Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 255 Defense Against the Dark Arts Class

Everyone was holding their own potion bottles, lining up for Slughorn to inspect.

Hermione grabbed her potion bottle, wiped the sweat from her nose with her sleeves, and looked at the cauldron in front of Brian suspiciously from time to time, looking nervous.

No wonder, in previous potions classes, Brian was always the first to finish brewing the potion and then start doing his own thing. But Brian finished this lesson very late, and the color of the potion was not quite right.

Brian frowned and thought about putting the potion into the bottle. Not even a potion master could succeed in improving the potion formula. His improvement this time was undoubtedly a failure. The steps were much more complicated, but the effect of the potion was reduced by about one-tenth.

Brian's thoughts were divergent, ignoring Hermione's probing eyes and Draco's dissatisfied looks, thinking about his loopholes.

There is no doubt that there is no shortcut on the road to becoming a potion master, unless he adds witness points.

Slughorn was checking everyone's potions one by one. The potion in Ron's bottle gave off a strong smell of rotten eggs, which made him choke. He looked at the potion in Neville's bottle that was as hard as cement, shook his head and dismissed him, and then gave Harry a kind and encouraging smile.

"Oh, perfect!" Slughorn exclaimed, holding Hermione's potion bottle. "The foundation is very solid. You have a knowledge level far beyond your grade level, Miss Granger. I saw it, and you are still The first one to cook it is amazing!"

Hermione's cheeks turned red and Pansy Parkinson let out a loud snort.

Next, Slughorn praised Theodore and Draco, who both successfully finished brewing the demulcent.

When he saw Brian's potion, Slughorn said "Huh" and kept stroking his walrus beard. Hermione waited nervously.

"Are you trying to improve the formula, Brian?" Slughorn said kindly, "It's amazing, your configuration method is perfect, I think you can almost catch up with me... Unfortunately, this is a failed improvement. "

"Yes, I think I should add more moonstone powder halfway through." Brian said thoughtfully.

"That's great!" Slughorn exclaimed exaggeratedly, "You know, even I can't improve a potion in one class... However, in this class, I'm sorry that you You can only miss the reward."

Brian shrugged and said, "I know."

After checking all the students' potions, Slughorn happily announced: "There is no doubt that Miss Hermione Granger is today's winner. Here, take it, I mean what I say, here you go A bottle of blessed elixir, make good use of it!”

Amid the envious or unhappy looks of a group of people, Hermione got the bottle of Felixir, stuffed it into her pocket, and strode out of the classroom with her head held high. Draco gritted his teeth on the side, his expression very similar to the time he was slapped by Hermione.

The students talked among themselves and walked to the auditorium. Daphne said with some frustration: "I'm sorry, I slowed down your progress, Brian."

"No, I wanted to improve the formula myself." Brian said with relief. But Daphne still felt a little uneasy.

"Perhaps we can look forward to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class this afternoon. Professor Snape has longed for this position for so long, and he will definitely not let us down." Brian changed the subject.

Daphne's eyes lit up, she nodded and said, "Yes, the dean will definitely give us a lot of useful knowledge, such as how to protect ourselves..."

They talked for a while while they had lunch. The ceiling was darker and gloomier than in the morning, and raindrops pattered against the high windows.

They arrived at the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, where Snape had imprinted his own personality. The curtains were drawn tightly, leaving only the dim light from candles. Paintings were pasted on the walls, showing people in pain, horrific wounds and grotesquely twisted body parts.

Even the most noisy students couldn't help but calm down and looked at the ghastly paintings on the wall with trepidation, feeling like they had entered a dark wizard's terrifying laboratory.

Snape stood in front of the podium, as before, his greasy black hair parted and hanging down from both sides, framing his sallow face, his black eyes scanning everyone indifferently and blankly, looking at Brian and De There was a pause on Laco's face respectively.

"Before we start class today, I think we need to remind you." Snape said sternly, "You will take a very important exam next June to test your current Defense Against the Dark Arts level. Although I know you have had several teachers over the years and have not learned anything useful, but I will not lower your exam requirements because of this."

"I hope you can all barely pass the O.W.L. exam, otherwise I will...be very angry." Snape's eyes fell on the faces of several trembling students, "Of course, after this year, many people will not be able to Don’t say goodbye to us.”

"Well, first let's review what we learned before..." Snape twitched his lips sarcastically, "In the first grade, you were listening to a guy with ill intentions read the textbook, and in the second grade, a liar performed a drama in front of you. …”

"Third year, a werewolf teaches you how to deal with monsters that most of us will never see once in our lives." The sarcasm on Snape's face became even more intense.

"But we have learned how to identify and kill werewolves, which is very useful at this stage!" A Ravenclaw student muttered in a low voice.

"But what I want to tell you is," Snape stared at him coldly, "that's of no use. When you encounter them in reality, you should run away immediately instead of looking at its ears, mouth and nose to tell whether it is Not werewolves... As for killing them, it's as if you have the ability."

The Ravenclaw boy turned red, and several Slytherin students laughed lowly.

"This is not a joke!" Snape glanced sternly at the snickering people, causing their smiles to freeze on their faces, "And last year, you learned about the Unforgivable Curse and some notorious curses. It is necessary to remain vigilant, but if you encounter it in reality, thinking about how to beg for forgiveness may be what most of you should do..."

Many people raised their faces in disobedience and stared at Snape angrily.

"Not convinced?" Snape twitched his lips, "Then, those who can use the Iron Armor Curse raise their hands."

Brian and a Ravenclaw boy raised their hands.

"Can you use stun spells and obstacle spells?"

Four or five people raised their hands.

"Can you use the disarming spell?"

The vast majority of people raised their hands.

"Look, there are probably many of you... who can't even use the most basic disarming spell skillfully." Snape said, "Now you may not even be able to defeat a strong Muggle, let alone know how to use black magic." The wizard of magic."

"Dark magic is diverse, diverse, ever-changing, and never-ending." Snape said, with a hint of admiration in his tone, "What you are facing is something extremely vicious and cunning, unpredictable and indestructible."

"Therefore, your defenses must be as flexible and innovative as the dark magic you have to deal with." Snape raised his voice slightly, "However, it is too early for you. It is a pity that you have wasted four years. I haven’t learned anything in these years..."

"Now you divide into groups of two and recite the disarming spell on each other," Snape said.

Brian was practicing with Daphne, while Snape was wandering among the students.

"You can't hit it from such a close range. I think you need to go to the hospital to have your eyes checked, Mr. Corner."

"Your disarming spell is as weak as a squib chanting a spell, which makes me wonder if Hogwarts has abused you, such as not feeding you for several years..."

"I'm asking you to cast spells, not dance, Mr. Goldstein, and you don't have to writhe around like a bug and wave your wand!"


Snape commented unceremoniously. Everyone was holding their breath, but the spell was released even more chaotically.

Under Snape's venomous tongue that made one Buddha appear and two Buddhas ascend to heaven, the students made rapid progress. After this class, almost everyone mastered this spell.

"Your homework after class is to write a twelve-inch paper on parchment, discussing the use of disarming spells and their application in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

The students who were psychologically shocked in this class rushed out of the classroom with their heads hanging down.

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