Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 216 Entering the Maze

Brian looked at the warriors around him calmly. Could Crouch Jr. have become one of them?

However, they all looked normal. Some were nervous, some were anxious, and some were eager to try.

Krum looked gloomy and seemed to be distracted, Belisha moved his steps anxiously, and Treya kept looking at the entrance of the maze and her competitors, looking impatient.

The Beauxbatons warriors were all a little nervous. They clutched their wands so tightly that their fingers turned white.

Next to Brian, Cedric put his left fist to his lips, frowning in thought. Harry's eyes wandered a little and he looked a little nervous.

"Will Crouch Jr. sneak into the Warriors?" Brian frowned, "Unfortunately, in this case, I can't take out the Marauder's Map to check...and I don't know if it will be useful."

The maze is enchanted, and the Marauder's Map cannot show the situation inside the maze. Moreover, during the game, these props were not allowed to be brought with them. Brian had no intention of breaking the rules and put them aside in advance.

Brian paused and began to quietly activate Legilimency. He didn't go too far. He just sensed the emotional fluctuations of the warriors and the most superficial thoughts in their hearts. He didn't find anything strange.

"In other words, Crouch Jr. hid in the maze in advance..." Brian looked at the dark entrance of the maze again, "This can also explain that when I looked at the Marauder's Map before, I didn't find any abnormalities."

Brian no longer thought about finding out Crouch Jr., but instead thought about whether his purpose would affect him.

"It stands to reason that whether he dressed up as a warrior or hid in the maze in advance, it should be to clear the obstacles and allow Harry to come into contact with the Goblet of Fire at the earliest... No, according to Harry's character, he can easily treat others Let your guard down.”

Brian thought of this and glanced at Harry, who was so nervous that he seemed to have turned into a sculpture.

"As long as a certain warrior approaches him and shows friendly intentions to him, it will be easy to create opportunities for him to get access to another door key." Brian thought, "Anyway, as long as Harry enters the maze, he will almost lose it. Dumbledore's protection, and the production of the portkey is also very simple..."

"Then Cedric is very suspicious." Brian looked at Cedric again. The handsome boy noticed Brian's gaze and grinned friendly at him.

"In this case, it doesn't seem to have any impact on me..." Brian responded with a smile, then lowered his eyes and thought, "Anyway, I didn't want to destroy Voldemort's ritual. The preparations have been made. I just need to do it on Harry." A little mark would be nice..."

At this time, Bagman coughed lightly, pointed the wand at his throat, and said "loud voice". His magically amplified voice echoed in the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the last event of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me report the current score! Hogwarts School, Cedric Diggory, Brian Foley, and Harry Potter – 90 points, first place!”

The applause and cheers made the birds in the Forbidden Forest fly up and merge into the dark sky.

"Beauxbatons College, Fleur Delacour, Christie Brand, and Cecilia Lopez - 72 points, second place!"

"Durmstrang Academy, Viktor Krum, Treya Clark, Berisha Beasley - 71 points, third place!"

People in the stands kept cheering, and Brian could see Mr. and Mrs. Foley clapping politely with smiles on their faces.

"Now, warriors of Hogwarts, listen to my whistle!" Bagman shouted, "Three-two-one-"

A sharp and short whistle sounded, and Brian and the three of them ran into the dark maze.

As soon as they entered the maze, no sound from the audience outside could be heard at all. The tall hedges cast dark shadows on the path, looking like chaotic and strange shadows of monsters.

"Fluorescence flashes." The three people released the magic spell at the same time, and the bright light illuminated a small area of ​​the road ahead. They walked forward along the only road, and after about fifty meters, they came to a fork in the road.

"Then, according to what we discussed before, I will go on my own, Cedric, you and Harry, and we will explore separately. If we encounter any problems..." Brian took out three gold coins, put his wand against them and whispered a magic word. curse.

"Hold them. If you have any questions, you can touch the gold coins, and the other two will sense the location... Of course, if the danger is great, shoot red sparks." Brian handed the gold coins to Cedric and Harry.

"Very good, then be careful." Cedric nodded solemnly.

"Well, by the way, I can put a spell on you to prevent you from being unable to use gold coins." Brian smiled.

"Awesome, Brian!" Harry grinned, suddenly feeling that this maze was not so scary anymore. Cedric readily agreed.

Brian marked Harry and Cedric with a magic spell, glanced at Cedric calmly, then smiled and said: "It's dangerous in the maze, don't relax...and don't trust other teams. Any warrior of, you know..."

"Of course, we are not children anymore, and we will not let our guard down at this time." Cedric said confidently.

With that said, the three people planned to separate. Brian chose the passage on the left, and Harry and Harry explored the fork on the right.

"By the way, please be careful." They took a few steps, and when their figure was about to be swallowed up by the darkness, Brian said softly, with a sigh of regret in his tone.

"You too!" Harry replied, the footsteps getting farther and farther.

As Brian walked along the path, Bagman's whistle sounded again, and the Beauxbatons warriors entered the maze.

A huge bomb-tailed snail jumped out, like a giant scorpion more than ten feet long. Its long stingers were curled up on its back, and its thick armor shone brightly. The tail of the Blast-Ended Skrewt sprayed out a stream of flames and flew towards Brian.

Brian waved his wand, and the ferocious snail swayed unsteadily, and soon fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

Brian glanced at the shining stars in the sky and wanted to fly into the sky, but gave up the idea in the blink of an eye. Although he could fly up, it would be too conspicuous.

He came to another fork in the road. Brian just pointed with his wand. An invisible wave was released from the tip of the wand, and the surrounding terrain gradually emerged in his mind.

He chose the fork on the right and walked forward.

Bagman's third whistle sounded in the distance, and Durmstrang's warriors also entered the maze. Now, the warriors have entered the maze.

An invisible mist rushed over from the front. It was a Boggart, but it was unable to take any form under Brian's Occlumency.

"Funny." Brian said lazily and continued walking forward without stopping.

With the wand's pathfinding, finding the way is not difficult at all. However, Brian seemed a little absent-minded, and he always felt uneasy.

Brian thought about it and decided to follow Harry secretly. After all, Harry was the core of the plan and all conspiracies were inseparable from him.

He felt the positioning coming from the spell. The positions of Harry and Cedric were constantly changing. It was obvious that they were conflicting left and right in the maze.

Brian raised his feet and stepped forward. A dark swamp appeared in front of him, blocking the passage more than fifty meters long. There were scaly claws moving from time to time inside.

Brian transformed into a night as mysterious as the starry sky, flew lightly over the swamp, then turned a corner, easily bypassing a large vine blocking the front such as a devil's net.

There was a rush of footsteps around him, and Brian fell from the air and returned to his original state.

"Oh, it's you." A female warrior turned over from the side. It was Cecilia from Beauxbatons. She seemed to have become separated from her teammates. At this time, her curly long red hair looked a little disheveled, and she was holding up her wand and looking at Brian warily.

"Hello." Brian smiled and his expression moved.

Cecilia cautiously retreated into another fork in the road, and the footsteps gradually faded away.

Brian squeezed the wand in his hand, but still did not cast the spell on her. It suddenly occurred to him that he seemed to have overlooked something important.

Thank you Super Super Ada for the 5,000 starting coins, thank you for your support! Thank you Yan Ruoxichen for the two chicken drumsticks that were gifted to Brian~

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