Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 114 Runes and Merlin

In the next period of time, Brian devoted himself to the study of alchemy.

After a period of research, Brian discovered that the runes recorded in the refining method of the time turner were different from all the known runes, and even differed greatly.

He searched through all the alchemy books at home, but could not find any records about this kind of rune.

Today's alchemical runes basically originate from ancient runes and several other ancient magic runes, but the time turner runes are obviously fundamentally different from them and cannot be a variant of either.

Glancing at the [Language Runes] on the system, Brian wondered if these runes were some kind of obscure ancient magic script that had been lost.

Fortunately, the parchment had the function of marking the arrangement of the runes, so although he could not understand the meaning of the runes, he could draw them directly.

Brian intercepted a part of the runes that played a role in isolation and shielding. This part was used to preserve and shield the magic about time, so as to ensure that the extremely unstable time magic could remain on the time converter for a long time.

This kind of rune is unexpectedly difficult, but fortunately it does not require high materials. Brian piled up the waste materials into a small pile, and then reluctantly drew them into a silver box.

Brian tried it and the effect was unexpectedly good. It can block all magic fluctuations in the box and provide good protection to the items inside.

"This kind of runes..." Brian frowned and looked at the runes, "Since they are so powerful, why haven't they been passed down?"

"That's right. Ancient wizard families have always cherished their broomsticks. Now, many precious inheritances have been lost."

Brian sighed and continued to test the performance of the runes.

After he put the invisibility cloak in for testing, he found that the magic power in the cloak was no longer lost. This was simply impossible. This shows that this kind of rune can be used to create an invisibility cloak that will last forever!

Brian pursed his lips, thinking of Harry's Invisibility Cloak, one of the Deathly Hallows.

"Is this rune... related to the Deathly Hallows?" He held his chin in one hand and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "It seems that things are getting more and more interesting."

Since Slytherin has been studying the secret of "death", he should not ignore the Deathly Hallows.

"But the prerequisite is to make a time turner." Brian shook his head.

He looked at the box he had made and put Slytherin's locket in it. As expected, it directly blocked the influence of the Horcrux, and the evil thoughts that had been teasing him could not be revealed at all. .

He locked the locket in the box and put it in his bag.

Brian looked at the piles of alchemy books he had stacked aside and shook his head slightly. He could no longer stand these books in the clouds.

The alchemy books collected in the study room, as well as the alchemy textbooks sold in the bookstore, are scattered and unsystematic.

Because there are very few wizards who specialize in alchemy, each family and school treasures their own brooms, the authors of the books have different levels of skills, and some incomprehensible and vague expressions make it difficult for Brian to learn by himself.

He had to put a lot of energy into searching for information and rack his brains to understand the meanings of those strange nouns and vague expressions, which seriously slowed down his learning speed. He had to regret that there were no computers in the wizarding world that could allow him to search for information.

He was wondering if he should find a teacher or something.

When Brian was once again stuck on a term that seemed to be made up out of thin air by the author of the book, he rubbed his brows, closed the book in his hand with a snap, and placed it in the corner of the desk.

He temporarily put aside the inefficient study of alchemy, walked around the study, and began to search for information on Merlin. He was curious about Merlin.

He first flipped through the History of Magic textbook written by Bathilda Bagshot and found the life of Merlin recorded in the book. He was the most famous wizard, alchemist, seer and spell expert in history.

Merlin became active in the 6th century AD. He is most famous for serving as King Arthur's mentor and advisor, helping King Arthur rule England. He began to live in seclusion after King Arthur's death.

He founded the Order of Merlin in the mid-11th century to help non-wizards, and was extremely prestigious at the time. When wizards were persecuted by Muggles in the late 13th century, Merlin also suffered greatly, and the Order of Merlin was on the verge of disbandment.

With the establishment of the Ministry of Magic, he participated in the revision of the Wizarding Statute of Secrecy.

Legend has it that Merlin died protecting wizards and non-wizards alike during the Goblin Rebellion in the late 18th century.

This is a discussion in the History of Magic textbook. Bathilda believes that the legend of King Arthur is true, and Hogwarts was founded at the end of the 10th century AD, so she does not agree with the rumors that Merlin once studied at Hogwarts. .

In the legends of the wizarding world, there are different opinions on Merlin's life.

The first is the Arthurian legend in which Merlin first became famous. Some wizards insist that that time point is correct, but some people think that it was after the 11th century. It is the wizard's magic that makes people confused about the time of this legend. But there is no doubt that this is generally believed to have happened in the 6th century AD, and there is evidence to support it.

The creation of Sir Merlin and his subsequent experiences are recognized by the wizarding world.

Finally, regarding Merlin's death, many people believe that he did not die, but just stopped participating in world affairs, but there is no historical fact to verify this statement.

Brian rummaged through many ancient historical books and found that ancient wizards had a lot of controversy over whether Merlin graduated from Slytherin. Some wizards believe that this is indeed true and have produced corresponding evidence, but some wizards believe that this is pure nonsense.

This controversy has continued into modern times. Apparently all Slytherin-graduated wizards want to believe that Merlin attended Slytherin House and are proud of it. But many people in other colleges are unwilling to admit it, and use the discussions in history of magic textbooks as theoretical support.

While consulting ancient books, Brian also discovered an interesting point.

He found Merlin's name and his deeds in several ancient history books and magic books published before the founding of Hogwarts. But what’s interesting is that the stories about Merlin’s origins and growth experiences in these books are all very different and outrageous.

Those who believe Merlin attended Hogwarts use this as a counterargument, arguing that the deeds in those books were added in the future by future generations. But combined with the information from the Slytherin portrait, Brian believed that Merlin did live in that era.

In the history books after the 11th century, Merlin's origins were unified, but his growth experience was polarized.

The most interesting thing is that the history books that record Merlin's attendance at Hogwarts have relatively detailed records of Merlin's growth, and even detailed records of the awards he won at Hogwarts and the societies he participated in.

The author of the book visited Merlin's professors and students at the school and found that they all had impressions of Merlin, but they were very vague. It seemed that Merlin was an ordinary student who was not very noticeable in the school.

But the parts they could recall were surprisingly similar, such as Merlin winning the school's Special Contribution Award twice, serving as Slytherin's prefect and student union president, representing the school in multiple competitions and taking first place. This is also the problem. It is impossible for such a student to remain unknown and have a vague impression on them.

In the history books that do not agree that Merlin once studied at Hogwarts, there are no details about Merlin's growth process.

But most importantly, Merlin himself was asked, and he remained silent on the matter.

No admission, no objection.

"Did Merlin turn into a child and attend Hogwarts for some purpose?" Brian struggled to put a large history book back on the bookshelf and pondered. This seems to be the most reasonable guess.

"Then what is he doing for?" Brian frowned.

"Either those history books are made up," he thought instead, "but these books are well-founded, and all the details are consistent. It doesn't look like they were made up... and Merlin didn't object."

"Or maybe Merlin used a confusion spell on some people?" He thought wildly, sorting out the piles of books piled on the floor and putting them back in their place one by one.

"Then, you can try to check the Hogwarts student list later. This should still be kept in the Hogwarts library."

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