Merlin has always felt that the biggest problem in the wizarding world is that there is too little cultural entertainment!

Although there are Quidditch, rock bands, explosive chess, wizard chess and so on, there are really not many books to read.

Judging from his experience working at Flourish and Blotts, apart from”The Greatest Wizard of the 20th Century”,”I Can Magic”,”Magic Places and Historic Sites”,”Born Noble: A Family Tree of Wizards”, etc.》……

After excluding the collections of chicken soup, chicken soup, maps, information books and school textbooks, and academic and interest magazines such as”Transfiguration Today” and”Broomstick Encyclopedia”, there are only three commercial magazines worth reading.

“Wizard Weekly” for wizards,”Daily Prophet” which most wizards will subscribe to, and”The Quibbler” which is extremely maverick in its views.

This is too little for the entire European magic world.

Moreover, Merlin is very clear about the situation of these three newspapers.

《The Daily Prophet is the Ministry of Magic’s speaking window. Most of the news is fake news made by Rita Skeeter, an old bee.

《The Quibbler was created by Luna’s father in an undetermined mental state.

《Not to mention Wizard Weekly, not to mention publishing recipes, even Lockhart’s smile can be published on it, you can tell what level it is at a glance. Looking at it this way.

Merlin just wanted to use the words of a certain great man, these are all third-rate magazines, useless.

And Penelope’s suggestion happened to remind him of another thing.

Who said that the transformation of the wizarding world can only start from the material aspect? Spiritual explosion is a better transformation.

Anyway, I’m going to open a store.

It’s better to use Penelope’s magazines directly.

It’s just right to make it into a place to express my own opinions according to my own ideas.

“What’s wrong? Molin, isn’t that a bit abrupt?”

“If it’s a hassle, forget it. After all, the funds we have gathered are limited and may not be enough to pay the rent for the store in Diagon Alley, even for a small space.”

Penelope sighed and prepared to leave with a little disappointment.

“No, on the contrary, Senior, I have another suggestion”

“Oh? What is that?”

Penelope turned around and asked Merlin if he had any other ideas.

Merlin smiled.

“Senior sister, you accept support… No, it’s funding?”

Penelope paused, pretending not to hear the second half of Merlin’s sentence, licked her lips, and threw a wink.

“Then I have to listen to my junior’s conditions.”

Merlin took a deep breath and stretched out a finger to explain.

Penelope raised her eyes and showed a playful expression.

“Once a week? Not impossible.”


Mo Lin choked on his breath and took a deep breath to avoid being affected.

The senior sister is indeed different from the junior sister. The car is going too fast.

If he was not different from the ordinary little wizard, he would have surrendered by now.

Also, Senior Sister Penelope, you are preparing to compete for the prefect, not the student council president of some joke student union.

Please don’t drive so fast!

But he was just thinking about it.

If there really is such a student council president in reality, how could the protagonist bear it!

However, there is one thing that must be made clear.

Mo Lin looked at Penelope and said lightly

“When talking about business, you can be less of an old lady.”

“Does that mean we don’t need to talk about business, but only in private? My junior is really good at this.”

Penelope chuckled.

Molin pretended not to hear and stated his conditions.

“One thousand Galleons per month, this is your fee.”

“As for how you spend it, whether you take it all by yourself or hire someone to help you, it depends on your situation.”

“The condition is that you have to help me publish a magazine or newspaper. As for the novels and news on it, you can find someone to write them, or you can write them yourself. As long as I read them every time, I can distribute them.”

“You can decide the royalties and profits yourself. I can provide you with the funds for the first year. If you still can’t make a profit later… you know.”

“I understand. It’s just that I want you to sacrifice something. No problem!”

Penelope looked at Mo Lin with her electric eyes, raised her hand to throw a kiss and turned away.

“Don’t worry, Junior Molin, with your 1,000 Galleons, I will definitely perform well.”

“By the way, do you have any ideas for magazine or newspaper titles?”

“Let me think about it.”

Mo Lin thought for a few seconds and thought of a name that he couldn’t help but smile.

“Let’s call it”Young Wizards’ Newspaper””

“Why is it this name?”

Penelope looked suspicious.

“To distinguish it from the Daily Prophet. Also, we are a group of young wizards. Is there any problem in publishing a newspaper for young wizards?”

“It doesn’t sound like it, but I still find it a little weird.”

Penelope shook her head.

“But you are the boss, you have the final say!”

Penelope turned around and walked away like a cat.

Before leaving, she did not forget to give Merlin a wink.

“I will show you the first draft of the newspaper soon.”

I returned to Qiu Zhang and the others.

I found that everyone else had left, and only Qiu Zhang and Hermione were still waiting for me to eat.

“Where are they?”

“I have classes in the afternoon, so I’m going to rest first.”

“Then why are you still here?”

“Don’t you want us to stay here?”

The little witch’s eyes widened.

