Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 236 Hesitant Garcia

"Would you like to resolve this better?"

Garcia's expression was a little dazed. She found that she had walked back to the VIP room without knowing when, and her heart kept echoing what Brian said.

"Do you long for a world where wizards roam freely?"

Garcia opened his mouth slightly in confusion. What happened? She obviously wanted to express her kindness to the boy who had helped her, and then promote her ideas, trying to get him to join her lifelong pursuit.

"Come with me to break the law of secrecy... As long as this is solved, everything you pursue will no longer be a problem. There will no longer be a difference in blood, and wizards and Muggles will be more harmonious..."

Brian's words still lingered in her ears, and those ideas and methods actually made her feel that they made sense, and that she had great hope of success, at least much more reliable than what she was insisting on now.

"If you want to join this cause, you can contact me through it..."

Garcia fumbled with the contact gold coin that Brian gave her, and rolled her long dark red hair randomly with her other hand, feeling completely confused.

However, she obviously went to convince Brian, but why was she somewhat convinced?

Brian's family had already left, and the remaining spectators also went back one after another after registering. The employees of the Ministry of Magic who had been busy for half the night yawned and packed up their materials.

The theater was surrounded by reporters from various newspapers and magazines. They gathered around like cats that smelled something fishy and were blocked out by the employees of the Ministry of Magic. The cameras in their hands were shining in the rain, and they wanted to put the microphones into the mouths of the Ministry of Magic officials.

"What's wrong, Andrea?" In the VIP room, the middle-aged woman asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, Aunt Candice." Garcia shook his head quickly and carefully put the gold coin in his pocket.

"Okay." The middle-aged woman sighed and said, "Someone from the Ministry of Magic will come to ask questions later. Be careful not to leak anything... But I'm afraid we can't stay in this country. There will be a lot of trouble later. We will set off back tomorrow morning. Bar."

Garcia nodded, and then said sadly: "But Baker and the others..."

"Beck and the others are seriously injured. I'm afraid they will have to live here for a while... How about we go back first and let Ben stay to take care of them?" Candice gave a suggestion after considering it.

Garcia lowered his head and said in a low tone: "Bruce is dead and five people were seriously injured... This decision of mine was too reckless."

Candice shook her head and said, "They have been prepared for a long time, Andrea."

Garcia didn't speak. She pinched the small gold coin again and pursed her lips. She couldn't comfort herself and accept it calmly. She made the wrong decision, which led to this tragedy. In the end, it didn't even achieve any effect. Instead, it helped the Dark Lord spread fear...

Maybe she could really try to trust that person? She admitted that Brian's ideas were the solution to the root cause and that there was endless hope.

Garcia thought and shook her head again. She couldn't make such a hasty decision. After all, she didn't have an in-depth understanding...

She pondered for a moment and began to make arrangements in an orderly manner: "Let Ban and Kevin stay, pay attention to the changes here at any time, and collect intelligence from our friends from all walks of life..."

The middle-aged woman nodded and added a few suggestions from time to time.

Soon, Cornelius Fudge walked in together with Amelia Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The two stopped talking, and Garcia began to respond skillfully to the Ministry of Magic's inquiries.

By this time, Brian's family had already been registered and questioned by the Ministry of Magic and returned home.

Mrs. Foley quickly regained her composure, showing an unexpectedly big heart. She whispered that she was getting wet, and went to take a shower.

Mr. Foley walked back and forth somewhat solemnly, for he had not received the news at all in advance. Otherwise, according to his principles, he would definitely not let his family go to that Laoshizi concert.

"It's normal, Dad." Brian smiled calmly, "After all, you are considered outside the Death Eater group, and you are difficult to trust... Moreover, didn't you notice that the Malfoys were not present tonight? In other words, they seldom contact you now, right?"

"Indeed..." Mr. Foley frowned and sat down.

"After all, they don't dare to do anything under the Dark Lord's nose now." Brian shook his head.

"Okay, okay..." Mr. Foley said, "However, tonight's incident is not without its benefits. Connelly gave me a hint...I think we can go see him tomorrow. You have to go there together, after all, this is your plan."

"Of course, I will go there." Brian nodded.

After the father and son finished talking, Brian returned to his bedroom and stood in front of the window looking at the heavy rain that still continued outside.

"Garcia...the seed has been planted, it must be an unexpected surprise." Brian thought lightly.

He was quite optimistic about Garcia, not because of the power she developed for her ideas, but because of her own advantages as a world-famous singer.

Such people can often best arouse people's emotions, have strong appeal, and can be regarded as good facades and image ambassadors. Moreover, she is mainly developing in North America. When the time comes, she can help wave the flag and play a huge role.

As for their group of people, I have to say that they are a group of somewhat naive idealists who gathered together with passion. It can be said that if used well, they are also a good part of the force.

Therefore, when Brian tried to convince Garcia tonight, he added two witness points to Legilimency in advance. Master-level Legilimency was enough for him to sense Garcia's thoughts without attracting her attention. Even if Garcia had learned half-baked Occlumency, he couldn't detect Brian's prying eyes at all.

Respond to what the other party is thinking and be successful in negotiations and persuasion.

"However, they can only be Bai Fang..." Brian stretched out his finger and tapped the window glass gently, and the lightning reflected his downcast and meditative face.

"However, Legilimency and Occlumency..." Brian frowned slightly.

According to his comparison, Dumbledore or Voldemort were only at the master level in these two categories. In other words, they failed to advance these two items to the peak master level.

"So, what will the Grandmaster level look like?" Brian thought. He had a feeling that these two abilities might hold one of the secrets he was seeking.

"But...witness points will become increasingly rare in the future." Brian considered the next plot and found that the prophetic advantage he had always gained from the original work was no longer so reliable. If he still blindly believes in the plot of the original work, he may suffer a big loss.

"Forget it, let's leave it like this for now." Brian's expression turned indifferent. Now he is not so eager for the witness point.

Looking out the window again at the lightning streaking across the sky, Brian stood in front of the mirror in front of the closet and looked at himself.

The boy in the mirror has grown a lot taller. Because of the time turner, he is more than a year older than his peers. He is now half a head taller than Draco, has slightly long black hair, and a pair of jet-black eyes. Her eyes are soft and clear, her complexion is pale, and her face is calm and graceful, like a classical oil painting.

Behind him, Ofer fell asleep hanging on the clothes rack, his silver scales glowing beautifully in the soft light. It's getting lazier and lazier lately.

Brian thought about the next arrangements and practiced Legilimency for a while before feeling a little sleepy.

He rubbed his face, put on his pajamas, and sat on the bed with a book.

Early the next morning, Brian looked at the new headlines of the Daily Prophet, and sure enough, it was about what happened last night.

Fudge was indeed a qualified politician. He trumpeted the fact that the Ministry of Magic had captured four Death Eaters and completely weakened the contribution made by Garcia and his team. However, this casualty still caused an uproar.

"We can go find him at ten o'clock this morning." Mr. Foley said with a smile.

Brian nodded calmly as he ate his breakfast.

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