After a half-minute pause, he then looked up at the tens of thousands of people listening, waving his hands and speaking loudly like the wizards on pilgrimage.

"Britain's prosperity, wealth and equality may be what many foreign friends yearn for.

If you have a keen eye, a passionate heart, and not so pedantic thoughts.

Then Britain warmly welcomes you.

If you are still indulging in the old stale dreams and unwilling to wake up, and are too lazy and just want to enjoy, then I'm sorry.

Britain will always reject you.

Here, I won't hide it from you. The beauty you see is not built casually.

And the hidden crisis is even greater.

There are too many jealous people in this world who can't bear to see others live too well.

They will target, destroy, and find ways to destroy the beautiful home we have built.

Friends who have become or are about to become members of the British wizards.

What should we do with these dirty-minded people?"

In Shaw's passionate and slightly inciting words, all wizards, regardless of whether they are inside or outside, were automatically brought in.

"Crackling, crackling,..."

After a round of gnashing of teeth, countless angry voices rang out, and finally gathered into a surging wave of public sentiment.

"Down with those bugs!"

"Defend Britain!"


Shor did not continue to persuade, after all, too much is as bad as too little.

He said this in advance, just to build momentum before the conference.

This is a negotiation technique.

Now, he has the advantage in both public opinion and strength, which is very convenient for him to take advantage of the conference.

Then he said a few more words, appeased tens of thousands of wizards, and turned to leave the podium.

He looked at the old bee inadvertently, smiled at each other, and everything was self-evident.

Shaw walked through the passage, just passing by the Polish delegation, and deliberately looked at the calm old man.

After thinking about it, he took out a 6-order Rubik's Cube from the ring and gently put it into the old man's hand.

"Old man, this gift is for you. It's very educational."

The old man, who was calm even in the face of a mountain collapse, was immediately stunned and a little amused.

Shor held back the urge to laugh and continued to walk towards the meeting room calmly.

This scene made many people curious.

When did the relationship between the British and the new Polish Ministry of Magic become so good?

When Dumbledore saw this, he directly sprayed the cockroach remains still jumping in his mouth on Fudge's face.

Fudge:? ! ! !

Shor came to the corridor outside the meeting room, hesitated for a moment and did not choose to enter immediately.

Instead, he walked a few more steps to a luxurious lounge dedicated to him.

Sat down on a sofa, closed his eyes and thought about the meeting in a while.

"Knock knock!"

After a while, the door was knocked, and Shaw, who closed his eyes, raised his eyebrows.

With a wave of his hand, he opened the door in the air.

Percy paused at the door, then walked in and bowed respectfully to Shaw in front of the sofa.

"Chief, I have some emergency to report to you."

Shaw opened his eyes and saw that Percy looked a little nervous, so he said warmly.

"Don't be so nervous, please go ahead."

Percy still looked a little weird. He took out a stack of contracts with complicated patterns from his arms and held them in front of Shaw with both hands.

"Chief, just now several Hogwarts directors have asked people from different channels to hand over their contracts to you."

Shaw's expression suddenly became subtle.

After calculating in his mind, he understood the thoughts of the remaining "righteous" directors.

Sometimes, as long as a person or a force is strong enough, people attached to the tail will come in an endless stream.

Even the old lady of the Longbottom family, no matter how rigid and difficult she is, will look at the situation and make the best choice.

He took the contract and threw it on the coffee table, his slender fingers gently brushing the parchment.

Yes, those Hogwarts school director contracts that he used to value very much.

Time has changed.

For him now, it is really just some ordinary parchment.

Percy next to him flattered him.

"Chief, now you only need to collect the school director seats from the Fry family, and you will be the only school director of Hogwarts.

In other words, you are the real master of Hogwarts."

Shaw smiled indifferently, not surprised by praise or criticism.

"This is nothing, when the new era comes, we will get more!"

Percy was so excited by these concise words that he clenched his right fist and pounded his chest.

"Follow the chief to death!"

Shaw shook his head slightly.

This is the case now. If he says anything casually, these subordinates will be excited and scream.

Percy's personality is not the kind of unrestrained type. He will automatically become angry after a while.Calm down.

He continued to report.

"Chief, the head of the Roll family wants to see you, would you like to meet him?"

Shaw was slightly stunned. He hadn't thought of this family that moved to the United States for a long time.

This family has problems, but they are about to dump magic potions in the United States, and they do need the help of the Roll family.

As for who is scheming against whom?

Suddenly, Shaw remembered Alice, who was just seen riding a dragon with a heroic figure but was not really happy.

His heart was moved.

There are many so-called "trainers" stuffed into the dragon army by old Fry, and these are time bombs.

Although old Fry has never been abnormal, he has also used other methods to tame the fire dragon.

But the dragon army is what he uses to compete with the silent top combat forces in the Twin Snakes.

There is no room for error.

Shaw also considered the upcoming wizard conference, and whether normal business cooperation with the US Congress can be carried out remains to be discussed.

Then forced dumping is a candidate.

Regardless of the outcome, it is necessary to send a trusted confidant to the United States for the sake of the big American market.

Needless to say, this candidate is already in Shaw's mind.

He also knows that Alice is caught between himself and his grandfather.

Then maybe doing this will be good for all parties?

"Percy, take the head of the Rawl family to Alice, she will understand what I mean."

Percy's rigid expression paused, and he thought about it and understood what the chief meant.


After he agreed, he continued.

"Chief, last night, two old pure-bloods in the UK died and their bodies were abandoned in the wilderness.

If it weren't for today's military parade, I'm afraid it would have caused a lot of uproar.

After the witch police and the inspection team investigated, it was speculated that it was done by that adult.

Do I need to continue investigating? If it is a massacre of innocent people,..."

Percy didn't dare to finish his words, and looked at Shaw's face without listening.

Shaw was not surprised after hearing this, and waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to continue.

The current situation in Britain is turbulent, and all kinds of calculations are happening all the time.

It doesn't matter if Tom accidentally kills a few people.

Anyway, there are really few clean old pure bloods.

And if you only intimidate without killing, people will think you are strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

In an organization, there are always some people who do dirty words and bear the infamy.

Tom is quite suitable.

Shaw looked at the time, it was almost time, so he got up from the sofa.

"Let's go, it's time to solve some problems, and a new era will officially begin!"

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