Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 247 Choice

It's late August, close to noon, but the air is still filled with cold mist, as if it's an autumn morning.

Since the Dementors rebelled, they have left the prison and are ready to attack wizards and Muggles at any time, causing many attacks. They are still multiplying, forming a cold mist floating in the sky.

This winter should be extremely cold.

Brian walked out of his small office and walked towards the director's office at the end of the corridor.

Over the past few days, he finally understood the actual situation of each hall and made his own choice. The Hall of Death, obviously.

As for the rest, he was inclined to study the oath of secrecy in the Hall of Silence, and was also very interested in the strong emotional power behind the unopenable door.

The rest of the research project was of little interest to Brian. For example, he conducted research on time in the third grade. For this kind of project that cannot change the past, is strongly affected by fate, and is very dangerous, he has no intention to invest time and energy for the time being.

After choosing the Death Hall as his main research project, he also had access to the more confidential research materials in the Death Hall.

This time, he went to meet the research director of the Death Hall and the current director of the Department of Mysterious Affairs.

The current director of the Department of Mysteries was also the director of the Hall of Death, which gave Brian a strange feeling.

"Isn't he also a member of the Death Sect..." Brian thought speechlessly. After hundreds of years of fruitless research, now, perhaps only people from the Death Sect can still remember the Hall of Death.

Brian's footsteps echoed hollowly in the corridor, but he was thinking in his heart: "Is the Department of Mysteries perhaps infiltrated into a sieve by the Death Sect?"

Finally, he stopped in front of the door at the end of the corridor. The door number read: Elijah Hilton, Director of the Department of Mysteries.

Brian knocked on the door, and a gentle voice came from inside: "Please come in."

Brian opened the door and walked in. Inside was a larger office, but more like a messy laboratory, with strange equipment, groups of research drawings, and piles of papers randomly placed. books.

A man with silver curly hair turned from the bookshelf and smiled kindly at Brian. He looks to be in his forties, his eyes are light gray, his demeanor is easy-going and calm, and he has the temperament of a knowledgeable scholar.

"You must be Brian, meeting you for the first time." The man said, "I am Elijah Hilton, the current director of the Department of Mysterious Affairs, and a member of the Death Sect."

Brian blinked and looked at him in surprise.

"There is nothing to keep secret." Elijah smiled and shook his head, "After hundreds of years of development, the Death God Sect has long been inseparable from this place... There are always many members of the Death God Sect entering here one after another, and investing in the There is no conflict between the two in those bewitching and alluring mystical studies.”

"Of course, there are many people who can't let go of the beauty of the world and are ordinary chasing the life they want." Elijah said in a soothing and soft tone, "We should express our gratitude to you. It is you who made the Death God Sect The development of the company is back on track, rather than becoming a tool for someone to make profits.”

Brian nodded and sat on the chair opposite him at Elijah's signal.

"Tea grown in the Hall of Life, if you like." Elijah poured Brian a cup of tea, and he also picked up the tea cup and sipped it slowly.

Brian took a sip of tea, and the fragrant smell filled his mouth and nose, making people feel relaxed.

"Since you chose to join the Death Hall, all the information will be open to you." Elijah said, "They are placed on the bookshelf No. 96 in the Hall of Silence. After today, you will have the qualifications to view it."

"Mr. Elijah, what kind of organization is the Death Sect now?" Brian said after considering it.

"It's just a loose academic organization." Elijah smiled. "In fact, many people in the Death Sect have almost given up on the study of 'death'. Of course, except for those scholars who are dedicated to research - these people have almost given up on the study of 'death'." They all entered the Department of Mysteries and were scattered in various departments to study what they were interested in."

"There are many other people all over the world. Most of them are alchemists, with their own careers and lives." Elijah gently put down the teacup. "The Death Sect is more like a platform for academic exchanges and discussions. Members follow the A voluntary and paid mutual assistance agreement. Because the research content of the Silent People cannot be leaked, it is mainly the alchemists exchanging technology..."

Brian nodded, his expression thoughtful. It seems that the Death God Sect is indeed an influential organization. However, since the leader's forces were eliminated, the Death God Sect has become extremely loose and more like a platform for alchemists to communicate and make friends.

However, if the members can be united, they will be a force that cannot be ignored and can play a great role.

Brian pondered for a moment, then said goodbye to Elijah and walked towards the Hall of Silence.

Time always flies when you are immersed in knowledge. In the blink of an eye, it is almost dark. In the current chaotic situation, danger is always brewing in the dark night. Almost all wizards rush home before dark.

Brian passed by the fireplace and returned to Foley Manor. The manor was brightly lit, and Mrs. Foley had already started packing Brian's luggage for school.

Mr. Foley wears a casual black robe. He usually goes fishing by the lake or drinks tea in the pavilion, as if he has entered an elderly life.

However, Mr. Foley doesn't look happy now, and his expression is a little unnatural.

"What's wrong, Dad?" Brian asked curiously.

Mr. Foley glanced at Mrs. Foley, walked out of the living room with his hands behind his back, and walked into his study. Then, with a tense expression on his face, he said: "The Dark Lord is gathering Death Eaters..."

He pulled off his sleeves to reveal the Dark Mark on his arm, which was now burnt to a burnt yellow color. Mr. Foley grimaced in pain.

"You don't have to worry about him from now on." Brian frowned and said, "I'll find a way to get rid of this mark for you first."

"But..." Brian touched his chin, "Where is the meeting place?"

"At Malfoy Manor." Mr. Foley said with a look of gloating and underlying worry on his face.

"Let me go take a look." Brian said.

"What?" Mr. Foley jumped up.

"After all, you didn't betray him in a practical sense." Brian said easily, "Since he summoned you, it's okay for me to go on your behalf."

Brian had a big smile on his face: "After all, we are still his collaborators... we should always meet and communicate occasionally."

"You went to the Dark Lord's lair?" Mr. Foley paced back and forth with a disapproving expression on his face.

"He won't fall out now, because even if he falls out, I can escape unscathed." Brian said with a smile.

Mr. Foley saw that Brian seemed to have made up his mind, and he said helplessly: "If I had known, I wouldn't have told you...otherwise I would go with you."

"No, you will do something bad." Brian said seriously.

"Huh?" Mr. Foley glared at Brian.

"Yes, the Dark Lord is a master of Legilimency. You won't forget it, right?" Brian hugged his shoulders and said, "You can't stop his Legilimency. All memories will be seen by him."

"I..." Mr. Foley's face turned red.

"Yes, you can detect his Legilimency...but you can't step forward and slap the Dark Lord in the face." Brian joked.

"That's enough, stop talking." Mr. Foley rolled his eyes, and then said seriously, "Then be careful. Be especially wary of Antonin Dolohov and Bellatrix."

"Oh?" Brian raised his eyebrows.

"Dolokhov... our family has a very bad relationship with him, very bad... If you meet him when he is alone, destroy his body and eliminate all traces without hesitation!" Mr. Foley said, "As for Bella Trix, well, she was unreasonably obsessed with the Dark Lord, crazy to the point of being obsessed... and our relationship got worse and worse."

Brian nodded understandingly and started walking out the door.

"Also, don't mention this to your mother..." Mr. Foley said, "She will be worried."

"Of course, I won't mention to her that you told me this." Brian smiled.

Mr. Foley almost spat out a mouthful of water. He raised his eyes and glared at him, but Brian walked out of the door early.

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