Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 206 The Second Project

With Brian's unremitting efforts, he finally controlled his magic before the second project came, which is gratifying.

As the competition approaches, the only topic discussed by all the little wizards is the Triwizard Tournament. They are extremely curious about how exciting the second event will be. The first event shocked them too much.

On the eve of the game, there was a bit of noise in the common room, with someone promising that the warriors would have to fight a group of trolls in the second event, and that they would wear masks to avoid being fainted.

They made a tacit understanding not to disturb Brian, thinking that he was nervously preparing for tomorrow's game. But in reality Brian was just working on his flying magic.

The black magic transformation required seems to be difficult to choose by yourself, which will make the spell more complex and more difficult to cast.

But if it evolves freely, there is no way to guarantee what its flying magic will look like. Brian didn't want to turn into a ghostly black mist or something weird... After all, it was a black magic transformation, and the transformation would definitely not be like Wei Guangzheng.

However, he decided to give it a try after the second project.

Daphne was sitting next to him, looking at a Defense Against the Dark Arts spell book with a serious expression. Recently, she has been trying very hard to catch up with Brian, which makes Brian feel a little emotional.

"Daphne, Blaise, you need to come with me." The prefect walked in hurriedly and said to the two people, "Professor Snape wants me to take you to his office."

"Is something wrong?" Daphne asked in surprise.

"I don't know...but the dean is not in a good mood." The prefect shrugged his shoulders, "No, I should say he is in a bad mood and his expression is gloomy...You should be happy for yourself."

Blaise's face turned a little blue, and Daphne bit her lip uneasily and stood up.

Brian narrowed his eyes and said comfortingly: "Go over, nothing will happen."

"Really?" Daphne's frown relaxed. She nodded and followed the prefect out of the stone wall. Blaise's expression of generosity and sacrifice made Draco gloat.

"It seems that the second project is pretty much the same..." Brian looked at his textbook, "Daphne..."

Brian frowned and put down the book in his hand, suddenly feeling not in a good mood.

As the night progressed, the common room was gradually empty of people, and before leaving, they all wished him good luck tomorrow. Daphne's cat was meowing and meowing after being entangled by Ofer.

Brian rescued Daisy, and Daisy jumped off the table and ran back to the girls' dormitory.

Neither Daphne nor Blaise returned.

Brian yawned and went back to the dormitory to rest.

Early the next morning, they had breakfast in the auditorium, and Professor McGonagall called the warriors to follow her.

The audience was led by the professors through the venue and headed towards the competition venue. The students were chattering and looking forward to it.

"Good morning, do you think it's good?" Cedric's eyes searched among the Ravenclaw students, but he didn't find a familiar figure. He seemed a little absent-minded.

"It's... not bad..." Harry smiled with a pale face and stumbled a bit when walking, which obviously made people more worried. He was holding a ball of gray-green stuff tightly in his hand, which looked like countless slippery rat tails, and his knuckles were so clenched that they turned white.

"Good morning, the weather is pretty good today, although it's a bit cold." Brian said easily.

They separated from other students and came to the sunny field outside. The cold temperature made them tighten their clothes. They came to the side of the field and waited until the audience was seated before entering the arena.

The warriors of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were already waiting there, and Fleur Delacour smiled at them. Obviously, their crushed golden egg did not cause them any trouble.

There are hundreds of seats lined up on the lakeside, shining in the sun. The students crowded over and sat down, and the noise was as loud as thousands of bees flying in their ears.

After the audience was seated, Bagman hurried over.

"It's great to see you all so energetic!" Bagman grinned, always feeling a little excited and malicious in his smile.

"Come with me, dear warriors." Bagman waved, "I hope you have made preparations in advance."

They followed Bagman around the lake, passing by the auditorium and walking towards the referee's table opposite. There was a burst of cheers in the audience, everyone cheering for the people they supported.

Brian saw Draco, sandwiched between Crabbe and Goyle, two large men who stood out. He clapped his hands at Brian.

The most conspicuous person was Luna, who had the "Support Brian Foley" badge on her chest and held a huge sign in her hand, which read in colorful words: "Support Brian! Support Foley. Warriors of Gwarts!" There were also long green feathers and several bunches of red fruits hanging on the sign.

Seeing Brian looking over, Luna smiled and shook the sign in her hand, and her eyes that were always wide open seemed to get wider.

Brian waved at her and smiled, then walked towards the referee's table covered with a golden tablecloth by the water.

There, the referees were already in place. Dumbledore smiled at them, Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim just nodded slightly, and Mr. Crouch also came, sitting at the referee's table solemnly, with his back straight.

Brian glanced at Mr. Crouch calmly, and was 90% sure that he was Crouch Jr. pretending to be him.

"Listen up, I will tell you the rules of this competition." Bagman said, "You need to cross the lake, overcome the obstacles on the road, and find what was robbed of you! There is only one hour, and the time has passed Then there is no hope, it has completely disappeared and will never appear again!”

"And what was taken away from you... I think you should have discovered what you have lost..." Bagman smiled mischievously, "Perhaps after waking up this morning, you will find that you have lost your best friend, lover or even family member ...They were hidden in the lake."

All the warriors lost their smiles on their faces. Fleur's face was as pale as if she had been soaked in the lake for a long time. She shouted "Gabriel" in a broken voice, and then paced anxiously.

Krum started walking around in circles, his face getting darker. Cedric grabbed his hair, Harry's face turned pale, and his eyes kept scanning the dark black lake. Everyone looked uneasy and worried.

"Follow the map in your respective golden egg and rescue your baby!" Bagman said with a smile, satisfied with the reaction of the warriors to his words.

Next, without giving the warriors time to discuss with each other, he instructed them to line up on the lakeside, with each team separated by more than ten feet. Everyone took out their wands.

Harry and Cedric took off their shoes and socks without taking off their clothes, and so did the Beauxbatons warriors. The warriors of Durmstrang are very unique. Krum and Berisha took off their clothes and only wore a pair of swimming trunks. Treya wore a rather sexy swimsuit, which outlined her smooth and graceful body. line.

"Aren't they afraid of the cold?" Fleur muttered, took off her coat, and hugged her shoulders shivering.

Bagman returned to his seat, pointed his wand at his throat, and said, "The voice is loud!"

His voice passed like thunder across the dark black lake and reached the stands.

"Very good, our warriors are already in place! As soon as I blow the whistle, the second project will begin." Bagman shouted, "They have a full hour to take back what was robbed from their hands."

"Of course, maybe you can't see what's happening under the lake, but this time we convinced the mermaids in the lake..." Bagman said with a smile, "They will monitor the progress of the game for us... and, to We report on the progress of the warriors! I will explain it to you here!"

"Very good, then, when I count to three, the game will begin!" Bagman shouted, "One...two...three!"

Sharp whistles echoed in the cold air, and cheers and applause erupted from the stands.

The warriors used various spells on themselves and jumped into the lake one after another.

"Have a good journey!" Brian nodded to Harry and Cedric and slowly stepped into the cold lake water.

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