Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 265 Dreams inside and outside

"Is this...an all-out war?"

Daphne gasped quietly as she walked back.

"It shouldn't be..." Brian muttered to himself, "It's impossible."

"Why?" Daphne raised her eyebrows, "They are so powerful now..."

"Because Dumbledore is still alive." Brian said, "He is the person the Dark Lord fears most. Even more than ten years ago, when the Dark Lord's power was at its peak, he did not dare to face Dumbledore head-on. ."

"Although he has become much stronger after his resurrection, I don't think he will change his mentality so quickly and compete with Dumbledore head-on." Brian said calmly, "He is actually not very courageous, and he is not a person now. good time."

Daphne choked her words and looked at Brian teasing the Dark Lord like he was talking about today's weather. She didn't know what to say.

"But we are indeed in crisis now. The Muggle Prime Minister's side, and the Hogwarts side... I don't know which side is their cover-up." Daphne used her brain to analyze, "You said, the Muggle side Could his attack be a trap to lure Dumbledore away? The Dark Lord might be outside Hogwarts..."

Thinking of this, Daphne took a deep breath and quickly calmed down her uneasiness.

"I didn't expect you to think of this?" Brian raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not an idiot!" Daphne said angrily.

"Actually, this is of little use." Brian smiled and shook his head. "No matter which side the Dark Lord is on, Dumbledore can come back quickly... Don't forget, he has a phoenix."

"Yeah, but what if people can't tell where he is?" Daphne said with a serious face.

"That's hard to say. I wonder if Dumbledore will really be held back." Brian nodded, "But even if he is really outside the school...at most a few professors will suffer."

Daphne nervously tugged at the hem of her clothes and bit her lip.

"But again, I don't think the Dark Lord will suddenly change his cautious attitude towards Dumbledore, unless he has great foreign aid..." Brian shrugged, "But there is no doubt that Yes, I’m afraid there won’t be a powerful foreign aid in the world today, unless Gellert Grindelwald escapes from Nurmengard.”

"But obviously, this is unlikely." Brian said calmly.

"Then what do you think he is going to do?" Daphne said unconvinced.

"What if these two things are all deceptions?" Brian said softly.

"He doesn't need to use two deceptions to attract Dumbledore's attention." Daphne said.

"But Dumbledore is not the only person he needs to be wary of, there is also another person." Brian smiled.

"Who is it?" Daphne looked at Brian.

Brian shook his head and smiled.

As they spoke, they had approached Slughorn's office. Filch was guarding the door menacingly, and Mrs. Norris' bright eyes were scanning around.

There are also two lion statues as tall as one person standing next to them, which look very majestic. The stupid-looking wild boar sculpture also lay on its side, blocking most of the corridor.

Brian recited a confusion spell for them, then pulled Daphne and opened the door and walked into the office. Filch and his cat were still looking around with wide eyes, but ignored the two of them.

There was an uneasy buzz in the office as participants packed the small office, looking confused and anxious, talking hurriedly to one another.

The warm lights in the office dimmed, leaving only a faint firelight, which seemed to dance nervously with people's moods. The crowd seemed to disappear in the darkness, casting strange shadows on the walls. Some people were walking through the chaotic crowd, calling for their companions. The scene was a bit chaotic. Even Brian and Daphne came in from the door and few people noticed. .

Slughorn has not returned yet. He may be thinking of driving all the students back to their respective lounges, but the people outside the school who were invited by him are panicking because they are not allowed to leave this office.

Brian and Daphne walked to a corner. Daphne was standing on tiptoes looking for Astoria in the crowd. Brian glanced around and saw the three Harrys who had returned before them. They were hiding in a Behind the curtain, they were talking in low voices.

"Do you think the mysterious man is going to attack tonight?" Ron said anxiously.

"How could it be? Dumbledore will be back soon!" Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron and said as if to cheer herself up, "The person he fears most is Dumbledore!"

"But, after all, he is not here now." All kinds of terrible thoughts kept popping up in Harry's mind. What if the professors couldn't hold on? What if professors get hurt or die? What if Voldemort breaks in?

Harry felt like his insides were in turmoil. He closed his eyes distractedly and tried to drive out these terrible thoughts.

"Calm down, it's not that bad." He told himself, putting his right hand on his forehead.

But the picture in my mind became clearer.

He saw the ordinary black door of the Department of Mysteries again. He walked resolutely down the dim and cool corridor, and the torches on the walls on both sides swayed lazily as if they were going out.

His heart was filled with urgency and longing, as well as a certain emotion of joy. He looked at his left hand. The long and thin hand, like a big pale spider, was holding something like a torn sack. The black hair was shaking. It turned out that it was a person, and his hands and feet were swaying feebly with his footsteps. With.

He glanced at the big snake following him again. The snake's body was swimming slowly on the ground. Snake Xinzi hesitated and hissed lowly: "There is an invisible person ahead."

He sneered, looked at the air in front of the black door, and quickly waved the wand in his hand. The black door shook violently, and a figure emerged from the air, falling to the ground in a panic, with a silver cloak sliding to the side.

The man struggled to get up, holding the wand tightly in his hand, staring at him fiercely. Harry had never seen such a look in this man's eyes, like a wolf who was cornered, pale. There was determination and unyielding look on his face.

Harry found himself waving his wand again and it flew out of the man's hand. The big snake stood up, opened its sharp fangs, and attacked as fast as lightning, inserting its fangs deeply into the man's skin. Like a punctured blood bag, blood flowed all over the floor...

The man screamed in pain, then collapsed in the corner, making no sound.

"Take him." Harry found that his voice was sharp and high, but his heart was urgent and excited. The big snake pulled out its fangs from the man's body and swam around his body with its tail, like a tattered rag doll.

The black door opened in front of him. Inside was the circular room that Harry was familiar with. Twelve black doors rotated in front of him. When the walls became still, he pushed open one of the doors without hesitation, walked through the rectangular room with bright light, and entered the cathedral-like room full of shelves and spheres.

Harry's heart became more urgent and impatient, his heart beating very fast. He walked to the ninety-seventh row of shelves, turned left, and hurried forward along the aisle between the two rows of shelves...

The big snake followed slowly, wrapping around the figure. The blood spread on the ground, dyeing a section of the snake's body red.

Harry threw the torn sack-like person in his hand to the ground. The figure shrank and let out a short groan, like a wounded animal...

Harry's heart tightened, because of fear, because of excitement...

"Get it for me...quickly! I can't touch it, you can touch it..." A cold, high-pitched voice came out of his mouth, without any human kindness.

The figure moved but made no move.

"Cut out the heart and gouge out the bones!" shouted a high-pitched voice.

The figure screamed in agony, writhing helplessly on the floor. Soon, the spell stopped, and the figure groaned and stopped moving.

"Hurry, Lord Voldemort is waiting..."

"Unless you kill me." The figure trembled and propped up his head, revealing a blood-stained, haggard and painful face, but his eyes were filled with unyielding determination.

Harry recognized it, it was Sirius.

Someone screamed, someone pulled his body randomly, Harry's body hit the cold floor, the scars seemed to be marked by a red iron, and there were several anxious and worried faces in front of him. .

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