On the path from Diagon Alley to Knockturn Alley.


Sirius, who had just been kicked out of Hogwarts, Apparated with Harry.

Harry felt dizzy, bent over and retched a few times, wondering.

"Sirius, why did you bring me here?"

Sirius patted Harry on the back.

"I'm in a bad mood, you go to the tavern with me for a drink."

"But I'm not an adult yet, and I have a Transfiguration class in the afternoon."

"It's okay, just drink the juice, I'll approve your class in the afternoon."

Harry looked helpless, and suddenly felt like he was the adult who needed to guide the child.

Sirius hadn't been to Knockturn Alley for a long time, and he searched for the underground tavern for a long time according to his memory. At a glance, the chaos in his memory was completely gone.

Harry pointed at the endless stream of pedestrians and countless newly opened shops with pride.

"Sirius, look at Knockturn Alley now, it is just as prosperous and orderly, and people's faces are full of happiness."

Sirius reached out and touched his mustache, and subconsciously wanted to say that these were all illusions created by Shaw.

Harry rarely found an opportunity to persuade him, and did not give him a chance to interrupt, and continued.

"You are an adult, you can't be like a child, you have to think maturely.

All British wizards are praising the Chief, Dumbledore also supports the Chief, only you are against it, are you smarter and more knowledgeable than everyone else?

Sirius, ask yourself, if the source of these changes is the Chief, would you admire and worship him?"

Sirius looked at his young godson, and it was the first time that the other party said such mature words to him so solemnly.

In addition to being relieved, he began to reflect on himself to some extent.

After all, what happened in Hogwarts today was really too shameful, like a hammer hitting his heart hard.

Sirius looked at Knockturn Alley carefully for the first time. In his impression, this place should be dirty and messy, with all kinds of sneaky black wizards running around.

He still remembered that there was always an ugly and dirty old witch with gap teeth at the entrance of Knockturn Alley, who always looked at everyone who came in with a pair of cold and malicious eyes.

And now, this old witch is still here, and she has opened a small shop at the entrance of Knockturn Alley.

She is dressed neatly, her pale hair is combed meticulously, and she shows a kind and sincere smile to passers-by.

Sirius looked dazed, and some happiness could not be faked.

But he shook his head again and rubbed his face fiercely with both hands.

"No, no, this is all an illusion, a scam! I am Black, how can I not know the paranoia and darkness in the blood of this family, there must be a conspiracy! There must be!"

Harry sighed deeply, he really had no choice.

At this moment, dozens of tightly covered cloaked people suddenly rushed out from the corner in front.

And these people took out their wands and cast a series of control spells directly at Harry.


Thanks to his usual hard training, Harry was stunned for a moment and then quickly rolled to the side to dodge.

The spells hit the stone road one after another, making countless small pits.

Sirius also came back to his senses from the entanglement, and entered the combat state in anger. He took out his wand and cast an armor spell on Harry first, blocking the rapid second attack of a master on the opposite side.

Then he ran over and pulled Harry up, and hid behind a stone pillar together.

The two wanted to fight back, but they didn't dare to show their heads. The firepower of the cloaked people was quite fierce, and the heavy stone pillar was hit and stone chips flew everywhere.

Sirius seized the gap, stretched out his hand and shot an explosive spell, and then said to Harry anxiously.

"Harry, run away quickly, I'll cover you! These people are coming for you, damn it, it's all my fault, why did I bring you to Knockturn Alley!"

Harry also took the time to send a powerful disarming spell to the opposite side, then shook his head and refused.

"No, I'm leaving, it's more dangerous for you to be alone."

"Boom boom!"

The reality was that there was no time for the two to pull, the stone pillar was blown into pieces after several rounds of bombing, and the two hurriedly protected themselves with all their strength, and cast the Armor Charm without cost.

Nowadays, people who dress up in a veiled manner in Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley are basically extinct. If there are really people who do so, they will definitely be reported by enthusiastic people.

So this group of people suddenly appeared and dared to launch an attack, which instantly made the street boil.

Some people sent warning magic to the sky, and some people were ready to subdue the criminals and then go to the Ministry of Magic to exchange for rich rewards.

The leader of the cloaked people was Rodolfo Lestrange, who saw that many people nearby had already taken action.

He ordered loudly.

"Assign half of the troops to stand guard, and make a quick decision. No matter Sirius' life or death, capture Harry Potter and leave!"

Then he and several of his men started

"Avada Kedavra!" *N

Several green lights shot directly at the shield held up by Harry and the others.

The shield broke bit by bit, and Sirius gritted his teeth and turned around to protect Harry in his arms. The second round of spells immediately hit Sirius.

Sirius's back was immediately covered with flesh and blood, and he was about to lose half his life.

Harry's face was splashed with warm blood, and his eyes were red. Looking at the spells that were shot again, he felt very powerless in his heart.

At this moment, Moody suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and slammed the cane in his hand to the ground, and a ripple of orange light expanded in a fan shape.

The light of the end of all spells melted the seven or eight spells shot in the air.

Then he limped a step, and the wand embedded in the cane kept shooting out super-powerful spells, cooperating with the enthusiastic people nearby, and fought Rodolfo and others on the opposite side.

Moody's strength as a top Auror was fully revealed.

In addition to the enthusiastic people helping nearby, a group of witch police in purple uniforms also appeared one after another.

Rodolfo was also a decisive person. Seeing that things were hopeless, he immediately ordered a retreat.


Then these people covered each other and rushed into the shop next door. Except for a few unlucky people who were captured, everyone else apparated away.

Moody's alchemical eye swirled around, and he turned around and walked quickly to the unconscious Sirius. Harry, who looked flustered, was busy stopping his bleeding.

Moody pushed Harry away rudely, and cursed while checking Sirius's injuries.

"Humph! Two idiots, you didn't even know to ask for help at the first time! If Dumbledore hadn't asked me to come, you would have been dead!"

Harry pleaded loudly as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

"Professor, please save Sirius. He is here to protect me. These people are here for me."

Moody glanced at Harry.

"I don't have the ability. It's useless to go to St. Mungo's. Let's go back to Hogwarts to find Dumbledore. It's not suitable for you to run around outside now. Stay in school honestly in the future."

Moody grabbed Sirius with one hand, motioned Harry to grab his arm, and Apparated away before the purple police gathered around.

The captain of the police narrowed his eyes, but did not stop them. He looked at the streets that were destroyed and said in a cold voice.

"Do these people really think we are vegetarians? Humph, after the Ministry of Magic lays a large area of ​​anti-Apparition ban in Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley, let's see who dares to be so rampant!"

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