The predecessor of the Ministry of Magic was the Wizard Council, whose highest leader was the Speaker, which was similar to a loose elders' meeting.

After being reorganized into the Ministry of Magic, the Ministry of Magic was headed by the Minister of Magic and had eight departments under it.

The main purpose was to maintain the balance between the magical society and the Muggle society, and to protect all wizards and magic (even monsters) from being discovered by Muggles.

Due to some historical reasons and the exchange of power.

The functions of the Wizengamot and the Department of Law Enforcement are highly overlapping. As a subordinate department, the Auror Department, which is also a military and police department, can be said to be full of mountains.

Therefore, the management of the Ministry of Magic has always been very chaotic. The power of the Minister can be large or small, which depends entirely on the prestige and strength of the current Minister.

After Shaw purged the opposition in the Ministry of Magic, he naturally had to re-plan the management structure of the Ministry of Magic, and even re-establish the political system.

After Shaw's long and careful consideration, he did not choose to give up the early dictatorship after all.

Civil rights and so on, let's consider them later.

Now he is the helmsman, and he needs 100% control!

Of course, nominally he still has no position in the Ministry of Magic, but all important positions must be filled by his confidants.

Percy continued to read aloud at the bottom of the stairs.

"The British Ministry of Magic has been reorganized, and the power is divided as follows. It consists of three bureaus, two supervisory departments and one army, namely the Executive Bureau, the Judicial Bureau, the Legislative Bureau, the Pentacles Army and the two supervisory departments of Light and Dark.

The Ministry of Magic is coordinated by Minister Fudge Connelly, assisted by five deputy ministers.

The Executive Bureau is directly managed by Deputy Minister Lucius Malfoy.

It is under the jurisdiction of the International Exchange Department, the Transportation Department, the Sports Department, the Animal Management Department, the New Finance Department and the Scientific Research Department.

The directors of each department are appointed as follows...

The Ministry of Magic Legislative Bureau is managed by Acting Deputy Minister Penelope Clearwater.

The Ministry of Magic Judicial Bureau is managed by Acting Deputy Minister Alice Foley.

It is under the jurisdiction of the Law Enforcement Department, the Accident and Disaster Department. Department, Auror Department..., the appointments of each department are as follows... Dennis will replace Scrimgeour as the head of the Auror Department...

Routine ordinary trials are handled by law enforcement, and major trials are decided by Wizengamot councilors and ordinary wizards.

The Pentacle Army is a wizard army directly under the throne, coordinated by Deputy Minister Wingo Greengrass. The initial members are composed of Aurors, strikers and patrol members. After training, the military and police are separated and each has a different affiliation.

The Supervision Department is coordinated by Percy Weasley...

The departments are not subordinate to each other, and the accountability system and point elimination system are implemented. "

As Percy read out the appointments one by one, the expressions of many people changed dramatically.

In addition to being amazed and envious of the three seventh-grade wizards who rose to prominence directly, they were also a little helpless.

After the subdivision of power, they are not subordinate to each other. In addition, with the establishment of systems such as the formal transfer of supervision, accountability and trial power, it will be much more difficult to make money in the future.

Fortunately, the operating mechanism of the Ministry of Magic has been gradually transitioned for quite some time, and many tasks have been redistributed. Today is just the official confirmation, so it is not very uncomfortable for everyone to accept it.

Among the appointments, there are still many people who are not their own people, such as Amelia Burns, who is still the director of the Law Enforcement Department, and Barty Crouch of the International Exchange Department.

This is also a way for Shaw to control his subordinates, such as the catfish effect.

There are also some subdivided small departmental powers, and no specific instructions have been given just now on how to reorganize them, such as the departments of reversing occasional, Muggle item abuse, and memory removal.

These all require time to be reasonably planned bit by bit, and various unreasonable rules and regulations also need to be improved bit by bit by the legislative department.

There must be no more jokes before, such as Arthur Weasley, the head of the department prohibiting the abuse of Muggle items.

He can change the relevant laws by himself and leave loopholes for himself. Only Arthur is still principled. If someone else changed, he would have made a fortune in this position.

Fudge wiped the sweat from his head. He was a little confused at this time. Was his ministerial power weakened or strengthened?

The Ministry of Magic now has greater functions and powers, but so many deputy ministers have suddenly appeared. Can he command them? It feels like they will be replaced at any time.

When he looked up and saw Shaw on the throne, he immediately understood that as long as he was obedient, he would be the most powerful minister in history!

Then he was very tactful and was the first to step out. He took off his hat and bowed deeply to Shaw.

"Your Excellency is wise. Under your leadership, the future of the British magic world must be bright!"

Others blinked their eyes. Most of them were still thinking about Percy's appointment. Why didn't they hear about the situation of another supervisor?

Isn't this another trap?

When Fudge took the lead, including the people in the sequence seats, they all shouted in unison without thinking.

"Your Excellency is wise!!"

Shor'sAt this moment, his posture was very majestic, and the king's demeanor was fully revealed, and his voice was magnificent.

"A new system requires a new atmosphere. I hope everyone will not slack off. Let us join hands to make wizards great again!"

Shor's voice became more and more persuasive. Just a few short sentences, I don't know if the young people are excited, and even those old politicians are also very excited.

All knelt on one knee and beat their chests with one hand.

"Yes, sir!"

Shor nodded with satisfaction, glanced at those confidants, and continued after a pause.

"Many of the appointments this time are very unconventional, which violates the principle that I said before that the capable are promoted and the mediocre are demoted.

Maybe many people will think that I am nepotism, but I believe in my own vision.

In half a year, wait and see the new assessment results!"

Many people below were exposed by Shaw's thoughts and quickly lowered their heads.

At today's meeting, Shaw did not intend to continue the discussion.

His purpose was very simple. On the surface, it was to implement the new system, but in fact it was to confirm his supreme status.

The previous appointments sounded like the departments were complete, and the legislation and judiciary were independent, making the Ministry of Magic more honest.

But a department for the transfer of officials was established.

Several bureaus and departments could be transferred by the deputy minister in charge of coordination, but the ministers, deputy ministers and directors, such top officials, could only be appointed by Shaw, the "dictator".

This is a high degree of centralization!


Shaw stood up, his domineering aura was released for a moment, and he disappeared in front of the throne with a wave of his hand.

Although he disappeared, the huge magic power surged down like a wave, overturning many people.

Many people made a big fool of themselves, but they immediately understood the meaning of Shaw's move.

It was still a means to confirm his supreme status. To put it bluntly, the magic world is ultimately respected by strength.

After they came to their senses, they immediately began to congratulate each other.

One of them was a little silent, that was Hermione.

She came to the corner alone, opened her palm, and revealed three small poker cards and a note. The poker card was a Mirror of Erised.

These were passed to her by Shaw when he was showing off his aura just before he disappeared.

Hermione opened the note and was very surprised after reading it. Suddenly, she felt like a mountain was pressing on her shoulders.

But then her expression became determined again, and she murmured after taking a deep breath.

"Chief, I will do it in a moment!"

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