Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 251 School starts

"This thing is a bit strange," Brian mused after listening to Mrs. Foley's words, "Maybe there is something hidden in it."

"So what if there is a secret?" Mrs. Foley smiled sarcastically, "The thing has already happened, the person is dead...is the truth that important?"

"Later, what I did was exposed, and I was blamed by the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters." Mrs. Foley said with pale lips, "Albert saved me. Only he was willing to believe me and begged the Dark Lord to give me more money." One chance for me.”

"I don't know what he paid, but I was released without punishment..." Mrs. Foley shed tears. "Even if I betrayed him, he still protected me. He has always been like this."

"That's when I realized how stupid I was. Everyone has their own pursuits, and I was the only one who had no dreams and was wavering." Mrs. Foley's lips trembled. "The final result was that I was affected by both sides. The rejection and glare caused your father a lot of trouble..."

Brian handed Mrs. Foley a handkerchief, patted her shoulder gently, and watched her gently wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Later, we stopped communicating with each other." Mrs. Foley calmed down. "Having no position will only hurt everyone. I understood this truth at that time. I am a person who can't do big things, so I might as well support Stay with your father."

"It's not easy for you, mom, and you are also very brave." Brian smiled gently, "You are just trying to seek a better future. Not everyone has the courage to do such a thing..."

He gently comforted Mrs. Foley. After a long time, Mrs. Foley walked out of her memories and smiled again.

"So, Brian..." Mrs. Foley finally looked deeply at Brian, her eyes gentle and quiet, "I don't pray that you can do anything big, I just hope that you can be safe... I won't stop you. your dream, but if you find that your chances of success are slim, come back.”

Brian was silent for a moment and nodded slightly.

Brian stayed with Mrs. Foley for a while, then walked out of the room and saw Mr. Foley who was hiding by the door and eavesdropping.

"Shh-" Mr. Foley put his index finger to his lips, motioned Brian to close the door with his eyes, and then tiptoed to the other side.

"What are you doing?" Brian said in a dumbfounded voice when he was out of earshot of Mrs. Foley.

"Didn't you see it? You were eavesdropping."

"You can say that you are so confident even if you eavesdropped?"

"That's right." Mr. Foley spread his hands, "Don't mention what happened to your mother in the future."

"There seems to be a hidden secret about what happened back then?" Brian raised his eyebrows, "I don't think something is right."

"Oh, because Betty was exposed early." Mr. Foley said with a bitter smile, "Actually, I knew that your mother was secretly passing on the news, and I also pretended to accidentally give her some less important information involving the Prewett brothers. Little information... After all, her original intention is to protect them."

"But several leaks of news were still suspected, and Betty doesn't understand Occlumency..." Mr. Foley said bitterly, "Later, I received mixed news..."

"Oh?" Brian looked at Mr. Foley.

"They told me false information and used Betty to pass it to the Order of the Phoenix to set a trap for them." Mr. Foley said with a bad expression. "I was also kept in the dark. They felt that I could no longer be trusted."

"I only found out about this later."

Brian nodded and said, "Then why did mother get the real news in the end?"

"That was what she overheard when she was a guest at Malfoy Manor." Mr. Foley shrugged. "Her interest in visiting played a role."

Brian nodded again and said no more.

"Don't tell your mother about this," Mr. Foley warned. "The original matter is over. There is no need to trouble her anymore."

"I know." Brian agreed, "But how did you settle it in the first place?"

"Are you looking down on me?" Mr. Foley raised his chin arrogantly, "Of course I can handle this kind of thing..."

He coughed lightly, and then said: "The information your mother leaked actually didn't cause much damage. At most, it saved a few lives over there. Later, she gave up her thoughts over there, and I took the opportunity to quit the Death Eaters. The core is just to provide them with various resources.”

"Although I don't have access to many secrets anymore, I am still quite influential. I have made many friends and regained the attention and trust of the Dark Lord..."

