Carol had led a team to travel around the world before, so he naturally knew what kind of people the high castes in India were like.

Naturally, he would not give you a cold shoulder, and he put his right hand in the wand sheath on his waist and warned again.

"Sir, I am just warning you now. If you don't listen, you will bear the consequences!"

As a minister, Howell was not alone. His six or seven subordinates and his son saw the minister being humiliated.

All of them stood up from their seats and gathered around to help the minister.

Carol was not afraid of fighting against many people alone, and his eyes were full of contempt.

Dumbledore naturally noticed the situation there early, but he had no intention of going over to smooth things over.

He was tired of doing such thankless things before.

Just like Gale said, all the troubles were Shaw's, what did it have to do with him?

And Shaw, who was related, of course also noticed the movement behind him, and he was also unaware of it.

He believed that Carol would easily get rid of a few bugs, but just looked at the horizon.

Just when Carol and a group of rich people were about to clash, a dragon roar came from the clear sky in the east.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Everyone was startled by the sudden movement.

They always felt that the expression of surprise was not enough for the day spent in the UK.

Originally thought that the British military parade had ended.

Unexpectedly, there was one!

The French minister not only had a strong imagination, but also had sharp eyes.

After seeing the situation in the east, he was frightened and fell off the chair to the ground, saying nervously.

"It's over, it's over, it won't take a month, it won't take a month..."

The faces of other representatives became more gloomy, only Fudge was complacent, he took off his beloved dark green hat, bowed to everyone and invited.

"Please enjoy the performance of the strongest British army."

In the east, from the direction of the dragon farm in Hogsmeade, forty or fifty black spots were flying, and with the roar, the black spots were also growing at a very fast speed.

The pairs of flapping wings became clearer and clearer.

Even people with slow brains know what this is now.

Fire dragon!

"Merlin's brain! Could it be that the British are capable of forming a fire dragon army?"

"Even to subdue the fire dragon, you need more than a dozen experienced dragon trainers. This is just subduing, not making the fire dragon obedient!"

"Ah! I'm going crazy! What on earth are the British trying to do!"

The fear of giants is innate to humans. When dozens of fire dragons of dozens of feet are flying towards you, you can imagine how terrible the oppression is.

Suddenly, people saw that the group of fire dragons were like wild geese, forming a sharp arrow formation in the vast sky. The scene presented was simply a moving sky wall!

When approaching the town of Hogsmeade, the fire dragons also sprayed flames at a small hill in the suburbs.

The red and blue flames fell from the sky like a sky, forming a colorful silk that flows all over the sky. It is extremely beautiful and terrifying.

When the huge waterfall of fire "boomed" and fell on the hill, it immediately turned the hill into a blazing volcano, which made tens of thousands of people a few kilometers away feel the heat.

Before they came to their senses, the fire dragon formation had already flown above the cross street, and the huge shadow quickly covered the crowd below.

The wizards could no longer find any words to describe the spectacular view above their heads.

When the group of fire dragons began to circle above and fly lower and lower, with the dragon roars that could break the eardrums.

The wizards had gone from fear to numbness. Not to mention the random crying of children, many adult wizards felt a chill in their crotches and couldn't help but clamp their legs.

Even the local British wizards couldn't feel any pride for a while.

But there were exceptions in the crowd.

Molly Weasley, the short and fat witch, was waving excitedly at the fire dragons in the sky, and she kept showing off to the stupid crowd nearby.

"Look at that Hungarian tree, the dragon rider on its back is my son Charlie Weasley.

He is so good that he has completely tamed the most ferocious fire dragon. When he said that to me last night, I thought he was joking.

Oh, I should let Ginny, George, and Fred come to see their best brother.

Aha, of course, Bill is also very good!"

No one responded to her nearby, but she continued to brag.

However, with Molly's reminder, the wizards also noticed that there were wizards standing on the back of the fire dragon.

When the strong wind brought by the wings of the fire dragons could affect the wizards below, they vaguely saw the situation on the dragon's back.

On the wide dragon's spine, there was an object that looked like a saddle or a platform, and four wizards sat on it in a diamond shape.

And in the center of this equipment, there was also a shapeThe weapon is like a crossbow, with a sword-shaped projectile on the bowstring.

People on the viewing platform can see the fire dragon army more clearly.

The leader is Alice.

She stands on the back of the largest Hessidian black dragon at the front of the line.

Alice is not as dignified and elegant as before. She has sharp eyes, wears a tight hunting suit, and her long blue hair flies in the wind.

What a dashing young dragon knight!

And she is the commander of this fire dragon army.

Shaw looked at this scene, and his mind was full of thoughts.

He knew that Alice looked high-spirited, but she was not happy.

Coincidentally, the day before yesterday, the grandfather and grandson of Fry were watching the game in the Colosseum.

When old Fry saw that Shaw easily subdued five fire dragons with a backhand, he was very relieved and let Alice take an emotional secret treasure and some "house servants" who were good at training beasts.

After Xiao Ermi met Abernathy, he found him.

Then the group immediately went to the dragon farm, and the fire dragon army was established.

The way to make the wild and unruly fire dragons obedient is difficult and simple.

The secret treasure that old Fly gave to old Nott before can block the emotional perception of Dementors.

Now the secret treasure that Alice brought is more advanced, which can allow the strong to simulate the pressure of the dragon king.

When Xiao Er got this treasure, he was naturally happy on the surface.

But he was wary of old Fly, so how could he do it exactly as he suggested?

However, the suggestion to establish the fire dragon army is still very good. Unfortunately, he has a better and more direct way!

So he cleared everyone and entered the dragon farm alone. . . .

When the fire dragon army glided past the viewing platform at a low altitude.

Dozens of fire dragons lowered their huge heads, and the roars also whimpered a little.

This is a kind of submission, a kind of humility to the Supreme Dragon King.

And the target is Xiao Er on the podium.

The gusts of wind caused by the passing dragons have no effect on Xiao Er. He still stands as still as a deep abyss and a mountain, and his eyes sweep majestically over every flying fire dragon.

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