Hogwarts’s Affectionate and Righteous Slytherin

Chapter 168: The Nightmare Before Christmas

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, Hogwarts Sentient and Righteous Slytherin

Lestrange Manor.

After the wedding, the arrival of the two most powerful black wizards and white wizards made the wedding even more grand and lively.

Even after they had left, the atmosphere remained high.

According to the plan, all the guests who arrive today will spend the night at Lestrange Manor - of course, those reporter friends do not count.

The Blacks had planned to do the same, but soon something happened that forced them to change their plans——

When Bellatrix and Signus returned to their manor in a huff, Rodolphus didn't respond, as if it wasn't his wedding night.

He just raised his glass indifferently, returned to the bedroom that should have been two people indifferently, looked indifferently at the rose in the corner of the manor, but was thinking about the daisy-like girl hidden in Hogsmeade.

Regulus's mood is very complicated when the Black family urgently triggers the door key to return to the manor.

He looked at his mother's surprisingly angry expression and was taken aback.

He suddenly found that it was already dark outside, and he had just spent a relaxing and pleasant afternoon. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

I even saw Lord Dark Lord...

But what he's going to face next, he feels like his stomach has been filled with lead, and it keeps sinking...



"It's almost there, I'm a little familiar here." Sirius encouraged, "One more mile east."

Reggie sighed helplessly and said, "I really doubt whether you are related. Haven't you been to your uncle's house?"

"Good question." Sirius said, "It's not easy for me to figure out the address of her house from my vague memory. Most of the time, they come to my house. We use Floo powder or follower to show up. , I have to say that this is much more comfortable than the appearance of the entourage."

He looked at Regis' time-turner with some excitement.

This is simply too much.

After passing three more houses, they finally found their target - the big Black sign on the door.

"Are you sure no one's coming back tonight?" Regis and Sirius crouched in the trees, making sure no one in the room could see them both when they jumped out on a whim.

"Of course, they are busy celebrating Bella's wedding night." Sirius replied with a sneer, "You should really come and see today, even the You-Know-Who is here! Of course, Dumbledore is here too, I'm very excited. Surprised they didn't fight."

"Oh? Did something happen?"

"Oh, it's just those clichés, Dumbledore is too soft! You must not believe that he even tried to use love to influence that crazy woman like Bella." Speaking of which, Sirius thought of the day in the The scene at the wedding couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Hehe, Dumbledore has always believed that love is the most powerful magic in the world." Regis was noncommittal.

"Yeah, sometimes I have to admit what my crazy old mother said - Dumbledore was a little old and confused...he left without doing anything, oh! And magic The hypocrites, you know, it's almost a party of Death Eaters, and there's a whole bunch of people in charge of the accident they can't find."

The Death Eaters have become more and more arrogant in the past two years, creating one "accident" after another, and the Ministry of Magic, which has lost the Dementors, is no longer a deterrent to them.

Even, the Aurors are gradually slack in the capture operation. Since Azkaban can no longer punish the criminals, what is the point of them catching those dark wizards?

Moreover, many people in the Ministry of Magic have already begun to choose to turn a blind eye to all the bizarre disappearances and deaths that are happening outside, under the influence of large sums of money or threats.

Sirius was even more angry because of this. Maybe Regis didn't feel too much, but Gryffindor has many students from the Muggle world. Not long after the school started this year, many people have been notified of "accidents" in their families. ".

The classmates broke down and cried, and the pale faces appeared in Sirius' mind from time to time, which made him even more hated and disgusted for his identity as a Black.

"Do you know which room Andromeda is in?" Regis observed the pitch-dark manor for a while, maybe some magic was cast, and the whole manor didn't look bright from the outside.

Sirius nodded, raised his foot and wanted to go inside.

Reggie reached out to stop him, and Sirius looked at him in confusion.

He finally confirmed: "Let's make sure, are you really going to rush into her room to help her escape? Maybe things haven't gotten that bad yet."

Sirius befriended Reggie for a while, and Reggie felt an idiot-like look in his eyes.

"I thought what I said was clear enough, Reggie, it doesn't matter, if you want to quit now..." Sirius pursed his lips, "I can understand, I'll be fine next time. "

Reggie sighed, "Well, if you're sure."

Sirius patted Regis on the shoulder gratefully.

"Don't worry, I have already figured out all the questions you asked... At least, Regulus told me that Andromeda's wand was hidden in Bella's mad woman's room. Etc. I will go in, you are responsible for taking Cousin Andromeda away, and just leave the rest to me."

The ban on the manor was not triggered because Sirius was a Blake.

After entering the manor, it was discovered that it was very luxurious and bright inside. It was indeed disturbed by the curse, and it was not as dark as they saw outside.

In this luxurious and ancient manor, Andromeda at this moment is like a princess to be rescued, while Regis and Sirius are teenagers who broke into the thorns with swords.

At this moment, Andromeda didn't know that the two teenagers were on the way to rescue her. She was sitting in front of the vanity mirror, looking at her pale and haggard self in the mirror, thinking about what Bellatrix said to her during the day... ..


"Did Regulus tell you?" Bellatrix stood behind Andromeda with her arms crossed.

Andromeda sat in front of the vanity mirror, combing her hair mechanically. If you look closely, you can see that her hands are shaking slightly.

Her face was pale, and there were blue shadows under her eyes, as if she could cry at any time.

At this moment, she doesn't look like a Blake. If her former classmates at school saw her, she would be shocked, because she was completely different from the radiant Andromeda in Hogwarts.

Andromeda looked at Bellatrix behind her from the mirror. Her voice was a little hoarse, but she spoke in a very firm tone, like an oath and a prayer, "I won't agree."

