Hogwarts: Who taught you to transform like this?

Chapter 75 How Can I Think About Qiu Zhang When I'm Dating A Little Witch?

"Albus, do you have anything else to say?"

When McGonagall sent the three away and returned, Dumbledore was still looking at some information on the table.

"Of course, Minerva, it's about Harry and Mr. Merlin.

"What's the matter?"

McGonagall became serious.

Dumbledore slowly said Merlin's prophecy.

"Albus, do you think this is true?"

McGonagall's expression was a little nervous, and there was more fear between his eyebrows.

"I don't know either."

Dumbledore shook his head.

"The predictions of the centaurs may not be as accurate as those of the prophets, but they are also credible to a certain extent."

"Mars is a symbol of disaster, and darkness is coming back......"

McGonagall took a breath.

"Albus, could it be the You-Know-Who?"

"The Philosopher's Stone was stolen, the accident at the beginning of school, and the next prophecy..."

Dumbledore nodded.

"Of course, Minerva, but I think there is no need to be afraid of him. He has failed once and will fail again.

"So, we can call him by his name, Voldemort. "

"If Merlin's prophecy is true, shouldn't I have agreed to let Harry and the others go to the Forbidden Forest just now... I'll ask Mr. Filch to modify the content of the detention."

"No need, Minerva."

Dumbledore shook his head, his eyes were extremely deep under the candlelight.

"If this is a prophecy, then even if there is a change, it will really happen."

"It is better to develop according to the predetermined route of fate, perhaps so as not to change the final things."

McGonagall shook his head.

"Albus, don't you believe in the prophecy of fate?"

Dumbledore did not answer directly, but thought about it and looked at the language written on the table.

"Minerva, you know, when people get old, they always fantasize about some unrealistic things."

"And now I always have a feeling that the results in the prophecy are still developing according to the predetermined route of fate."

"But there is a special fate that is stirring and disturbing it."

"Perhaps, I should ask someone again."

"I may have to trouble you these two days, Minerva."

"No problem, professor. "

McGonagall nodded, and took over the operation of the entire school, just like he did when Dumbledore left school before.

And Merlin had a good sleep.

It was finally the weekend.

Of course he would not miss the lazy sleep.

It was not until the next day, around noon, Hermione heard about the three people going to detention when she went to dinner.

"Huh? Is that so?"

Molin was a little surprised.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's just a little strange."

They were actually detained for this matter.

Molin thought to himself.

He remembered that in the original book, the three people went to the astronomy tower to send Norbert to the fire dragon protection area, and they were caught because they forgot to bring their invisibility cloaks when they went downstairs.

As for the duel, it should be that the three of them went to the right corridor of the fourth floor to meet Lu Wei together.

Could it be that because of his participation, the fire dragon would not be sent away, so the world line was also disturbed?

Molin thought about it and felt that this was probably the reason.

However, it seems that his transformation has begun to affect the original world.

It should be considered to have met the requirements.

It's just that the previous transformations were all about technology and civilization.

I don't know if there will be other rewards for transforming the plot.

This time, there should not be many changes, and the world line has been adjusted by itself.

I can try it next time when there is a major plot choice.

"Molin? What are you thinking about?"

Hermione walked in front of Merlin, jumping briskly, looking back at Merlin from time to time, eyes full of expectation.

Because Merlin asked her out for the first time on the weekend.

The little witch changed her hairstyle on purpose today.

But she was a little angry when she saw that Merlin didn't pay any attention to her at all, but was more concerned about Harry and Ronald.

She pouted and kicked the stones under her feet step by step.

"Ah? Oh, I was thinking

Merlin looked at the little witch again and finally found something wrong.

The little witch actually changed her hairstyle!

The brown hair was a little golden, probably because magic changed the hair color.

The originally fluffy hair was tied up in a ponytail behind the head, leaving a few strands of hair on the cheeks.

The bangs on the forehead were bent into a nice wave, and compared with the previous academic bully look, there was more sweetness and cuteness unique to girls.

"I saw a beautiful girl. I wonder if I should go talk to her."

"Who? Where is she?"

Hermione bit her lip, tears welling up in her eyes. She was about to cry the next second.

She had finally dressed up so beautifully, hoping that Mo Lin would notice her.

She didn't expect this guy to go and see other beautiful little witches.

"I'm talking to me."

"How can I talk to you... You... You're annoying!"

Hermione suddenly realized halfway through her words and burst into laughter.

Mo Lin immediately took out his wand.

"Roses are in full bloom."

Then he took a bunch of roses from the wand.

"For you."


Hermione blushed, but couldn't hide the excitement and joy in her eyes.

Mo Lin thought there would be some benefits.

But the little witch just secretly hugged him when no one was around, and then ran away with a red face.

After all, he was too thin-skinned.

If it was Qiu Zhang.


Mo Lin couldn't help but sigh that his idea was too scumbag.

How can I think about Qiu Zhang when I am with Hermione? It's a bit too much. ........***........

Of course I have to wait until I am alone.

It's better to enjoy the company of the little witch now.


Hermione happened to call out softly in front, and Merlin walked over quickly to check the situation.

"What's wrong?"

"Merlin, look!"

The little witch pointed at the figure in the distance and lowered her voice.

"It's Filch. I don't know what he is doing over there."

Merlin looked over and saw Filch in the corner of the castle courtyard.

He placed some things on the ground and pretended to look around casually, but he was unwilling to leave this place.

It seemed that there was something hidden in his hand.

[Broken magic crystal]

[A magic wand without magic activation]

The thing buried by Filch jumped out in front of Merlin, and he suddenly understood what he was doing.

He had seen this content in a book that taught Squibs how to learn to cast spells quickly.


It seems that the magic is released by absorbing the remaining magic on the magic crystal.

The idea is really good, but unfortunately, in many cases, the Squibs are not unable to cast spells, but simply cannot feel the magic power.

This magic array seems to be a little more advanced.

Use the array to guide the magic power into the wizard's body.

The idea is very good and feasible.

But the reason for Filch's failure should be that there is no magic power in the broken magic crystal.

And as a Squib, he cannot judge this matter.

Seeing this, Merlin sighed and couldn't bear to watch it any further.

How could there be such a shameless person in the magic world, even Qian Zhuyang Bian, a Squib.

"He caught Harry and Ronald out at night."

Hermione's tone was a little bad.

Just when Merlin was about to explain.

The little witch sighed again.

"I don't know why Dumbledore let him stay in Hogwarts. I feel that he should be very sad too?"

"What do you mean?"

Merlin was a little curious about what Hermione would say.

Then he heard something similar to what he said to Filch.

I think Filch is actually very pitiful as a Squib in school.

"Hermione, you're awesome!"


Hermione was a little surprised, not knowing what Merlin meant by this.

I didn't seem to say anything.

Merlin held Hermione and whispered what he had said when he transformed Filch.

"How...how is this possible?"

Hermione was shocked after hearing this.

"Merlin, don't you know that Squibs can't learn magic?"

"No, maybe not before, but now, I think it might be possible."

Merlin smiled slightly and took out a bottle of potion from his pocket.

"Don't you want to try whether the magic potion has an effect on Squibs?"

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