At this time, Voldemort's cloak had been partially torn apart, revealing his ugly body that looked like a stitched monster.

Voldemort now used no wand at all when using magic.

He turned directly into a melee wizard, with black lines lingering around his monster-like body, black and red scars and tumors, and twisted dark energy in his every move.

After Tom and Voldemort fought for several rounds, he was now suppressed and could only defend blindly, because Voldemort was not weak in the effect on water elements.

Every time he attacked with a big move, it was easily resolved by the opponent, so he could only use countless snake-head chains to form a shield, stalling time to think of other ways to kill the enemy.

Layers of chain shields were constantly smashed by Voldemort's arrogant look with dark energy.

After Shaw felt it up close, he finally knew what was going on with Voldemort.

"It's Obscurus' body!"

Shaw only knew a little about Obscurus from some books.

After the establishment of the International Statute of Secrecy, Obscurus, a distorted product of wizards under extreme emotional repression, became rampant for a period of time.

Shaw narrowed his eyes slightly, flicked the seventh string in his hand, and a streak of orange-red flew towards Voldemort.

This is the End of All Curses.

Shaw has not studied how to restrain this mutated magic, and does not know the correct way to restrain it.

So he wanted to try whether the magic of Obscurus is still in the range of normal magic.

The orange streak arrived in an instant and directly hit the dark energy lingering on Voldemort.

The energy of the End of All Curses and Obscurus did not explode, but melted each other, but the effect was minimal.

Voldemort was pounding his shield happily, and suddenly raised his head, grinning at Shaw with his ugly long mouth.

Then he punched Shaw in the air, and a ten-meter-long black python surged out of his fist.

Shaw knew that although the Obscurus was dark, it was still in the range of normal magic.

He waved his hand casually, and the purple rainbow swords in the sky fell down one by one at a high speed, piercing the black python.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Purple light and black mist exploded together.

Only after the four purple rainbow swords were exhausted did they consume the black python that Voldemort casually attacked.

Seeing this result, Shaw's eyes twitched.

It was no wonder that the Obscurus was praised as the most violent and darkest force.

To make an analogy, if the Obscurus energy was used up for a moment, two parts of his lightning element magic power would be needed to offset each other.

If it was ordinary magic power, the consumption would probably be even greater.

It's not that his lightning element magic power was weak in the attribute of destroying all evil and darkness, but it was not pure enough and not advanced enough.

Shaw continued to command the remaining five purple rainbow swords to stab Voldemort, ready to help Tom contain him. That guy was a little frustrated at this time.

But after the long sword pierced through the black fog surrounding Voldemort, although a few blood marks were scratched on his body, the opponent's recovery ability was simply terrifying.

The rotten meat recovered after a while, which made Shaw almost think that the opponent was Wolverine.

Bella, who was in a mess, fled to a distance, and when she saw that her master was fighting one against two, she was still not at a disadvantage.

He laughed while holding his stinky feet.

"Haha, the master is the strongest wizard in history! Shaw and that guy, you should kneel down and surrender!"

Shaw glanced at Bella from a distance, ignoring this clown, and quickly weighed how to defeat the enemy in his mind.

In theory, Shaw now has an upgraded national collapse and has not yet blocked the system, and his legendary combat power is stable.

But Voldemort, who parasitizes the silent body, is even more difficult to deal with with the legendary water element spell, and his body is particularly strong.

This is simply a bug. The strength of the person who assisted Voldemort's silent body is really a talent.

It would probably be useless to transform into an Animagus and fight Voldemort.

His mind raced, and he gave up the idea of ​​using the Thunder Harp and a large number of poker spells to bombard Voldemort.

It was too bad. Even if he defeated Voldemort, he would not die.

He suddenly remembered that Momo was a mutant born in despair.

He just happened to have a spell that could really restrain him.

He turned the crescent harp in his hand back into a wand, and took out two magic-storing poker cards.

He took the wand and shook it hard, and a large amount of magic power surged. A few dozen meters long purple and silver Yinglong Guardian God was generated in the air. This Guardian God was like a physical entity.


The Guardian God in the air roared to the sky, flapped his wings, swung his long tail, and rushed towards Voldemort with unparalleled dominance.

Voldemort felt that he was about to smash Tom's tortoise shell, and he was in a happy mood, but a breath of extremely disgusting breath came from his head.

He looked up and saw a flying snake with two wings rushing towards him, and his heart was slightly horrified.

"What a disgusting smell!"

He said so, but he would not underestimate the enemy. His whole body began to swell, and his muscles burst and blood and flesh flew.The height rose directly to two meters.

Voldemort swung his thick right hand surrounded by black air and punched Yinglong fiercely.


A small silver-black mushroom cloud rose from the impact point, and the surging energy submerged Voldemort and Yinglong. The shock wave dispersed the surrounding black fog, and countless trees were swept and broken.

Bella, who was hiding in the distance and jumping to cheer, was also blown away like a kite, and almost rolled her eyes when she fell.

Shaw commanded the Patronus and Voldemort to fight in close combat in the smoke and dust, constantly consuming the opponent's dark energy.

He didn't forget to look back to see Tom's situation.

The shield formed by the snake head chain was completely shattered by the shock wave, revealing Tom inside.

Tom closed his eyes at this moment, and seemed to be unaware of the loss of defense, but his hands were gesturing rhythmically.

Circles of green light were bred in his palms, and the green panic light balls gave people a palpitation feeling.

Shaw understood and knew that Tom was not the kind of guy who would sit and wait for a beating.

He should have been preparing for a defensive counterattack, holding back a big move.

Tom also opened his eyes at the right time and looked at Shaw.

Shaw instantly knew how to cooperate. He turned around and commanded Yinglong Patronus to burst out with all his strength, and the slender dragon body desperately wrapped around Voldemort.

Voldemort didn't care at all, and punched the Patronus again and again, hitting the body of the Patronus, which was like a physical body, and the silver light continued to dissipate.

He saw the Patronus slowly getting smaller, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Haha! Is this all you can do? I just need to suppress the consciousness of the original owner of this Obscurus, let him be infinitely depressed and aggrieved, and such dark energy will be endless!"

Shaw was speechless. The other party was really stuck with BUF, but he was too lazy to use his trump card. It was too wasteful, otherwise he would teach the other party a lesson in minutes.

With a thought in mind, Yinglong Patronus ignored the loss and entangled Voldemort towards Tom, and the silver light was so bright that it blocked Voldemort's view of Tom.

Voldemort did not fail to notice Shaw's purpose, and was about to continue to taunt him as he looked at the Patronus that was getting smaller and smaller.

But the next moment, Yinglong suddenly exploded with a "bang".

This close-range explosion stunned Voldemort for several seconds, and his ugly body was also tattered, but the twisted dark energy surged rapidly from the inside, and his body was quickly repaired.

Voldemort shook his head to clear his mind, and just as he wanted to continue to taunt Shaw for not having any means, he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

He turned his head sharply, and saw a touch of green covering his vision.

Bella's voice came a beat later.

"Master, be careful of sneak attacks!"

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