Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 253 Opening Ceremony

By the time the three of them returned to their boxes, Daphne and the others had already changed their clothes. The lights were on in the carriage, and the sky outside was dim.

"You are finally back, what happened?" Daphne blinked her blue eyes.

"Nothing, just listening to a bad old man talking about the past..." Draco looked disgusted. He took out his school robe, put it on, and pinned the shiny prefect badge on his chest.

"Boring as hell." Blaise added with a yawn.

"Look at all the people he invited, Potter and Longbottom..." Draco said slowly, "When I saw the two of them, I knew it was over. This must be an unreliable person. reunion……"

Brian made no comment. He looked at his newly obtained 0.2 witness points with some surprise. Now he had exactly one witness point.

The train slowly slowed to a stop, and the students began to noisily gather their luggage and pets together and began to get off.

They walked out of the box, joined the crowd in the aisle, and moved slowly toward the door.

Brian walked out of the car door and walked towards the Yeqi carriage next to the platform. The night air felt a little cold on my face.

"First-year students, please line up here! All first-year students, follow me!" a strange female voice shouted. An older witch was holding a lantern precariously, and through the bright light her protruding chin and meticulously trimmed hair could be seen.

Not the big guy like Hagrid.

There were four or five Aurors guarding the area, and Brian immediately caught sight of Nymphadora Tonks' conspicuous pink-purple hair. They were guarding the surroundings with their wands, protecting the students from returning to school safely.

Brian and his group walked to the Yeqi carriage and got on one by one. Not far away from them, the Harry trio and Luna were standing together. Luna was holding an owl cage in her arms. Inside, the little owl belonging to Ron was squeaking excitedly. Her little black cat lay quietly on her messy hair, like a furry black hat.

Brian paused and got into the moldy carriage compartment.

"Did you see it? It's not Hagrid who picks up the new students!" Draco said calmly, "I think he must have been expelled. This is a good thing. Maybe the school finally understands that it cannot let trolls be professors. ”

No one objected, they had had enough of the unbearable Care of Magical Creatures lessons.

The carriages lined up in a queue, creaking and swaying forward at high speed, and finally stopped at the stone steps in front of the castle gate. The students entered the hall in a chaotic manner and sat at the long tables of their respective houses.

The auditorium was still the same, with a dark night sky without stars on the ceiling, and candles floating above the dining table, illuminating the surroundings. Several silver-white ghosts exude a faint silver light, like some kind of strange decorations.

The students were chatting happily, exchanging news about the holidays, greeting friends loudly, and some were showing off their new pets and strange amulets.

The surroundings were full of laughter and laughter, and it seemed that the severe situation currently facing the magical world had not affected this place.

Brian sat at the long table and looked at the figures on the staff bench. Dumbledore was wearing dark purple robes studded with silver stars and a matching hat. His right hand rested on the table, black and dry, lifeless.

Slughorn's bald forehead shone in the candlelight. Hagrid was not on the staff table, replaced by the older witch. Snape sat in his seat with a dark look on his face, a strange expression on his face.

Soon, Professor McGonagall led a group of first-year students into the auditorium, holding the tattered and dirty Sorting Hat in their hands.

After the Sorting Hat was placed on the stool, the slit next to the brim opened like a mouth and sang loudly.

The singing is not very good, but the tune is smooth, but the lyrics are very different from previous years. The Sorting Hat gave advice to the school and told everyone: Hogwarts is facing danger, and enemies outside the school are eyeing it. We must unite closely within, otherwise everything will collapse from within.

After the song ended, applause broke out in the auditorium, mixed with whispers from students.

Next came the usual sorting ceremony. As the long line of freshmen gradually shortened, the sorting ceremony came to an end.

When the sorting was over, Dumbledore stood up with a bright smile and said in a loud voice: "Welcome back! There is plenty of time for speeches, but not now. Eat to your heart's content!"

