"Chief, you are the only referee in the game! In addition to protecting the safety of the warriors, you also have the right to decide whether the warriors violate the rules on the spot!"

After Draco got this explosive news, he ran all the way back to the lounge, out of breath, and reported the good news to Shaw who had not yet entered the dormitory.

A trace of thought flashed across Shaw's eyes, and he said indifferently.

"Well, I know."

After hearing the news, the little snakes who came back first immediately surrounded him with joy and talked about it.

"That's great, the principal really didn't lie."

"Haha, this way the chief can favor our warriors, and the championship must belong to Hogwarts!"


As more and more people entered the lounge, the little snakes put down their reserve again and began to celebrate.

It seemed that the champion of the Five Power Tournament must belong to Hogwarts.

Shaw just watched them make a fuss calmly, neither opposing nor integrating.

But he was thinking in his heart.

It is impossible that all the other schools are idiots, and they are so kind as to give themselves such seemingly "dictatorial" benefits.

I think Dumbledore only said half of his words to appease the young wizards.

But he didn't care.

The ultimate goal of him and the old bee in this five-strong competition is not a mere district championship.

After everyone had enough fun, Shaw suddenly thought of something.

He waved his hand for Draco to come over and whispered in his ear.

"Notify them and send people who can cast the Disillusionment Charm to take turns to watch the hall and record who voted for the Goblet of Fire at what time throughout the day, especially in the early morning, so that people can be smarter."

Draco was a little confused, full of curiosity, but he was "sensible" and didn't ask more questions. He immediately pulled a few elite little snakes and walked out of the gate.

Shaw nodded. The drag king had grown up a little after all, but it was not fun to tease him.

The night passed quickly.

The next day, Hogwarts did not suspend classes because of the competition, and classes continued as normal.

Although the competition is a competition for the champion, it is also an opportunity for teaching exchanges between schools.

However, since the courses and progress between the five schools are still being adjusted, students from the other four schools can only freely choose the courses they are interested in in the first few days.

Early in the morning, after the little wizards from the four schools entered Hogwarts, they suddenly discovered the uniqueness of this magic school in the UK.

There is a collective morning self-study here!

When did the wizard students become so excited?

This is not the most surprising thing for the students from other schools.

Because it was a welcoming dinner last night, everyone was quite excited and did not compare the etiquette and school spirit between several schools.

It was not until the morning self-study that the students from other schools who were watching the excitement were immediately stunned.

The walking, sitting and lying of the little wizards of Hogwarts were excellent, neatly dressed and full of energy.

They were orderly when walking, enthusiastic when talking and laughing, polite when meeting on the road, and elegant when eating.

Gentlemen for men and ladies for women.

Even though the little wizards of Gryffindor performed the chivalry salute, which looked weird, they were very strict and could not find any fault with it.

When most people gathered in the hall for breakfast.

Everyone had different reactions when comparing themselves.

There were even tougher "little" wizards like Durmstrang and Dokoskeritz.

They were carefree and wanted to make friends with the little wizards of Hogwarts.

They suddenly felt a little embarrassed in the polite conversation of the little wizards of Hogwarts.

They were straightforward, but they thought it was pretty good, so they learned it.

Although it looked awkward, they didn't feel ashamed, and they were a very frank and simple group of people.

The little wizards of Beauxbatons have always boasted that their school is the most elegant among all magic schools.

Now they suddenly found that they had rivals in the field they were best at, and competing was their choice.

The little witches immediately returned to the rune carriage to change into more beautiful clothes, and they didn't care about the cold!

However, the little wizards in Ilvermorny were the most entangled group of people. They advocated freedom and equality, so they were used to being straightforward.

But when the two schools were separated by a strip of water, the difference between the little wizards' words and deeds was obvious at a glance. They wanted to imitate but couldn't let go of their pride.

Moreover, etiquette is not something that can be achieved quickly. Hogwarts also took two years to have its current style.

So these American students who always raised their heads and looked at people with their chins suddenly disappeared.

Among the long tables of Ravenclaw, Fleur was the only Bubbaston student who did not go back to change clothes.

She was very confident in her appearance and temperament. After seeing the real academic style of Hogwarts, she took the initiative to chat with a little eagle.Just let go of your charm and tell the other person everything he knows!

A hint of surprise flashed across Fleur's delicate blue eyes.

The target's growth history in Hogwarts was much more exciting than the information she had deliberately inquired about before.

She couldn't help but look at the Slytherin table, and the head of the first seat, who was noble and ethereal, suddenly looked over.

Fleur's heart suddenly palpitated, and she lowered her beautiful head involuntarily.

She then hated herself for not living up to her expectations, and looked up again, but the other person had already shifted his gaze.

Fleur brushed the hair that fell on her forehead and said softly.

"Hmph, don't be complacent, you have such an achievement because you have a legendary teacher. As long as I accomplish that thing, I will also have a good teacher!"

The Ravenclaw prefect Davis, who was bewitched, said infatuatedly.

"Beautiful lady, are you troubled? I can help you."

Fleur looked at him with disdain, stood up and walked towards the Goblet of Fire.

Because some people have already started throwing parchments with names on them into the Goblet of Fire.

Davis chased after them and helped Furong clear the way.

In front of the Goblet of Fire, some students who had no classes in the morning gathered, most of them were just there to watch the show.

At this time, the students of Kodos Dorez started throwing parchments. The group of muscular people lined up like a group of polar bears who had mistakenly entered a human community.

"Hey, I found out about the leader student."

"Tell me about it."

"Have you heard of the Bokov baiting tactics?"

"Of course, I'm a die-hard Quidditch fan, and Harry has used it occasionally."

"Ha, this tactic is named after the Russian genius chaser Petrova Bokov, and the leader is Petrova's descendant, named Boris Bokov."

"Ah, then Boris's Quidditch talent is also very strong?"

"Not only that, his strength..."

Fleur leaned against a pillar and listened to these messy information.

She also felt that the blond boy who looked like the bear king might be the warrior of this year's Kodostoriz.

She continued to observe.

When the students of Kodostoriz finished voting, no one from the other three schools came forward.

Several adult students from Hogwarts voted in their names with the encouragement of their friends.

For example, the youthful Angelina and the handsome boy named Cedric are both very popular.

Then, a pair of twins came forward in a high-profile manner.

"Haha, you all watch, we want to be the first warrior under the age of seventeen!"

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