Regulus secretly told her that the wedding date originally scheduled for a week later was brought forward to tomorrow under the leadership of her father, Signus.

For Merlin's sake, her bride is still in the dark!

Maybe they didn't care about her happiness at all, and Selwyn actually agreed to this request. They didn't care who the bride was and when she got married.

They just need a black.

Like, father and mother don't care who she marries, as long as it's a pure blood! As long as it's not Muggle!

Andromeda finally gave up on Blake completely, but her heart felt a kind of relief...

Hearing her disapproval, Bellatrix snorted sarcastically as if she had heard something funny: "I'm not here to ask for your opinion, I'm just here to inform you on behalf of my parents. The Erwin family hasn't heard of your scandals, and if you still think of yourself as a Black, you'd better not lose the face of our Black family."

"I don't agree, I won't marry him." Andromeda repeated in a hoarse voice, her tone became light, her eyes were indifferent, she didn't break down and cry, she didn't hysterical,

Bellatrix seemed to have worn out her patience. She no longer tried to persuade her, but suddenly narrowed the distance between the two, her face almost sticking to the younger sister's face, with a vicious look on her face. He smiled and said, "You'd better be honest and stop thinking about that mudblood. Even if you're a piece of trash, you should contribute to the family before being thrown away."

Andromeda didn't answer, she just stared at Bellatrix so coldly.

Stimulated by her eyes, Bellatrix threw her robe angrily, turned around and said, "Don't stare at me! Leave the family if you can, but what can you do when you leave? Think about it, don't hold back any longer. I've lost my good sister, and I'll ask you again tomorrow."

Andromeda buried her head in her arms and cried when she heard Bellatrix re-locking the door behind her, and the footsteps had gone away.

After crying, there was endless fear and despair.

Her wand was taken away, letters were intercepted, it was Bellatrix's wedding today, and even though the castle was empty, she still couldn't leave.

Andromeda just stared blankly at the mirror...

In the silence, she was dazed and heard other voices, like someone was calling her name.

She stood up suspiciously, but was a little weak because she hadn't eaten for a long time. After holding the table until she felt dizzy for an hour, she followed the sound and looked behind her. Sirius was lying by the window and smiling comfortingly at her.

"My—" she whispered, covering her mouth again.

He got up in a hurry and pulled him in, closed the window and pulled the curtains firmly, "Sirius, are you for real? How did you come here?"

"We are here to help you, you calm down first and listen to me." Sirius comfortably helped her to sit on the bed, dragged her over the stool and sat in front of her, "Where's your wand?"

"It was taken by Bella. It should be in her bedroom." Andromeda looked around the room. "You? Who else? Ted?"

Regis lifted the invisibility cloak and appeared in the room, "Hello."

"You are Regis Lester-Duke? I heard Sirius say about you." Andromeda looked at them in surprise: "Why did you come here?"

"It doesn't matter." Sirius snapped her fingers to draw her attention back, "Today is Bella and Lestrange's wedding, all of them have passed, and they shouldn't be back tonight— —But to be cautious, we'd better hurry. Regis will take you out first, and I'll go to Bella's room and steal your wand back......"

"No, they know they'll be mad!"

"Listen—" Sirius interrupted Andromeda hurriedly, "Rigi will take you out of here, and Ted is already waiting for you at our pre-appointed place, Andromeda! I just want you to be happy! This is This is your last chance, understand?"

Andromeda's eyes were red, and she nodded her understanding.

"Very well, you see what else you have to take with you now - by the way, do you have any money on you?" Sirius asked.

It was only now that Reggie said the second sentence after coming in, "Are you ready to leave Black completely? Andromeda?"

"Yes." Andromeda said solemnly.

"No matter what happens after you leave, you won't regret it, won't you resent us for taking you away?"

"What are you talking about? Who doesn't want to get out of here." Sirius rubbed him with his elbow in reproach.

Andromeda stared at Regis and Sirius seriously and said, "Although I didn't think you would come, I've thought about it carefully today. I won't have any illusions about them anymore, I'm leaving! No matter what! No matter what happens, I will not regret this decision, and I will only blame myself."

Reggie smiled at her: "What are your plans?"

Andromeda felt relieved at this moment, her original hazy vision was clearly in front of her eyes at the moment: "I still got a few certificates, I plan to meet Ted first, and then find a job."

"If you don't have Ted, are you willing to stay here, marry Selwyn, and live your life according to the life trajectory arranged for you by the family?" Regis continued to ask her, looking somewhat reluctant.

"Then you may not be unhappy, just like your parents, or Sirius' parents. Although I hate them, I have to admit that they seem to get along pretty well. Do you want to take a look again, Weigh the pros and cons again.”

Hearing his question, Andromeda understood seven or eight points in her heart. She proudly raised her head and said without hesitation for a second, "No need, everything is according to your plan."

Sirius patted the back of Andromeda's hand comfortingly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "I'm glad to be able to help you, and I'm also glad that you can get out of the sea of ​​misery, Andromeda."

"To tell you the truth, I've been thinking about this day since I was with Ted." Andromeda wearily ruffled the hair she just brushed, "It's just that I never dared to think about it seriously, but Now, like you said, this is my only chance, and I don't want to be like my mother."

That being the case, there is nothing to say.

They confirmed the process of escaping later. In fact, it was very simple. Sirius waited for the opportunity to go to Bellatrix to get Andromeda's wand back. Reggie secretly wore an invisibility cloak and took Andromeda outside the manor. Take her away - because there is an anti-apparition spell in the manor. "

They all felt that the plan was almost foolproof, even if Sirius failed to find Andromeda's wand in the end, as long as she could escape, she could buy a new one.


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