There was laughter and applause in the auditorium. Everyone was enjoying the sumptuous dinner, and many people were talking about Dumbledore's hands.

"Professor Dumbledore's hand is injured?" Daphne stabbed the steak on the plate with her fork, somewhat distractedly.

Regardless of whether students and parents like Dumbledore, everyone has to admit that Hogwarts with Dumbledore is the safest place today, and Dumbledore is also the backbone of many wizards.

"I think that's some kind of powerful dark magic..." Theodore Nott stared at Dumbledore's hand and narrowed his eyes.

"Should it be curable?" Astoria frowned slightly.

"It's hard to say, his hands were like this during the summer vacation." Brian said calmly, "Some injuries can never be cured, some ancient spells have no antidote, and some potions have no antidote..."

Astoria's face turned pale and she lowered her head.

"The Sorting Hat's lyrics are also wrong this year..." Draco said.

"It will always issue a warning when it senses that the school is facing great danger." Theodore said calmly, "I heard Bloody Barrow say that its advice is the same every time, unite as one and keep the internal Stablize……"

"United and peaceful coexistence? That is really a noble ideal." Draco said sarcastically.

When the dinner was over and the tableware on the table was clean again, Dumbledore stood up again.

"Okay, now that everyone has eaten and drank enough, I hope everyone will be quiet for a while and listen to me talk about the precautions as usual." Dumbledore raised his hand and said with a smile.

Noticing that many people were focusing on his right hand, Dumbledore smiled and shook his dark purple sleeve to cover the injured hand.

"First-year students should know that entering the forbidden forest in the hunting grounds is not allowed... I think several senior students should also know this."

"Mr. Filch, the administrator, has asked me for the 426th time to remind everyone that magic is not allowed in the corridors between classes, as well as many other rules, which are listed on the long notice posted on Mr. Filch's office door. On the list..."

"Students who want to join the college's Quidditch team should submit their names to the dean as usual..."

"This year, we have several changes to our teaching staff. First of all, we are pleased to welcome Professor Grubblan to replace Professor Hagrid in teaching your Care of Magical Creatures class."

There was a burst of warm applause in the auditorium. It was obvious that Professor Graplan was much more popular than Hagrid. Only the applause around the Gryffindor table was not too enthusiastic. Harry, Ron and Hermione exchanged nervous glances with each other, wondering where Hagrid had gone.

But Dumbledore did not continue to talk about Professor Grapeland. He continued: "At the same time, we are very happy to welcome a new teacher, Professor Slughorn."

Slughorn stood up with a heavy belly, casting a large shadow on the table.

"He is a former colleague of mine. He agreed to resume his old position as Potions Professor." Dumbledore said slowly.


Questions echoed in the auditorium, and everyone wondered if they heard it wrong.

Daphne opened her mouth slightly and said blankly: "What about Professor Snape? Is he unemployed?"

"Well... your brain circuit is quite interesting, Daphne." Draco glanced at Daphne sideways.

"In the meantime, Professor Snape," Dumbledore said, raising his voice over the discussion, "will be Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

There was an explosion in the auditorium. Harry's objection was especially obvious and everyone was talking about it. There was only a burst of cheerful applause and cheers from the Slytherin table.

Snape lazily raised one hand, with a hint of pride and joy in his expression.

Brian clapped his hands, but he was thinking about the curse of this position. He also didn't understand why Snape was so obsessed with the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, ignored the objections of the Gryffindors, and said loudly: "Finally, I need to emphasize that the current situation is very dangerous. The castle's magical defenses have been strengthened during the holidays, but Each of us still needs to be extremely cautious..."

"I ask you to strictly abide by every safety rule set by the teacher, especially the rule that you are not allowed to get up and go out after lights out. I implore you to report any abnormal or suspicious situation to the staff immediately, whether inside or outside the school. report."

The students' hearts became heavy. Everyone began to file out of the auditorium and walked toward the dormitory with heavy steps.

Thank you Yan Ruoxichen for the 500 starting coins~

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