"You no longer need to participate in dangerous actions. You only need to develop your career, expand your financial resources, and provide support for the Dark Lord... It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise." Mr. Foley said, "No one would refuse a money-giving boy who spares no effort to support, right? ?”

Brian nodded a little weirdly. It turned out that Mr. Foley positioned himself like this...

"Later, four of the five Death Eaters who attacked the Prewett brothers died. The only remaining attacker was Antonin Dolohov, and he has always been hostile to us." Mr. Foley said, "Now that he has escaped from Azkaban, kill him when you have the chance. It will be considered as revenge for your mother... Of course, there is no need to force it. Safety is the priority. Those people will be gone at any time anyway."

Brian nodded and listened quietly.

"Later, you were born, and our relationship with the Dark Lord was also very close at that time." Mr. Foley said slowly, "How should I say? It's in the honeymoon period. In order to express my intentions and win over allies, I found Bellart. Ricks.”

"But who would have thought that the Dark Lord would lose his trace at the height of his power, fall into the hands of a baby, and his power would directly collapse." Mr. Foley sighed, "At that time, the most loyal group of Death Eaters were looking for him everywhere, and Bellatrix also found me and asked me to go with them to find the Dark Lord..."

"She was so crazy at that time. Of course I didn't agree, so the relationship with the Lestrange family also became tense." Mr. Foley shook his head, "After that, they were captured in Azkaban. I managed to escape."

"Then, the world will be peaceful." Mr. Foley said with a smile.

"It's just that chaos is going to happen again." Brian sighed.

"I think... if you didn't stir up trouble, the world might be able to live in peace for a few more years." Mr. Foley said with a strange expression.

"Who knows." Brian grinned.

After a dreamless night, Brian was woken up by the pleasant ringing of the alarm clock early the next morning. It was just dawning and the sunlight was a little weak. After Brian finished his breakfast, he apparated and arrived at King's Cross Station.

On platform nine and three-quarters, the Hogwarts Express stopped and puffed out black steam. The platform was crowded with students and their families who were saying goodbye.

Brian said goodbye to the Foleys, stepped on the train, and found an empty compartment.

He looked towards the platform through the car window and waved his hands to Mr. and Mrs. Foley who were still standing there. He also saw Harry and his party on the platform, the trio and the Weasley family, as well as Mad-Eye Moody and a witch with pink and purple hair. The black dog as big as a bear beside Harry was wagging happily. With tail.

Brian looked away, resting his chin in one hand in a daze. The door to the box was open, and students were coming and going in the corridor. Cedric helped his girlfriend Qiu Zhang pass by with her luggage, and smiled at Brian and said hello.

"Hey, Brian, it feels like it's been a while." Daphne and Astoria entered the box, followed by Blaise and Theodore. "We met on the platform. Fortunately, there are still free seats here."

"Have you had a good summer vacation?" Brian smiled.

"Great, since that concert, I haven't stepped out of the house." Daphne pursed her lips slightly.

Several people were chatting together. Theodore still had a quiet temperament, and Blaise was normal, but he also seemed much quieter, no longer blathering, and his behavior was more in line with his cold appearance on the surface. .

There was a sound of voices outside, the box door was pushed open, and Draco's pale cheek appeared outside the door, followed by Crabbe and Goyle.

"There's no room for sitting here, Draco." Astoria said with a smile.

"Oh, it's okay. I'm going to the prefects' box. Crabbe and Goyle will follow me." Draco raised his pointed chin and said slowly, "Actually, I don't want to be a prefect. It's too troublesome. , but the dean insists on letting me be the one."

"That's good, Draco." Daphne congratulated sincerely in the face of Draco's apparent complaint but actually showing off.

Draco became more and more proud, and his tail almost hit the sky.

"Draco, we should go!" Pansy Parkinson's voice came from the corridor outside.

Draco's face fell, and he said: "Okay, I should go over, see you later."

"So why did he come here?" Daphne said.

"Show off." Astoria curled her lips.

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