Hogwarts: Who taught you to transform like this?

Chapter 77: Squib Drinks Magic Potion And Turns Into Momoran

"Merlin!" Filch was also a little excited when he saw Merlin appear. But he suddenly thought of something and lowered his head a little embarrassed. "I... still haven't learned how to cast magic." "Of course, sir." Merlin looked at him with a smile. "I know, this is not your problem, but the problem of this damn magic crystal. "Mr. Merlin, do you know what the problem is?" Filch was surprised. "Of course." Merlin nodded. "I have seen this alchemical prop in a book. To be honest, its design is a little interesting and possible. "Really?" Filch was obviously excited. He dreamed of casting a spell, but he had tried for so many years and never succeeded. Hearing Merlin's words last time, he finally ignited a little hope. He bought some more props, but he was still uneasy in his heart, fearing that he would fail again. And now, hearing Merlin say that this method might succeed, he finally couldn't help but get excited and his hands trembled. "Of course, Mr. Filch, I won't lie to you."

Merlin dug out a magic crystal and examined it, then explained the principle to Filch.

"This is an alchemical tool that is specially used to charge some alchemical products that require long-term consumption of magic power."

"It's a bit like a battery in the Muggle world."

"The person who invented this device has no problem with his starting point. He used the magic crystal to arrange a magic circle and fill it with magic power."

"In this way, as long as the wand can output even a trace of magic power, it can mobilize the surrounding magic power."

Filch has also listened to many similar courses, and he quickly understood what Lin meant.

Nodding, his eyes were filled with expectation.

"So, Mr. Merlin, this method is really possible, right?"


"But why did I fail after trying several times? And is there something wrong with this magic crystal?"

Filch asked cautiously.

"Maybe you met a dishonest merchant when you bought it. This magic crystal is bad and there is no magic power in it."

Merlin activated his magic power, and the magic crystal in his hand suddenly lit up a light, and then maintained a translucent crystal color.

"Look, Mr. Filch, this is what the magic crystal looks like when it has magic power."

"The one you used just now is the state without magic power."


"As long as I change the magic crystal, I can use magic, right?"

Filch spoke first, and it seemed that he couldn't wait to buy it.

Merlin was silent for a while, but still nodded.

"This is theoretically possible. After all, it is not difficult to cast a spell after having magic power."

"However, Mr. Filch, I said before that I would find a way to study why you can't use magic?"

"Now, I have made some progress. I wonder if you are willing to try it."

Merlin paused and took out the magic potion.

"It may be more convenient than this, and you don't need to prepare a magic circle. ”

“Is there progress so soon?”

“Mr. Merlin, are you lying to me?”

“Have you solved the problem of the Squib casting spell?”

Filch’s lips trembled, but he still couldn’t believe what Merlin said.

After all, it has only been a week since he said he would study this problem.

Even if Merlin were alive, he might not be able to think of a solution.

“Strictly speaking, it’s not a solution, but it’s similar to the method you’re using now, but I changed it to a potion.”

“After drinking this potion, the magic power in the wizard’s body will increase slightly.”

“If it works for wizards, then it may work for you, Mr. Filch.”

“I can ensure that the potion has no side effects, but it doesn’t guarantee successful casting.”

“And for subsequent research, you may need to cooperate with me to do some research after drinking it.

“I hope you can consider………………”

“Don’t think about it, I’ll drink it now!”

Filch took the potion, raised his head and drank it all without hesitation.

“It tastes good!”

After praising, Filch asked what he should do now.

"Just wait. If you feel something different in your body, use the magic you want to use most immediately."


Filch agreed repeatedly and stood aside anxiously.

"Merlin, is this really possible?"

Hermione was still a little skeptical.

After all, the function of the magic potion is to increase the magic power in the wizard's body.

Can a squib without magic power also be increased?

One is a change, and the other is a qualitative change, which are completely different things.

"Maybe, but don't we just want to give it a try?"

Merlin stood aside, waiting for Filch's test results with Hermione.

Chatting casually by the way.

After knowing that Merlin was going to open a shop in Diagon Alley, the little witch couldn't sit still.

"Wait, Merlin, how could you go? There can't be a secret passage directly to Diagon Alley in the school, right?"

"In fact, Professor Dumbledore has applied for a floo network leading there. If the store opens, it should be more convenient for me to go there.

"I envy you!"

Hermione's eyes were filled with excitement and joy.

As a little wizard in the Muggle world, the places she wanted to hang out the most were Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade.

It was a pity that she was busy buying stationery and books when school started, and she didn't have much money left after buying them.

She hurried home without even tasting the food in the wizarding world.

Not being able to stroll around Diagon Alley has always been a regret for the little witch.

