"What? The Triwizard Tournament?"

"The one with the highest mortality rate?"

"What is the Triwizard Tournament? Is it so famous?"

"You don't know this? Let me tell you..."

"Really? So amazing..."

Although the Triwizard Tournament has been suspended for many years, almost everyone has heard of it, except for the little wizards who are pure Muggle-born.

After all, this event is so topical, so tragic and magical that it can basically be spread as a magical fairy tale.

There was a lot of discussion in the hall, and the little wizards were all unbelievable and exaggerated.

Dumbledore said in a loud voice.

"In addition to the three traditional European magic schools of Hogwarts, Bubbaston and Durmstrang, the participating schools in this year's Top Five Tournament also include Ilvermorny in the United States and Kodostoriz School of Magic in Russia. The other four schools will arrive in October. In view of the danger of the tournament, after discussion, the selected warriors must be at least seventeen years old. And this year's newly hired professor Sirius Black will serve as the exclusive coach of the selected warriors. Before Hogwarts selects its own warriors, young wizards who are seventeen years old can get his teachings in advance." Dumbledore knew the characteristics of the young wizard, and this time he spoke quickly and urgently. And the reaction of the young wizard was indeed as he expected, and he exploded again. "Why should there be restrictions? I want to be a warrior too!" "Yes, I also want to win glory for Hogwarts!" Especially many little lions in Gryffindor exploded directly on the spot. "It's so unfair. Why didn't we have this rule before? This restriction is definitely aimed at the chief."

"Oh, yes, the chief is not even fifteen today. It's not fair!"

"Not fair!"

Some young wizards who were not old enough were still worried about losing their qualifications.

But after being reminded, they began to stand up for Shaw together.

The voices shouting about unfairness gradually became uniform.

Moody, Sirius and Lupin were a little surprised at Shaw's high prestige in Hogwarts.

Shaw, the real owner, was very calm while drinking tea.

Dumbledore blinked and explained patiently.

"You know how powerful your chief is. If he participates in the competition, it will be unfair to other warriors.

This is also a necessary restriction for the normal progress of the competition, otherwise the competition will be boring.

But don't worry, as the headmaster of Hogwarts, I will naturally strive for the benefits that Shaw deserves."

Dumbledore smiled mischievously and stopped talking.

Let the quiet little wizards look at him eagerly.

He usually enjoys this kind of little prank and is ready to announce the banquet directly.

"This benefit will be announced in October. Everyone look forward to it. Okay, you should all be hungry, then..."


Just then, Shaw, who had been calm before, stood up and said loudly.

"Principal, wait a minute, I also have a few things to announce."

The little wizards were still booing the principal, and they all became quiet immediately, looking at Shaw.

Shaw smiled calmly, walked to the podium, stood still, glanced around, and said in a warm voice.

"I know everyone is disappointed about the cancellation of this year's Quidditch event, so I'm here to tell you a good news.

The England national team is in a state of chaos now, and the new head coach appointed me as the captain.

So I decided to select outstanding players from the four college teams of Hogwarts to supplement the national team.

So don't fall behind in the Quidditch training later."


Just the first piece of news made the young wizards in an uproar, and they all shouted in disbelief.

"Oh my God! Is this true?"

"Do we really have the opportunity to join the national team and go to the World Cup before we graduate?"

"Mighty Chief!"

The twins, who were just disappointed that they could not participate in the championship and made the most noise, quickly stood on the long table, waving their wizard hats and cheering.

Shaw waited quietly for the young wizards to vent their emotions, and then announced again.

"The second thing is about Ravenclaw College. I accidentally found the crown of the founder of Ravenclaw, and today I have the opportunity to return it to Hogwarts."

As he spoke, he took the crown out of the ring and held it high for display.

The young wizards from the other three colleges looked at the old crown in the hands of the chief in confusion. Ninety-nine percent of these people had never heard of it.

Only the eyes of the young eagles were staring at the crown.

The legend of the Ravenclaw crown has a long history in the Eagle House. After all, according to the legend, who can wear this crown?The crown can increase wisdom.

Professor Flitwick felt that it was getting harder to breathe, and his small body was shaking with excitement.

With his wisdom, he would not suspect that Shaw was just trying to attract attention.

Professor Flitwick turned over the long table and staggered to Shaw, jumping anxiously to reach the crown that Shaw was holding high in his hand.

"Shore, let me see it, let me see it!"

This scene seemed a little funny, with a sense of déjà vu of a child asking his parents for candy.

Shaw generously handed the crown to Flitwick.

Flitwick solemnly held the crown in his palm, and his movements were careful, for fear of damaging the crown in the slightest.

Dumbledore also walked down the podium quickly and identified the authenticity of the crown with Flitwick.

The other professors had various expressions.

And Moody raised his head and scanned the crown with his alchemical eye, his eyes full of suspicion.

The little Sirius is more straightforward and disdain. "I must be fake in the crown. This crown has been missing for thousands of years. How can I find it and find it. Xiaoer is favored again." The atmosphere of the lobby was quiet, and Sirius's words were clearly introduced into everyone's ears. Attores, some people want to rush up to give him a punch. Are you hone your tolerance? Or do you want to see yourself? At this time, Ms. Grey suddenly floated out from the back hall and passed directly behind Sirius, freezing him so much that he shuddered several times.

Ms. Grey then floated to Shor and gave him an elegant lady's salute.

Then she turned around and said to everyone.

"I am the daughter of Ravenclaw. I can prove that this crown is my mother's legacy. Shorblack is a selfless wizard with good character."

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