Brian picked up the tattered diary. At this time, it seemed ordinary, without any trace of magic.

"You did put it here, Tom." Brian smiled slightly.

"What a wonderful performance, Brian." The Slytherin portrait said easily.

"Actually, I didn't want to perform this show at all, Mr. Slytherin." Brian said calmly.

"Haha, that's quite interesting." The portrait gloated.

Brian didn't answer. He looked at the diary in his hand and put it away in thought.

"What, you still want to keep it?"

Brian shook his head slightly and said softly: "That piece of soul was taken away by 'Death'. I don't know what will happen if I destroy it at this time..."

"However, 'death' can actually trap him..." Brian's expression was a little serious, "This is a bit beyond my expectation..."

"I don't know how 'Death' has changed," the portrait said in a hoarse voice. "It may also be because he is just a soul fragment. Splitting the soul is a terrible injury and makes his soul extremely weak..."

"But there is no doubt that this is dangerous for you. Even so, do you still want to explore the secret of 'death'?"

"Yes, I have to go." Brian sighed, "I think there are things that are extremely important to me there."

"Well, good luck to you, Brian."

Brian nodded slightly and said goodbye politely.

Ika took him and apparated back to the original place, then bowed respectfully and left.

Brian did not choose to go back to the Chamber of Secrets by himself because he didn't know if Dumbledore had arranged any magic at the entrance. In the future, he might have to use house elves to enter and exit the Chamber of Secrets.

[Witness and participate in the Heir of Slytherin incident, witness points +3×2]

"There is still a lot to gain from this incident, but the question is whether I want to..." Looking at the system prompts, Brian looked thoughtful.

He slowly returned to the common room, which was already noisy.

When Brian walked into the stone wall, everyone turned to look at him as if they had seen a ghost, and a pin drop could be heard in the lounge.

"Brian, what happened?" Blaise waved to him, and Theodore came over curiously. Draco had been taken home by his father.

A large group of young wizards surrounded him noisily, and the prefect had to lower his voice to maintain order.

When everyone finally calmed down, Brian had to tell some things about the secret room, but he ignored the diary and Voldemort's identity, and described it as a dark magic item.

A group of young wizards listened to Brian's story with wide eyes. Although Brian downplayed the danger, they were still excited about the mysterious and surprising adventure.

It has to be said that as an individual was attacked, even pure bloods were not spared. All the little Slytherin wizards no longer had a good impression of the heir and began to hope that the heir would be caught as soon as possible.

"So, you solved the secret room issue!" Blaise Chabini said loudly, "That's great!"

"This time I was finally not upstaged by Gryffindor." Theodore Nott nodded. "The school's special contribution award is pretty good."

"Potter and the others are also here..." Brian said helplessly, but the others obviously couldn't listen.

A group of young wizards were discussing enthusiastically. In the end, I didn't know who took the lead, and everyone applauded one after another.

Brian saw many little wizards with bright eyes looking at him with admiration.

The power of the collective is always the most impressive. Brian couldn't help but smile amidst the cheers of a group of people.

"What a wonderful exploration, Brian." Dumbledore said with a smile in the principal's room.

"This is the responsibility I should take." Brian said softly.

Fox was combing his feathers on a high perch. The old principals in the portrait were snoring gently. The sorting hat was still dirty and tattered, lying limply on the shelf nearby.

For a while, the two were silent for a while.

"Are you wondering why I didn't go there?" Dumbledore said with a smile.

Brian's clear black eyes looked at Dumbledore's blue eyes under his half-moon glasses, and he shook his head slightly.

"Actually, you are doing quite well. I don't think I need to step in." Dumbledore said gently, "After all, there are not many opportunities for this kind of training."

Brian nodded slightly.

"You've spent some time with Tom Riddle. What do you think of him?" Dumbledore winked at him.

"He's a very interesting person," Brian smiled, "although sometimes he makes me feel a little scary."

"Yes, he is always good at confusing people. When he was in school, he was loved by almost all the professors." Dumbledore said, "He is so good at disguising himself. It is really surprising that you can stay away from him immediately. Exceeding my expectations.”

"But I also want to thank you for letting Hagrid get rid of the suspicion and prevent him from being imprisoned in Azkaban." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Maybe he can become a professor next year."

"Did you find the diary, Professor?" Brian said.

"Not yet. To be honest, that's probably a hidden danger." Dumbledore sighed.

"Brian, can you tell me how you drove him away?" He looked at Brian deeply.

Brian was silent for a moment and said softly: "I think he may have left his soul."

"Leaving the soul..." Dumbledore's eyes were shining brightly, "Have you found the reason for the soul leaving?"

Brian nodded, shook his head and said, "I'm not sure."

"Can you tell me something?"

"Mr. Dumbledore, do you believe in fate?" Brian clenched his fist slightly, his eyes looking a little vacant.

"Fate..." Dumbledore sighed softly, "I believe it, but I don't believe it either."

"I've always believed that the future can be determined by ourselves, and choices make everything, Brian."

"But I have heard several prophecies, and they have all come true without exception. Even if someone tried to change it, it happened to lead to the predicted future. That seems to indicate destiny."

"That's really a mysterious thing, because no one knows whether the answer has already been written in destiny when a person makes a choice." Dumbledore said slowly in a calm tone.

"Maybe." Brian murmured, "So, I think those people were chosen maybe because of fate." Then he closed his mouth.

"Is that so?" Dumbledore said, "Then do you think I can be chosen by that thing?"

"It should be okay." Brian lowered his eyes and said.

"That's really good. I can go and visit it in the next few days." Dumbledore looked very happy, "Maybe I can solve the hidden dangers of the diary there..."

"It seems you have some unique talents, Brian."

"Ah, by the way, you are supposed to have a celebration banquet tonight." Dumbledore blinked, "But I think it's time to hold the banquet after everything is settled."

"Of course, I'm looking forward to when everything is over." Brian said with a smile, "Then, I'll take my leave now, Professor."

In the next few days, the long-lost tranquility returned to the school.

The next night, Dumbledore explained the Chamber of Secrets to everyone in public, and announced the extra points from the two houses and the decision to award special contribution awards to the three young wizards.

Whether it was due to tacit understanding or Dumbledore's instructions, no one said anything about the heir's connection to Voldemort, perhaps because they didn't want to cause any more panic to the young wizards.

Draco still hasn't returned to school. He firmly believes that there is still a crisis lurking in the school, and Daphne's incident makes him a little uneasy. Goyle also went home with him, leaving Brian alone in the dormitory.

On the third day after the Chamber of Secrets incident, Dumbledore suddenly stopped appearing in school.

Brian asked Professor Snape, and he said gloomily that Dumbledore had left school because of something.

So, on the fourth day, which was also Saturday afternoon, Brian said hello to his friends, pretended to be unwell, and returned to his dormitory early.

He took off Dumbledore's brass coin amulet, drank a bottle of sleeping potion, and lay quietly on the bed.

Drowsiness set in, and Brian quickly fell into a slumber.

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