Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 227 Angry Fudge

"That's a lunatic wandering around, talking crazy things! I don't know why you take his words seriously!"

This was the voice of Cornelius Fudge, and his tone seemed very stiff and a little angry.

"You're lying, Fudge! It's not that hard to admit that he's back!" Moody's voice was filled with rage.

"Where's Dumbledore?" Fudge ignored Moody and shouted to himself.

"This is the school hospital, please keep quiet!" Madam Pomfrey said dissatisfied.

Brian and Dumbledore looked at each other and walked out of the ward. A group of people outside were shouting and running towards the ward.

"What happened?" Dumbledore asked sternly, "Why are you disturbing these people here?"

At this time, Fudge had a furious look on his face, and he was trying his best to hide the fear in his eyes. Moody was panting angrily, Professor McGonagall's nostrils were quivering with anger, and Snape had a mocking expression on his face.

"He doesn't want to believe it! Even if the Crouches and his son explain the matter clearly!" Moody roared, as if he was about to pick up his wooden prosthetic leg and shout in Fudge's face at any moment, "Almost, just a little bit, That damn dementor he brought almost killed the prisoner!"

"I have the right to decide whether to bring a bodyguard, but you injured my bodyguard!" Fudge said angrily, "Okay, Dumbledore, I will bring the two criminals back for interrogation, which caused the death of several people. ... They will be punished."

"But, Connelly, the most important thing you should do is to prepare for the problem of Voldemort's return." Dumbledore said calmly.

Hearing this name, Fudge's eyes flashed with panic. He looked at Dumbledore blankly, as if he couldn't believe it at all and said: "Dumbledore, you don't really believe it, do you?"

"You should have heard what happened from Crouch and his son. You don't need me to say it again, Cornelius." Dumbledore said.

A weird smile appeared on Fudge's face, and he said: "You can't really believe all this, can you? The mysterious man...is back? Don't be kidding...Little Crouch is a complete lunatic. He may think that he I have been following the instructions of the mysterious man...but how can you take the words of a madman seriously?"

"It's very interesting. Little Crouch followed the mysterious man's order... broke into Hogwarts, disrupted the Triwizard Tournament, and killed two outstanding young warriors..." Fudge said quickly, "Oh , almost caused one of our warriors to suffer injustice..." As he spoke, he nodded to Brian and forced a kind smile.

"Look, this is completely the behavior of a madman." Fudge quickly twirled his hat in his hand, "Oh, and his father, who has been controlled by him for so long, I can guarantee that he suffered a lot from Crouch Jr. A lot of torture, he is going crazy, maybe his memory has been modified or something..."

Brian looked at Fudge with interest, somewhat admiring his ability to tell lies. This is what politicians are like, they can turn a blind eye even when faced with the truth before them and choose what is beneficial to them.

"What about me? Fudge, what about me?" Moody said gruffly, "I saw it. The Dark Lord personally recited the Imperius Curse on me! My eyes -" He held out two fingers. He poked his own eyes, "I can see everything clearly!"

Fudge turned sideways and stayed away, as if he was afraid of being splashed in the face by Mad-Eye's spittle. He said angrily: "Oh, save it, Alastor! I suggest you think about it carefully, are you? I recognized your trash can as a mysterious person!"

Moody's face turned red with anger, and his crooked mouth opened as if he wanted to swallow Fudge in one bite.

"Tonight, when Harry touches the Triwizard Cup, he will be sent directly to Voldemort." Dumbledore stared at Fudge with sharp eyes, seeming to see through him clearly for the first time, "You might as well Calm down and I will explain it to you exactly."

"Of course, I'm afraid I can't allow you to ask Harry questions tonight." Dumbledore said again.

"So, you are going to accept everything Harry says, can I understand that?" Fudge still had a weird smile on his face.

"Of course I believe Harry." Dumbledore's eyes were shining brightly.

