible to make it like a mask? The mask effect for Halloween parties?"

Fred thought of an idea and excitedly shared it with the two.

"It sounds interesting. I can give you the formula and you can study it yourself."

"No, no, no, this won't work. We can't plagiarize your work."

The twins shook their heads at the same time.

Merlin waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, you are selling it in the store. Just settle it according to the contract when the time comes."

"Of course! We have prepared the magic contract and we can sign it after the Ministry of Magic notarizes it. "

"But if you sell the potion you developed, I will give you another 10%."

"Yes, we can't take advantage of you."

The twins said seriously.

"This is written in the contract."


Since it is stipulated in the contract, Merlin will not refuse.

Then the twins talked about the follow-up plan.

"When we go to Hogsmeade Village next week, we will find a way to go to Diagon Alley to find a store."

"Uh, this may not be necessary."


The twins looked at Merlin nervously.

"You won't change your mind and find a store?"

"Of course not."

Merlin shook his head.

"It's just that I have found a store, and Professor Sprout agreed to help me apply for a floo network, so that I can go back and forth directly through the floo network at that time............

"Oh! Really?"

"This is great!"

The twins hugged Merlin excitedly and shouted.

"Okay, okay, I haven't told Cedric about this yet. When the time comes, you should also need to write an application to confirm the use.

"Besides, we can't just watch over there every day, we need to recruit people to help."

"These things..."

Merlin looked at the twins.

"Don't worry, Merlin, we will handle these things!'

"You have helped us so much, just leave these to us!"

The two patted their chests and promised, and promised to study the potion as soon as possible and complete the preparations for opening the store as soon as possible.

Merlin made it clear to the two.

Looking at the time, after saying goodbye to the twins, he thought about what he was going to do next.

Because of Snape's test, he had missed the first class in the afternoon.

I don't know what reason Snape gave Professor Sprout.

But since he had skipped class, there was no reason to go back to class.

Merlin simply went to the Forbidden Forest to check on his little fire dragon.

The curtains of Hagrid's cabin were completely drawn, and nothing could be seen.

Only a small amount of smoke was coming out of the chimney.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Merlin used magic to control the knocker that was almost bigger than his head and began to knock on the door.

"I'm coming, come in!"

Hagrid's chaotic voice came from inside the house.

Merlin could even hear what he was doing.

The sound of wood rubbing was moving the bed, and the sound of banging the floor was setting the table.

There were some mixed sounds.

Merlin said he was tired and didn't want to distinguish, so he shouted at the top of his voice.

"Hagrid, don't bother, it's me, Merlin!"

"Wait, Merlin? Wait a minute!"

Hagrid's voice suddenly sounded.

There was a rumbling sound of collapse from inside.

After a while, the door was pushed open, and Hagrid, with messy hair and the smell of smoke and fire, opened the door and waved.

"Come in, Merlin!"

Merlin flashed in and couldn't help holding his forehead when he saw the room.

Although he thought that the room where Hagrid and the fire dragon stayed might be messy, he never expected it to be so messy.

The whole house didn't look like a place to raise fire dragons at all.

It looked more like it had been destroyed by a fire dragon.

There were many traces of fire on the carpet and walls, and the sofa was charred in several places. Even Hagrid's beard was missing ten pieces.

He should have trimmed it himself, and it looked much messier than before.

Not to mention the furnishings in the room.

There was almost no place to look at.

The bed stood by the window to block the window. There was a small hill made of mud and stone on the ground, and a basin full of boiling water with lava stones [a comfortable fire dragon was lying in it.

And Hagrid wore dragon leather gloves and a scarf made of unicorn hair on his head, carefully watching Norbert who was taking a bath.

"Hagrid, what are you doing?"

Merlin didn't understand.

"Hush! Merlin, look, does it look like a dragon boy?"


Hagrid pointed to the illustrations in a book on the table.

"I made a mini version of the dragon's nest based on the Dragon Island Reserve."

"There are caves, hot springs, open areas, and I will feed it to train its hunting skills."

"I'll show you........."


Before Hagrid finished speaking, Norbert in the water opened his eyes and struggled to squeeze out of the basin, dripping with water all over his body and rushed to Merlin's feet.


The wet wings suddenly closed and hugged Merlin's calves tightly.

"Oh! Merlin, you really are, I'm almost envious!"

"I didn't let it hug me all day today."

Hagrid's eyes were full of envy.

And Merlin grabbed the little fire dragon and put it on his arm to look at it and poke its little head.

"At least you have to dry yourself a little before hugging. Isn't it uncomfortable to be wet all over?"

"Hu, boom!"

The little fire dragon seemed to understand, yawned, and made a strange sound.

Then a gust of warm wind blew out of his body, and even Merlin's clothes and the water stains on the ground disappeared.

"Oh, Merlin's beard, what just happened? Merlin!" Hagrid was shocked. He had no idea what happened, and he saw the water on the ground completely disappear. Merlin stood there, staring at the system prompt in front of him. [Dragon language magic detected.] [In order to better transform the magic world, the host can get extra rewards for every dragon language magic deciphered.] [Please try your best to decipher dragon language magic and transform the magic world!] Put aside the rewards of the prompt. Merlin stared at Norbert, and couldn't believe that the brief sound just now was actually dragon language magic. In terms of spellcasting efficiency, it is much better than the spellcasting of a master without the right to cast. Even the spellcasting of the elf is not so terrifying. Because he didn't even feel the fluctuation of magic power. There are only two situations. One is that Norbert didn't use magic power at all. The other is that Norbert's magic control has reached a perfect level, and even no trace of it escaped during the casting process. But no matter which one it is, it can cause an impact on the existing magic system. Thinking of this, Merlin's eyes lit up. No wonder he felt destined to meet Norbert the first time he saw him. It turned out that he was waiting here.

Coming back to his senses, Hagrid was still thinking about what happened just now.

This little thing could certainly be explained away by the fact that Norbert was a fire dragon.

Then he said that he wanted to try to tame a little fire dragon as a pet.

Hagrid was silent for a moment, and looked at Norbert, reluctant to let him go.

"Merlin, if it were you, I would have no problem."

"But we can't keep fire dragons in school. I have to give an explanation to Professor Dumbledore."

"Don't worry, Professor Dumbledore has promised me that as long as he can tame it, he will give Norbert an area to live in the Forbidden Forest."

Merlin briefly told what happened today.

Hagrid opened his mouth wide, full of surprise.

After a while, he hugged Merlin excitedly.

"Merlin, I knew you would have a way!"

"As long as you can keep Norbert in Hogwarts, I will do anything!"

"Great, you... just stay here, I will go to the Forbidden Forest to prepare a dragon nest for Norbert!"



Before Merlin finished speaking, Hagrid rushed into the Forbidden Forest with his equipment.

His happy laughter could be heard from afar.

After Merlin watched him go away, he stared at the fire dragon in front of him again and was in a dilemma.

How to tame it?

Do I really have to try dripping blood for a long time?

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