Qiu Zhang pursed his lips, rolled his eyes and grabbed Hermione.

“Then shall we go?”

“Wait! I just want to ask, don’t you take a nap?”

“No more sleep, we are talking about what you have done.”

The two of them looked at each other with a bit of teasing.

“For example, what is it?”

Mo Lin’s eyelids jumped and he asked with a guilty conscience.

“For example, a brilliant fireworks display?”

“For example, the happy time in the amusement park?”

Qiu Zhang smiled particularly sweetly, and Hermione also smiled very contagiously.

Mo Lin blinked for no reason, feeling that his ability to predict danger was not very reliable.

Why didn’t he issue a warning at this time?

If he had known that they would talk about this, he would never show up here. He could just use the excuse that Senior Penelope wanted to see him for something and slip away.


Qiu Zhang knew Senior Penelope’s style, right? Wouldn’t it be more terrible if she thought wrongly? (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mo Lin’s mouth twitched, and he simply thought about how to show his hand

“Yes! I did take you to the Room of Requirement and did what you like most, but you are all my wings.”


Mo Lin couldn’t help but get goose bumps all over his body.

Such greasy words were a bit out of place for him to say.

And he didn’t know the attitude of the two people on the other side, so he decided to go first.……

“Thank you, Merlin!”

“This is the first time I feel such a romantic thing”

“Me too”

“But next time I want to watch the fireworks too”

“I want to go to the amusement park too!”

The two little witches spoke at the same time, smiling at themselves.

“Hmm? Ah? Okay!”

After a while, Mo Lin breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in agreement.

So that’s how it is. Fortunately, it’s okay.[]

“I saw that you seemed very nervous just now. Are you thinking about something else?”

Qiu Zhang interrupted

“Ah, yes, I was just about to ask, is Senior Penette always like that?”

“What kind of thing?”

Qiu Zhang was a little confused.

“Senior Pennet is a very nice person. She studies hard, is warm and kind, and often helps us. So we all want to vote for her in this prefect election.”


Mo Lin’s expression froze.

“Is there anything wrong with her behavior? For example, she likes to hint when she speaks?”、

“No, it’s all normal.

Qiu Zhang was even more confused. Even Hermione was asking what Penette had said to him that made Merlin so cautious.

Merlin had to use the magazine she wanted to make to block it.

“It shouldn’t be easy, right?”

Qiu Zhang and Hermione are both young wizards in the Muggle world. When they heard about publishing a magazine, they thought of all kinds of complicated procedures and shook their heads subconsciously.

“I don’t know either. I’ll ask Cedric or someone else, maybe they know.

Then he briefly explained Penelope’s idea and the conditions he agreed to.

The two of them immediately looked at him suspiciously.

“Molin, do you know what one thousand Galleons means?”

“You’re just giving it to Senior Penelope like this, aren’t you worried that she’ll lose it all?”

“Or do you have other ideas?”

How is that possible?

It’s obvious that she has other ideas about me!

Mo Lin roared in his heart, but he was calm on the surface, just pulling out Brother Fred to block the bullet

“I gave them one thousand Galleons, which is nothing compared to the investment in opening a shop.”

“Moreover, there are many follow-up matters, and this amount of money may not be enough”


After hearing this, the two finally did not pursue the matter further.

Then they agreed with Merlin to go to the Room of Requirement to watch fireworks and play in the amusement park together another day, and then let him go back to class.

In the afternoon, Professor Flitwick’s spells class was almost Merlin’s home court.

After easily demonstrating several perfect level spells, Professor Flitwick generously gave Merlin 20 points. The

Ravenclaw students were envious, jealous, and angry, but there was nothing they could do.

After Merlin said that he had something to do, Professor Flitwick also gave him the green light to go and do his job.

And he wanted The first thing to do is to check on Norbert.

As the saying goes, you can tell a dragon’s age in three days.

It is especially important to take care of the dragon in the first few days.

Although Norbert has been successfully tamed, necessary emotional maintenance is still indispensable.

In order to make Norbert less angry, Merlin specially prepared dried meat with ingredients and specially prepared dragon dishes to find Norbert.

It was still Hagrid’s hut.

However, this time when the door was opened, only Hagrid was there, and there was not even the smell of a dragon in the room.

Merlin looked around and did not see any trace of the dragon, so he asked Hagrid if he had any dragons.

“Where did Norbert go?”

“This little guy started sleeping in the Dragon’s Nest yesterday.”

Hagrid pointed in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

“Without him here, the whole ground would become warm. Yesterday, it flew to the dragon’s nest by itself.”


Merlin was a little numb.

Although Norbert’s growth rate was much faster than that of ordinary dragons, learning to fly in a week was still a bit too outrageous, right?

Hagrid was also going. Merlin decided to go with Hagrid to see Norbert

‘s current situation.

: Šói.Çô.Độc

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