"Believe him? He saw the mysterious man resurrected, and then escaped from the eyes of the mysterious man and his followers... such a large group of people?" Fudge stretched out his hands and gestured, "A pushy and boastful person A child, his mind is full of all kinds of made-up and exaggerated stories, his behavior is weird... He is still a parselmouth, right?"

"It's unreasonable, Dumbledore." Fudge said stubbornly, "We have taken those two prisoners back, and the innocent people will not be affected... But that's it, don't let those crazy words affect you. There is peace now.”

"You fool!" Professor McGonagall shouted, her face turned red with anger, "You would rather believe what you want to believe and treat yourself like a turtle!"

"Don't think I don't know!" Fudge also shouted, his face turning purple, "You are determined to create a panic and destroy everything we have worked hard to build over the past thirteen years!"

Brian listened to the noise and useless words being said over there. He silently walked to the side and saw the Foleys somewhat unexpectedly. They were sitting on a bench, Mr. Foley with a look of interest and gloating on his face.

"Politicians are really funny, aren't they?" Seeing Brian coming over, Mr. Foley waved to him.

"Maybe." Brian assessed Fudge's situation.

"Take the black as white, the dead as alive..." Mr. Foley sighed, "Even stones can be said to have blossomed."

"He looks menacing, but in fact he is fierce in appearance and pretending to be an ostrich." Brian mused, "but there is no doubt that he is easy to control."

He took out three photos from his pocket, and after thinking about it, he pulled out the one about Harry and Voldemort in the air, and handed the remaining two to Mr. Foley.

"Hey, your skills are good!" Mr. Foley took a breath and carefully put the photo away.

"Expose it, let the world know that he is back." Brian said, "Send it to a few more newspapers..."

"If you had taken it out earlier, there wouldn't have been such a quarrel over there." Mr. Foley joked.

The quarrel over there was still making people blush, Fudge was so stubborn, and Mad-Eye Moody was so angry that he flew into a rage...

"Are you going to show them the photos?" Mrs. Foley said softly.

"Let them quarrel." Brian said calmly, "If you hand over the photo now, Fudge still won't believe it. On the contrary, it will make him vigilant and seal the newspaper in advance."

"Besides, there is nothing wrong with letting Fudge and Dumbledore go their separate ways." Brian lowered his eyes, hiding the indifferent look in his eyes, "As long as we keep Fudge's position in the future, he will have no choice but to come to us."

"It's not impossible, but politicians can't be trusted." Mr. Foley touched his chin.

"But he is easy to control. A politician always knows how to compromise. There are not many such good candidates in the Ministry of Magic." Brian raised a gentle smile, "At that time, unless he wants to get out of the position of Minister of Magic immediately, We don’t need to be afraid of what tricks he will play... Of course, in emergency situations, it’s not impossible to use some control spells.”

At this time, Snape sullenly asked Fudge to look at the Dark Mark on his arm, and talked about Karkaroff's escape tonight. Fudge stepped back in horror, shaking his head.

"That's enough, that's enough!" Fudge stamped his foot, "I have to go back to the Ministry of Magic."

"By the way, bonus..." Fudge slapped his forehead, took out three large bags of gold coins from his pocket, and threw them on the table with a thud. "I think, according to what we discussed, the best warrior is Brian. · Foley... There should have been an award ceremony, but under the current circumstances... that's it, you just take time to give them..."

Fudge said, putting the bowler hat on his head, turned around and walked out of the campus hospital, closing the door heavily.

The school hospital fell into silence for a moment. Dumbledore looked towards Brian and said, "I think, Brian, you can go and rest first. Choose a bed here, or go back..."

Brian nodded in understanding and said, "I'll go back to the dormitory."

The family of three walked out of the campus hospital, while Dumbledore and his party stayed inside. Apparently, the members of the Order of the Phoenix were going to have a pleasant meeting here.

Brian said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Foley, watched them go home through the fireplace, and then turned back to the common room.

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