And Hogsmeade is not a place that a little wizard of her age can go.

"Do you really want to go to Diagon Alley?"


Hermione nodded vigorously, her hair bouncing behind her head, which was particularly eye-catching.

"I'm going to eat the ice cream in Mr. Fusco's shop. I heard it's very delicious. Then I'm going to buy some candy and trinkets."

"If there are books that are not in the Ravenclaw Library, you can also buy them at Flourish and Blotts."

He said four or five things in a scattered manner.

In short, Hermione wants to go shopping.

Merlin was a little surprised to see Hermione like this.

I didn't expect that the elementary school bully would want to go shopping.

But this seems much more real.

After all, it is the nature of little wizards of this age to be lively, active and playful.

After thinking for a while, he rubbed Sister Mei's inner pocket.

"Then I will take you with me next time I go."

"Is it okay?"

Hermione's eyes were full of stars, very excited.

"Since you have applied for it, then you will definitely be my alchemy assistant."

Merlin said easily.

He believed that neither Dumbledore nor McGonagall would refuse Hermione because of this request.

"Got it! Got it!"

Just when the two were discussing what to do after going to Diagon Alley.

Filch suddenly stood up and shouted.

He rushed over and stopped in front of Merlin with trembling hands.

"Mr. Merlin, come and feel it, is this magic?"

"I drank the potion as you said, and now I can feel a force running through my body!"

"So fast?"

Merlin was also a little surprised.

Magic is normally distributed throughout the wizard's body, and it is rare for someone to feel a stream of magic when it is enhanced.

This situation is more like the magic can't be controlled.


Merlin suddenly thought of something and changed his face.

This sounds like a characteristic that only Obscurus has.

Could it be that Squibs will become Obscurus after learning magic?

Is this the reason why they can't feel magic in their bodies and can't use magic?

This is not good news!

But now there is no time to think about it, Merlin shouted at Filch.

"Use magic quickly! No matter what, use the magic you want to use most and release a lot of magic!"

"Okay... I'm thinking!"

Filch responded loudly, and the magic in his body became more and more abundant, and even his swollen body was a little painful.

He raised his hand and wanted to release magic.

But there was nothing in his mind, it was a blank, and he couldn't think of any spell at all.

"Quick, quick! Any spell!"

"Luminescent flash, whirlwind sweep, armor protection, clear water like a spring, clean up..."

"Anything is fine, hurry up!"

Merlin urged.

"Yes! Clean up! That's it!"

Filch's eyes suddenly lit up.

The first time he met Merlin, this little wizard used this magic to help him, and helped him rebuild his confidence in learning magic.

Now he also helps him learn to cast magic.

Then use this magic as a response to Merlin's help.

"Clean up!"

Filch raised his wand and quickly said the spell to the castle.

Merlin's face changed instantly after hearing the spell.

Who would have thought that Filch actually pronounced the spell wrong.

Cleaning and washing are not the same thing!

The next second.

The surging magic power gushed out.

The top of Filch's wand sprayed a water column as big as the gate of Hogwarts towards the sky.

Filch was also thrown back by this force and flew up, smashing into the flower bed.

Merlin swung his wand.

He cast a levitation spell on Filch and then raised his wand to turn it into a huge umbrella, covering himself and the little girl.

Then, heavy rain fell from the sky.

In less than a minute, the entire Hogwarts Castle was washed clean.

It was the students who were still wandering in the courtyard and outside who suffered.

They were all soaked.

Except for Merlin and Hermione under the umbrella.

As the potion lost its effect, the heavy rain soon stopped.

Merlin retracted his wand and went forward to check on Filch.

After all, he did not expect this change.

"Mr. Filch, are you okay?"

"I...seem to be fine."

Filch looked at his hands, with indescribable enthusiasm in his eyes.

Regardless of the fact that his robe was still wet and dripping with water, he looked at Lin excitedly.

"...Mr. Merlin, was that magic really released by me just now?"


Merlin nodded.

"I...can I finally release magic!"

Filch looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, and the water stains on the ground.

He was so excited that he cried.

"Thank you, Mr. Merlin. I can finally release magic and no longer be discriminated against!"

Filch's face was filled with a sense of relief.

Merlin's eyes were slightly apologetic.

"It may be presumptuous to say this now, but Mr. Filch, I'm afraid I need to check the magic in your body again."

"To make sure that the situation just now will not happen again."

"Of course! Please feel free to check!"

Filch bent down and saluted Merlin respectfully.

Coincidentally, several voices sounded behind Merlin.

"Merlin, what are you doing!"

Merlin turned around and saw that Bridgley and four deans appeared in the square at the same time.

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