Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 123 The Patron Saint Curse (please subscribe)

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, it started to rain. The rolling mountains outside the window became blurry.

Draco told thrilling stories about his summer vacation, and Theodore also talked about his experiences in Africa.

"Have you been staying in Knockturn Alley?" Draco's gray eyes widened when Brian told him about his experience.

"Yeah, it's quite dangerous there." Brian said.

"Not only is it dangerous, my father never lets me go there alone, and that store too." Theodore said seriously, "There are not only vicious dark wizards there, but also some dark creatures hidden there, the kind that can eat children. !”

"As long as I can beat them, I will always hang a few people in the alley every day." Brian spread his hands and briefly talked about what he had seen in Knockturn Alley, watching the rain outside the car window getting heavier and heavier.

The sky outside the car window became darker and darker, as if it was late at night. The train began to slow down, the wind and rain hit the windows, and it was hard to see outside.

"Arrived so soon?" Daphne looked out the car window.

The train stopped suddenly, and there was a ping-ping-pong-pong sound in the distance. The luggage must have fallen off the rack. Immediately afterwards, all the lights went out, and the car fell into complete darkness.

"What's going on?" It was Theodore's voice.

"I don't know, don't tell me this train is broken," Draco drawled.

"Lumos." The tip of Brian's wand bloomed with soft light.

"There's something moving outside!" Daphne looked out the car window, where there seemed to be a vague shadow passing through the car window, and a harsh creaking sound came from the darkness.

"Daphne, I'm so cold." Astoria said weakly, her thin body kept shaking and her lips became very pale.

"Astoria!" Daphne hugged her sister and pressed her head in her arms. "Are you feeling better? Do you want to go find the conductor?" There was a cry in her voice.

Brian looked at the blurry black shadow floating outside the carriage. A rotten and scabbed hand slowly reached into the compartment and slowly opened the sliding door. A tall and large figure stood outside the door.

It breathed slowly, a gurgling sound came from its throat under the cloak, and a chill enveloped everyone.

The little wizard in the carriage looked pale.

Brian narrowed his eyes and used the Occlumency technique with all his strength. Even with his expert level, he could only isolate the influence of the Dementors.

You must know that the vast majority of wizards are not good at Occlumency, and among those who have learned Occlumency, there are absolutely very few who have reached the expert level.

After assessing the impact of the Dementors on him, Brian saw Astoria's increasingly gray face, tried his best to recall the happy memories in his mind, and whispered softly: "Calling the Gods to Guard!"

Threads of silver-white mist spurted out from the tip of his wand, blocking the space between the Dementor and the crowd. The Dementor's inhalation stopped abruptly, and a gurgling sound was held in his throat.

After the chill dissipated, Astoria's complexion improved a lot, and she was curled up into a small ball in Daphne's arms.

But the dementors are still here, and the unformed Patronus Spell can only block the dementors, but it cannot drive them away.

But Brian is not in a hurry. With his current level of magic power, it is enough to maintain this mist for a long time.

The Dementor was circling anxiously outside the white mist, and Brian handed Astoria a chocolate frog and said, "Eat it, it will make you feel better."

He divided the chocolate among others.

The silvery mist blocked the Dementors from absorbing their happiness, and there was no longer the chill that chilled their hearts. The mist seems to create a warm haven here, exuding warmth and hope like a fireplace in the cold winter.

Everyone's expressions became better. Several people ate chocolate frogs together, and the warm feeling brought by the chocolate made their faces become much rosier.

"By the way, is this a dementor?" Draco bit off the chocolate frog's head.

"It looks like it. I really didn't know that they would attack the train." Theodore looked at the anxious dementor outside. "Dad said they are unreliable, and it's true."

"Astoria, are you feeling better?" Daphne asked worriedly.

"I'm much better, chocolate is very useful." Astoria showed a demure and gentle smile. Her face was no longer so gray.

"Brian, here." Daphne stuffed a mouthful of chocolate frog into Brian's mouth.

At this time, a silver-white wolf flew past along the corridor, and the dementor flew out like a shadow caught in the light, and was far away in an instant.

The lights in the carriage flashed, quickly illuminating the surrounding area.

The train started moving again and Brian withdrew his wand.

"It's okay," Theodore breathed a sigh of relief, "I just thought I would never be happy again."

"Is this the guard of Azkaban?" Draco clicked his tongue, "No wonder many of the prisoners who came out there went crazy. If it were me, I would rather die than go there..."

In the corridor, a sickly man hurriedly walked over, wearing tattered wizard robes. He shouted in a hoarse voice from the corridor: "Don't worry, they're gone. Eat a piece of chocolate if you feel bad!"

"Who is that?" Daphne asked curiously.

"The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Brian smiled slightly.

"Did he send that patronus?" Theodore assessed calmly, "It seems that this year's professor is not a fool."

"Yeah, I hope he can be more reliable." Draco said slowly, "But with his sick look, I don't think he can survive this semester."

The corridor was soon filled with chattering little wizards. Everyone was discussing what had just happened, looking frightened and excited.

"Have you heard? Harry Potter fainted just now!" Someone shouted.

"Really? Harry Potter was frightened by dementors and fainted!" the young wizards were talking about it.

"Pfft..." Draco couldn't help laughing, "Poor Potter, he has probably never seen such a terrifying thing in his life."

As the train moved forward, the little wizards in the corridor gradually returned to the carriage.

"Brian, did you use the Patronus Charm just now?" Daphne asked curiously.

"Yes, but my patron saint has never been able to take shape." Brian said.

"It's already amazing. The Patronus Charm is a spell that many adult wizards fail to master." Theodore said.

"Dementors would be stationed at Hogwarts. That would be a nightmare." Daphne looked at her sister uneasily.

"By the way, Astoria, you are too weak. You need to exercise yourself." Draco said slowly.

Daphne gave Draco a hard look, leaving him confused. Astoria smiled brightly and nodded, her expression looking relaxed.

"Brian, the Patronus Charm... can we learn it now?" Daphne asked.

"Yes, it mainly uses the power of emotion." Brian said softly. In fact, he believes that it is easier for young wizards to learn this spell than adults, because only then can they have such pure and flawless happiness.

"Then...can you teach me?" Daphne said calmly.

"Of course, if you want to." Brian nodded, "But my own level is not very good."

"I want to learn too!" Draco said excitedly.

"It is very irrational to leave your safety in the hands of those dishonest dementors." Theodore also nodded in agreement.

"Okay." Brian nodded indifferently.

"How about we call Blaise and a few other people to set up a Patronus Charm study group?" Draco suggested. "Of course, Crabbe and Goyle can help guard the door."

"Not a bad idea." Brian muttered.

Although some of these young wizards come from Death Eater families, and some have dark magic in their families, they are not like the Death Eaters and many dark wizards whose souls have been corrupted by darkness, and they definitely have the potential to unleash their patron saints.

Perhaps this way, they will not easily fall into the abyss of extremes in the future.

The patron saint is the real patron saint.

It not only protects people from dementors, but also protects people's hearts from being swallowed by darkness.

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