September 1st.

It is the annual opening day of Hogwarts.

King's Cross Station is still so lively, and it is still the scene of the little wizards and their parents saying goodbye.

However, there are still some differences this year, with more wizards in purple uniforms walking around.

The progress of the Ministry of Magic's reform this time can be said to be immediate.

In just two days, apart from other things, the previous Auror troops have been disrupted by various splits, and the title of Auror has been officially cancelled.

It has been temporarily incorporated into the wizard army of the Pentagram, and the chief instructor Carol will conduct the second round of "real" quality training.

So now in the market, the work of maintaining public order and catching criminals is all taken over by a part of the original patrol team members.

It was officially renamed the Wizard Police and is under the Law Enforcement Department, which is justified.

Dennis, the new chief of the Wizard Police, led the team in person today.

The Wizard Police are disciplined and polite, and the ordinary wizards coming and going have all kinds of praise.

In the prefect's carriage of the express.

In order to avoid another embarrassing social death, Shaw had come early.

He was wearing a white dress with purple patterns, sitting by the window, watching the fireworks outside in a peaceful manner.

After a while, several trusted subordinates arrived, but there were a few less people, and the carriage was a little deserted.

Alice, Penelope and Percy are already in their seventh year this year, and officially entered the Ministry of Magic as interns, each of them in charge of a large number of things.

Theodore, who was brought back to the UK, was still in a daze, and his soul had been undergoing some kind of transformation.

Shaw could only place him in the Black mansion, and Kreche took good care of him.

After Hermione sat down, she took out a pile of information from her pocket with the traceless extension spell and began to read, record and select.

The increasingly strong Neville also honestly took out a herbal textbook to study.

Draco, the only one who seemed to be doing nothing, looked left and right.

It felt like these people were really working too hard.

In fact, he worked very hard during this holiday, and did not slack off. He also finished his summer homework early, just thinking that he could have fun with his friends today.

Well, he has been concentrating on studying during this holiday, but there are other reasons.

Last time they parted at Diagon Alley, good friend Harry was watched closely by Sirius, who did not allow him to communicate more with "dark wizards" like Draco.

Draco was bored, what else could he do if he didn't study?

The young master is not so naive now.

Knowing his true position, in addition to constantly strengthening his own strength, he also needs to look for some new talents in Hogwarts.

Supplying fresh blood to the throne, isn't that his role?

"Woo woo woo!"

The train started slowly at this time.

Draco looked at Shaw, who had been looking out the window quietly, and wanted to chat, but finally shook his head and shut up.

I took out the notes on "making friends" summarized by my father and read them for a while.

Finally, I couldn't sit still, so I got up and walked out of the box, ready to go hang out with my good friend Harry.

With the sound of the express train "clang clang clang", the sky gradually darkened, and the sky began to rain again.

Hermione rubbed her eyes and raised her head from a pile of information.

She put the information back into the bag first, and asked Shaw for advice after thinking for a while.

"Chief, we have elective courses this year. Should I sign up for all the courses?

But now I have reached the critical point of investigating the missing little wizard, and my energy is a little bit insufficient, so I am very conflicted."

Shaw came back from his contemplation, and for Hermione's "trouble of a top student", he really didn't know how to give reasonable advice.

Signing up for twelve subjects in the third grade and getting all O grades is an amazing achievement in school days.

Not to mention that it is a bonus for a Muggle-born wizard like Hermione, it is also an honor for a pure-blood.

But it is also important to investigate the missing little wizard.

Then he remembered that he wanted to register for all twelve subjects, and it seemed that he needed to apply for a time converter.

Back then, Shaw was interested in the time converter for a while and wanted to use it to cause trouble.

But he didn't have enough power in the first grade and couldn't get it.

Although he could easily get a time converter from the Department of Mysteries in the second grade.

But after discussing the prophecy with Grindelwald, he lost much interest in the time converter.

After all, Shaw is no longer an ordinary little wizard. If he dares to use the time converter indiscriminately, it is estimated that he will cause a big trouble that he can't cover up.

Grindelwald was afraid that Shaw would be interested in the taboo of time magic, and he also gave an example.

For example, a legendary wizard used a time converter to go back to the past, and then went to investigate "himself" to change some inherent history.

ButThe induction of wizards at this level is very strong.

There is a 99% chance that the past "self" will definitely find out.

In the end, the two selves met, which is a taboo in using time magic, and finally led to a very terrible ending, both of them were completely annihilated by time.

Based on these lessons, this is why there are so many time converters in the Department of Mysteries.

And people like Dumbledore and Voldemort did not intend to take them for themselves.

In the original book, Dumbledore also hinted that a little wizard like Harry should go back three hours to save Sirius instead of going there himself.

Hermione was a little discouraged when she saw that Shaw had no suggestions.

"I am still too greedy. Forget it. It is more important to find out the disappearance of the little wizard. Then, I will report one or two less."

Shaw said with a smile.

"If you really want to take all twelve courses, it's not impossible. There is always a way.

And Hermione, you have to know that you also have subordinates to share tasks with you.

You must learn to delegate power and responsibilities. If you personally ask and operate everything, no matter how much energy you have, it will not be enough.

Take me as an example. If I ask about everything about the throne and the wizarding world, wouldn't I be exhausted to death?

For example, I trust your ability and never ask after handing things over to you. Haven't you never let me down?"

Hermione was thoughtful and subconsciously reached out to touch the three small poker cards in her arms.

This is indeed the chief's great trust and responsibility for himself.

The train stopped at the right time. Shaw stood up and reached out to rub Hermione's fluffy hair again.

"You need to give yourself a proper holiday. The little girl must take time to dress herself up. Okay, let's get off the train."

"Thank you, chief."

Hermione finally laughed happily.

The group came out of the car. The sky above Hogwarts was still covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and it was pouring rain.

The young wizards above the second grade now have a good level of spellcasting. They cast water and fire invulnerability on each other and were not in a very bad state.

The first-year students were as miserable as ever.

Shaw raised his eyebrows, drew out his wand and pointed it at the sky, shooting out a huge white light.

The dense dark clouds immediately dispersed quickly, and the lightning retreated, revealing the bright moon in the sky.

The wet first-year students looked at Shaw with admiration as he raised his wand.

Shaw smiled warmly at them and led the others to the path.

The third-year student life began.

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